mvc_pattern 8.8.1 mvc_pattern: ^8.8.1 copied to clipboard
To develop apps using a framework following the MVC design pattern separating the app's 'interface' from its 'business logic' and from its 'data source' if any.
8.8.1 #
March 01, 2022
- Pass in the StatefulElement buildWidget(this.context);
8.8.0+03 #
February 28, 2022
- Installed universal_platform: ^1.0.0
- Updated Dart version: sdk: '>=2.16.1 <3.0.0'
- inactiveLifecycleState(), pausedLifecycleState(), detachedLifecycleState(), resumedLifecycleState()
- Supply a FutureBuilder to a State object. mixin FutureBuilderStateMixin on State
- A StateMVC object but inserts a InheritedWidget into the Widget tree. abstract class InheritedStateMVC
- try { init = await con.initAsync(); in initAsync()
- While loop so additional controllers can be added in a previous initState()
- Link a widget to InheritedWidget bool widgetInherited(BuildContext? context)
- Rebuild the InheritedWidget of the 'closes' InheritedStateMVC object if any. void buildInherited()
- AppControllerMVC Deprecated. All ControllerMVC objects now have this capability.
8.7.0 #
February 02, 2022
- Allow the Inherited State object to be recreated on hot reload.
8.6.1+02 #
January 30, 2022
- Collect all the Controllers to the 'root' State object;
- Collect all the StateMVC objects to the 'root' State object;
8.6.0+03 #
January 22, 2022
- testsStateListener02(tester); testsStateListener02(tester); resetPage1Count(tester);
- AppStateMVC.deactivate(); to AppStateMVC.dispose();
- Further API documentation
- sdk: ">=2.15.1 <3.0.0"
- Finalized public API documentation with - public_member_api_docs
8.5.2+01 #
January 17, 2022
- Rewrote 'pop state' _popState()
- Removed _popState() from deactivate()
- _AppStateMVC class merged into AppStateMVC class
8.5.1+01 #
January 17, 2022
- integration_test: in mvc_pattern
- Introduced test_listener.dart
- isInstanceOf is isA
- import 'package:integration_test/integration_test.dart';
8.5.1 #
January 16, 2022
- Resolved 'no_logic_in_create_state' issue in 'Root StatefulWidget'
8.5.0+02 #
January 15, 2022
- Include pubspec.yaml in example app
- flutter_test in dev_dependencies and dependencies
8.5.0 #
January 15, 2022
- bool _pushState(StateMVC? state) assign only if not already pushed
- addList(List
- mixin _ControllerListing._controllers renamed _controllersMap
- get firstCon renamed rootCon for consistency with rootState
- Removed parameter controller from class AppStatefulWidgetMVC
- Removed get context from class AppStatefulWidgetMVC
- Removed static getState() from class AppStatefulWidgetMVC
- Removed initApp() from class AppStatefulWidgetMVC
- Clean up memory in AppStateMVC.deactivate()
- Reduced to one state reference: AppStateMVC? _rootStateMVC;
- Replaced package:pedantic in analysis_options.yaml
- Incorporated example app to widget_test.dart
8.4.0 #
January 12, 2022
- Privatize properties in the example app
- AppStatefulWidgetMVC({Key? key, this.con}) to this.controller
- ControllerMVC? controllerById(String? keyId) =>
- this.controllers to List
8.3.0 #
January 09, 2022
- New example app
- Map<Type, Object> _controllers = {} to Set
- futureBuilt to _futureBuilt
- final controllers = AppStatefulWidgetMVC._controllers.toList();
- mixin _RootStateMixin
- StateMVC? stateOf
- Working on test
8.2.2.+03 #
December 31, 2021
- Update .github/workflows/
8.2.2 #
December 25, 2021
- Future
8.2.1 #
December 10, 2021
- context?.findAncestorStateOfType
8.2.0 #
November 24, 2021
- Replaced setStatesInherited with inheritedNeedsBuild();
8.1.2 #
November 22, 2021
- In void deactivate() { for (final con in _beforeList) {
8.1.1 #
November 10, 2021
- // Don't if the widget is not in the widget tree.
- if (mounted) {
8.1.0 #
November 04, 2021
- StateMVC? get state => _stateMVC; replaces getter, stateMVC
- pedantic 1.11.1 (discontinued replaced by lints)
8.0.0 #
October 30, 2021
- Remove deprecated function, removeState()
- Removed from mixin StateListener: initAsync() & onAsyncError()
- Renamed ViewMVC to AppStateMVC
- Renamed AppConMVC to AppControllerMVC
- AppControllerMVC is now a mixin
- Renamed AppMVC to AppStatefulWidgetMVC
- Nullify ControllerMVC? get controller => _controller ??= firstCon;
- Nullify ControllerMVC? get firstCon => _asList.first;
- Rewritten class _InheritedMVC extends StatefulWidget {
7.4.0 #
July 08, 2021
- StateMVC.of
7.3.3 #
June 24, 2021
- if (_statePushed) { // Retain the 'right' State object.
7.3.2 #
June 24, 2021
- _stateMVCSet.retainWhere((state) => state.mounted);
7.3.1 #
June 24, 2021
- setState() only if (mounted) {
7.3.0+2 #
June 11, 2021
- Introduced ofState() in mixin StateSets
7.2.0 #
May 01, 2021
- _inTester = WidgetsBinding.instance is TestWidgetsFlutterBinding;
7.1.4 #
April 19, 2021
- Don't continue app if !con.initAsync();
7.1.3 #
March 30, 2021
- Corrected _removeStateMVC(StateMVC? state)
- Enhanced BuildContext? get context
- Removed deprecated function, popState().
7.1.2 #
March 27, 2021
- class _InheritedMVC with Object? object;
- catchError() has WidgetsBinding.instance is WidgetsFlutterBinding
- Unit Tests for class ViewMVC & class _InheritedMVC
- Separate tests files.
7.1.1 #
March 26, 2021
- Further Unit Tests
- Corrected beforeList() & afterList() with for (final listener in set) {
7.1.0 #
March 21, 2021
- BREAKING CHANGE addState() returns State object's unique identifier; not the controller's
- Corrected AppMVC._addStateMVC(this as StateMVC);
- Removed deprecated function, popState()
- Improved test widget
- Introduced CI/CD with Github Actions
- Introduced Test coverage with Codecov
7.0.1 #
March 21, 2021
- for (final listener in set) {
7.0.0 Null safety #
March 04, 2021
- Migrated to Dart SDK 2.12.0
6.6.4+2 #
January 25, 2021
- AppMVC._removeStateMVC(this);
- BuildContext get context
6.6.3+2 #
January 08, 2021
- Updated to include mvc_application.
6.6.3 #
January 08, 2021
- _rebuildAllowed = true; in dispose();
6.6.2 #
November 21, 2020
- Critical fix _rebuildAllowed = true; in initAsync()
6.6.1 #
November 21, 2020
- Commented out , if (mounted), in refresh()
6.6.0 #
November 09, 2020
- New method onAsyncError(FlutterErrorDetails details)
6.5.0 #
October 10, 2020
- Removed deprecated function, buildView();
6.4.0 #
September 07, 2020
- Introduced class, ModelMVC
- Introduced class, StateSetter
- Introduced mixin, StateSets
- Removed key from class, ViewMVC
6.3.0 #
August 14, 2020
- Remove import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart' to support Flutter Web
6.2.0+1 #
August 14, 2020
- ControllerMVC controller in class, ViewMVC
6.2.0 #
August 13, 2020
- Strict Flutter Lint Rules following Dart Style Guide.
- Introduced analysis_options.yaml
6.1.3+2 #
July 10, 2020
- Corrected the
6.1.0 #
July 09, 2020
- @deprecated Widget buildView(BuildContext context);
- README Note, there is now the 'MVC framework' which wraps around this
- Remove 'author' section from pubspec.yaml
6.0.0 #
May 18, 2020
- Fixed controllerByType(); AppMVC.controllers to AppMVC._controllers
5.1.1 #
May 02, 2020
- @mustCallSuper to didChangeMetrics() didChangeTextScaleFactor() didChangeLocale()
- didHaveMemoryPressure() didChangeAccessibilityFeatures() didChangeDependencies() reassemble()
5.1.0 #
April 26, 2020
- AppConMVC(state) provide the state parameter.
- AppState should not rebuild.
5.0.0 #
April 19, 2020
- Future
- Removed Future
- Replaced Future
4.0.0 #
April 07, 2020
- Introduced integrated error handling.
- ViewMVC remove errorScreen,
- AppConMVC stateMVC?.onError(details)
- AppMVC void onError(details)
3.8.0 #
February 26, 2020
- Returned the getter, context, to the Controller.
3.7.2 #
January 22, 2019
- Correction Don't call Controller's dispose in StateMVC if it's in other State objects.
3.7.1 #
January 16, 2020
- errorScreen == null
3.7.0 #
January 16, 2020
- Custom 'Error Screen' instead of 'Red Screen of Death'
3.6.1 #
December 30, 2019
- Don't dispose Controller if it's in other State objects.
3.6.0 #
December 06, 2019
- void catchError(Exception ex)
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType
- assert(this.mounted, "StateMVC is not instantiated properly.");
- SDK constraints sdk: ">=2.3.0 <3.0.0"
3.5.0 #
Sept. 20, 2019
- New functions, rebuild() notifyListeners() calls refresh()
- T controllerByType
- abstract class ViewMVC
- class _InheritedMVC
- class SetState extends StatelessWidget {
3.4.3 #
Sept. 02, 2019
- _AppState super.initState();
- SDK constraints sdk: ">=2.2.2 <3.0.0"
3.4.2 #
August 23, 2019
- states property in AppMVC set to private, _states.
3.4.1 #
July 02, 2019
- Flutter upgrade
- _rebuildAllowed = true; after super.deactivate(); super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); super.reassemble();
3.4.0 #
July 02, 2019
- of() function introduced.
- expect() functions in mvc_pattern_test.dart
3.3.8 #
June 28, 2019
- Bug fix _rebuildAllowed = true; in StateMVC.deactivate()
3.3.7 #
May 11, 2019
- StateMVC.dispose() will only run once. Removed if(_disposed) return;
3.3.6 #
Apr. 21, 2019
- Ensure StateMVC.dispose() is runs only once. if(_disposed) return;
3.3.5 #
Apr. 12, 2019
- Return _rebuildAllowed = true; in didUpdateWidget() & reassemble()
3.3.4 #
Apr. 03, 2019
- Correction Controllers and Listeners dispose calls in the StateMVC were not an issue after all.
3.3.3 #
Apr. 02, 2019
- Call _disposeState() on all controllers when StateMVC is disposed.
3.3.2 #
Apr. 02, 2019
- Proven prudent to not dispose any Controllers or Listeners in the StateMVC.
3.3.1 #
Apr. 02, 2019
- ControllerMVC getter 'states' returns a 'copy' of the Set of State objects.
- Only dispose a Controller if no longer relied on by a view.
3.3.0 #
Mar. 16, 2019.
- Removed abstract from class ControllerMVC
- Add didPopRoute() didPushRoute() to StateListener
3.2.4 #
Mar. 02, 2019.
- No 'setState()' function is necessary; in some events.
3.2.3 #
Feb. 20, 2019.
- await (con as AppConMVC)?.init();
3.2.2 #
Feb. 17, 2019.
- _oldOnError = _recOnError()
3.2.1 #
Feb. 06, 2019.
- Update the upper bound of the SDK constraint to <3.0.0
3.2.0 #
Jan. 30, 2019.
- Deprecated Error Handler from Controller. Removed refresh(); from initState() & deactiveate
3.1.0 #
Jan. 26, 2019.
- StateViewMVC implements StateListener & get controller
3.0.0 #
Jan. 25, 2019.
- Changed class StateListener to a mixin
- addState() in Controller and Listener adding any number of Views
- abstract class StateViewMVC
- class ViewMVC extends _StateObserver with _ControllerListing
- void didChangeDependencies() will not refresh() on first build
- Removed from Controllers the getters: widget, context, mounted
- stateView getter is deprecated. Replaced by stateMVC. Removed stateMVC setter.
- Removed controller setter in class ViewMVC
- if (con is AppConMVC) //bool addBeforeListener(StateListener listener)
2.0.2 #
Jan. 19, 2019.
- void addState(StateMVC state) {
2.0.1 #
Jan. 16, 2019.
- AppMVC({this.con, Key key}) : super(key: key);
2.0.0 #
Jan. 16, 2019.
- ControllerMVC(State state)
- class _StateView with StateListener
- _StateView() : _oldOnError = _recOnError() {
- abstract class StateMVC
- remove setter, controller
- _StateListener.disposeStateEventList() use clear();
- Removed StatefulWidgetMVC
- Removed StatedWidget
- abstract class AppMVC extends StatefulWidget {
- Removed StatelessWidgetMVC
1.3.6 #
Jan. 12, 2019.
- StateListener to replace StateEvents. addState() disposedState()
1.3.5 #
Jan. 11, 2019.
- remove StateListener
1.3.4 #
Jan. 11, 2019.
- StateListener as a mixin for StateEvents
1.3.3 #
Jan. 01, 2019.
- Removed @protected from Private _ControllerListing._con(String keyId)
1.3.2 #
Dec. 28, 2018.
- if(mounted) in refresh()
1.3.1 #
Dec. 10, 2018.
- sdk: ">=2.0.0 <5.0.0"
1.3.0 #
Dec. 03, 2018.
- Updated
1.3.0 #
Nov. 18, 2018.
- add some further examples under test folder
1.2.4 #
Nov. 17, 2018.
- fix on StateEvents assign on keyId
1.2.3 #
Nov. 13, 2018.
- test for TestWidgetsFlutterBinding
1.2.2 #
Nov. 02, 2018.
- fix on StatedWidget
1.2.1 #
Nov. 02, 2018.
- fix on StateViewMVC
1.2.0 #
Oct. 29, 2018.
- enhance AppMVC
1.1.1 #
Oct. 27, 2018.
- StatefulWidgetMVC deemed deprecated
1.1.0 #
Oct. 25, 2018.
- keyId in StateEvents
1.0.0 #
Oct. 24, 2018.
- Official Production Release
0.0.14 #
Oct. 24, 2018.
- fix on StateViewMVC & AppMVC & @protected
0.0.13 #
Oct. 23, 2018.
- fix on _ControllerListing
0.0.12 #
Oct. 23, 2018.
- class ViewMVC with _ControllerListing
0.0.11 #
Oct. 23, 2018.
- class StateMVC with _ControllerListing, _StateEventList
0.0.10 #
Oct. 22, 2018.
- include travis.yml
0.0.9 #
Oct. 21, 2018.
- fix on ViewMVC & StateViewMVC
0.0.8 #
Oct. 20, 2018.
- Updated the
0.0.7 #
Oct. 19, 2018.
- Provide example/main.dart
0.0.6 #
Oct. 18, 2018.
- fix on StateMVC.con()
0.0.5 #
Oct. 18, 2018.
- fix on StatedWidget
0.0.4 #
Oct. 18, 2018.
- fix on StateMVC.add()
0.0.3 #
Oct. 18, 2018.
- fix on AppMVC and StateEvents
0.0.1 #
Oct. 13, 2018.
- Initial Release