mustachex 1.0.0 copy "mustachex: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
mustachex: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

Mustache Extended. A fork from mustache and mustache_template that will be maintained and that has improvements over it.... or just "Mustache with steroids"

MUSTACHE EXtended for Dart #

The features of the unmaintained mustache and mustache_template with the addition of:

  • recasing variables
  • missing variables fulfillment function
  • hasVarName check

Take in consideration that those package's code has been ported to this repo for maintainability reasons.

All with nested transitive variables handling

Usage #

A simple usage example:

import 'package:mustachex/mustachex.dart';

main() async {
  var template = "{{#hasFoo}} this won't be rendered {{/hasFoo}}"
  '{{greeting_pascalCase}} {{world_pc}}!'
  '{{#hasBar}} This neither {{/hasBar}}';
  var vars = {'greeting': 'HELLO', 'foo': false};
  String fulfillmentFunction(MissingVariableException variable) {
    if (variable.varName == 'world') {
      return 'WORLD';
    } else {
      return 'UNIVERSE';

  var processor = MustachexProcessor(
      initialVariables: vars, missingVarFulfiller: fulfillmentFunction);
  var rendered = await processor.process(template);
  assert(rendered == 'Hello World!');

Features summary #

Variables recasing #

You can recase your variables by simply adding and _xxxCase termination:

example alternative result
{{ var_snakeCase }} {{ var_sc }} snake_case
{{ var_dotCase }}
{{ var_pathCase }} path/case
{{ var_paramCase }} param-case
{{ var_pascalCase }} {{ var_pc }} PascalCase
{{ var_headerCase }} Header-Case
{{ var_titleCase }} Title Case
{{ var_camelCase }} {{ var_cc }} camelCase
{{ var_sentenceCase }} Sentence case
{{ var_constantCase }} CONSTANT_CASE

Missing variables fullfillment #

the fulfillment function should be of this kind:

String foo(MissingVariableException variable) => 'new_var_value_for_${variable.varName}';

and supposing the source of the missing exception was the following:

var src = '{{#parent1}}{{#parent2}}'

variable will have all this values:

variable.recasing; // 'paramCase'
variable.request; // 'var_paramCase'
variable.varName; // 'var'
variable.parentCollections; // ['parent1', 'parent2']
variable.humanReadableVariable; // "['parent1'],['parent2'],['var']"
variable.parentCollectionsWithVarName; // ['parent1', 'parent2', 'var']
variable.parentCollectionsWithRequest; // ['parent1', 'parent2', 'var_paramCase']

hasFoo guard #

The mustache's sections that begins with has will automatically include a variable with the same name that will contain true or false depending on the context in which it was computed.

Supposing a mustache code of:

{{#hasFoo}}hasFoo was true{{/hasFoo}}
{{^hasFoo}}hasFoo was false{{/hasFoo}}

And the following JSON:

var json = {'foo': valueOfFoo}
valueOfFoo hasFoo value rendered mustache
null false hasFoo was false
[] false hasFoo was false
{} false hasFoo was false
'' false hasFoo was false
'a' true hasFoo was true
{'a':1} true hasFoo was true
['a'] true hasFoo was true
false true hasFoo was false
true true hasFoo was true


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Mustache Extended. A fork from mustache and mustache_template that will be maintained and that has improvements over it.... or just "Mustache with steroids"

Repository (GitLab)
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API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


collection, mustache_recase, path, quiver, recase


Packages that depend on mustachex