mustache_template 2.0.0 copy "mustache_template: ^2.0.0" to clipboard
mustache_template: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard

A mustache template library that supports dart2js and dart2native

Mustache templates #

A Dart library to parse and render mustache templates.

See the mustache manual for detailed usage information.

This library passes all mustache specification tests.

Example usage #

import 'package:mustache/mustache.dart';

main() {
	var source = '''
	  {{# names }}
            <div>{{ lastname }}, {{ firstname }}</div>
	  {{/ names }}
	  {{^ names }}
	    <div>No names.</div>
	  {{/ names }}
	  {{! I am a comment. }}

	var template = new Template(source, name: 'template-filename.html');

	var output = template.renderString({'names': [
		{'firstname': 'Greg', 'lastname': 'Lowe'},
		{'firstname': 'Bob', 'lastname': 'Johnson'}

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A template is parsed when it is created, after parsing it can be rendered any number of times with different values. A TemplateException is thrown if there is a problem parsing or rendering the template.

The Template contstructor allows passing a name, this name will be used in error messages. When working with a number of templates, it is important to pass a name so that the error messages specify which template caused the error.

By default all output from {{variable}} tags is html escaped, this behaviour can be changed by passing htmlEscapeValues : false to the Template constructor. You can also use a {{{triple mustache}}} tag, or a unescaped variable tag {{&unescaped}}, the output from these tags is not escaped.

Differences between strict mode and lenient mode. #

Strict mode (default) #

  • Tag names may only contain the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, underscore, period and minus. Other characters in tags will cause a TemplateException to be thrown during parsing.

  • During rendering, if no map key or object member which matches the tag name is found, then a TemplateException will be thrown.

Lenient mode #

  • Tag names may use any characters.
  • During rendering, if no map key or object member which matches the tag name is found, then silently ignore and output nothing.

Nested paths #

  var t = new Template('{{ }}');
  var output = template.renderString({'author': {'name': 'Greg Lowe'}});
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Partials - example usage #

var partial = new Template('{{ foo }}', name: 'partial');

var resolver = (String name) {
   if (name == 'partial-name') { // Name of partial tag.
     return partial;

var t = new Template('{{> partial-name }}', partialResolver: resolver);

var output = t.renderString({'foo': 'bar'}); // bar

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Lambdas - example usage #

var t = new Template('{{# foo }}');
var lambda = (_) => 'bar';
t.renderString({'foo': lambda}); // bar
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var t = new Template('{{# foo }}hidden{{/ foo }}');
var lambda = (_) => 'shown'};
t.renderString({'foo': lambda); // shown
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var t = new Template('{{# foo }}oi{{/ foo }}');
var lambda = (LambdaContext ctx) => '<b>${ctx.renderString().toUpperCase()}</b>';
t.renderString({'foo': lambda}); // <b>OI</b>
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var t = new Template('{{# foo }}{{bar}}{{/ foo }}');
var lambda = (LambdaContext ctx) => '<b>${ctx.renderString().toUpperCase()}</b>';
t.renderString({'foo': lambda, 'bar': 'pub'}); // <b>PUB</b>
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var t = new Template('{{# foo }}{{bar}}{{/ foo }}');
var lambda = (LambdaContext ctx) => '<b>${ctx.renderString().toUpperCase()}</b>';
t.renderString({'foo': lambda, 'bar': 'pub'}); // <b>PUB</b>
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In the following example LambdaContext.renderSource(source) re-parses the source string in the current context, this is the default behaviour in many mustache implementations. Since re-parsing the content is slow, and often not required, this library makes this step optional.

var t = new Template('{{# foo }}{{bar}}{{/ foo }}');
var lambda = (LambdaContext ctx) => ctx.renderSource(ctx.source + ' {{cmd}}')};
t.renderString({'foo': lambda, 'bar': 'pub', 'cmd': 'build'}); // pub build
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A mustache template library that supports dart2js and dart2native

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


BSD-2-Clause (license)


Packages that depend on mustache_template