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A flexible multi-select package for Flutter. Make multi-select widgets the way you want.

Multi Select Flutter #

Pub Version

Multi Select Flutter is a package for easily creating multi-select widgets in a variety of ways.

drawing           drawing

Features #

  • Can use MultiSelectFormField for use with validators and other FormField methods.
  • Neutral default design that can be altered to your heart's content.
  • Easily switch the MultiSelectField's dialogType from LIST to CHIP.
  • Make your multi select searchable for large lists.
  • Separate widget for MultiSelectChipDisplay that has the ability to delete from the selected items list when a chip item is tapped.
  • Separate widgets for MultiSelectListDialog / MultiSelectChipDialog that you can simply use in the builder of showDialog(), and can be triggered with your own button.

Install #

Add this to your pubspec.yaml file:

  multi_select_flutter: ^1.0.6

Usage #

MultiSelectListDialog / MultiSelectChipDialog

These widgets can be used in the builder of showDialog().

  void _showMultiSelectDialog(BuildContext context) async {
    _selectedAnimals = await showDialog(
      context: context,
      builder: (ctx) {
        return MultiSelectListDialog(
          items: => 
          initialSelectedItems: _selectedAnimals,


This widget can be used by itself, alongside one of the dialogs, or it can be specified as a parameter of MultiSelectField / MultiSelectFormField.

To use this widget effectively, make sure to set the state when the list of selected items is changed.

You can also remove items from the source list in the onTap function.

List<String> _selectedAnimals = [];

  items: => MultiSelectItem(e, e)).toList(),
  onTap: (value) {
    setState(() {

Note that when using the chipDisplay parameter as part of a MultiSelectField or MultiSelectFormField, the MultiSelectChipDisplay still renders outside the BoxDecoration of the field as seen here:


If you want to encapsulate the MultiSelectChipDisplay, wrap the MultiSelectField in a Container and apply the decoration to that instead:

	decoration: BoxDecoration(...),
	child: MultiSelectField(
	  items: _items,
	  chipDisplay: MultiSelectChipDisplay(...),


MultiSelectField provides a button which opens the dialog. To save the values from the dialog using this widget, an onConfirm(values) function is provided.

  items: => MultiSelectItem(e,,
  title: "Animals",
  buttonText: "Favorite Animals"
  dialogType: MultiSelectDialogType.CHIP,
  searchable: true,
  textStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 20),
  decoration: BoxDecoration(
    color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor.withOpacity(.4),
    border: Border.all(color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor),
  onConfirm: (results) {
    setState(() {
      _selectedAnimals = results;
  chipDisplay: MultiSelectChipDisplay(
    items: => MultiSelectItem(e, e)).toList(),


MultiSelectFormField is the FormField version of MultiSelectField. You can put it into a form and make use of FormField parameters such as validator and onSaved.

It comes with a default bottom-border that can be overriden with the decoration parameter.

  child: MultiSelectFormField(
    items: => MultiSelectItem(e,,
    key: _formFieldKey,
    validator: (value) {
      if (value == null || value.isEmpty) {
        return "Required";
      return "";
    onConfirm: (values) {
      setState(() {
        _selectedAnimals = values;
    chipDisplay: MultiSelectChipDisplay(
      items: => MultiSelectItem(e, e)).toList(),

Constructors #

MultiSelectListDialog / MultiSelectChipDialog

Parameter Type Usage
confirmText String Specifies the confirm button text.
cancelText String Specifies the cancel button text.
initialSelectedItems List<dynamic> List of selected values. Required to retain values when re-opening the dialog.
items List<MultiSelectItem> The source list of options to select
onSelectionChanged Function(List<dynamic>) Fires when an item is selected or unselected.
onConfirm Function(List<dynamic>) Fires when the confirm button is pressed.
searchable bool Toggle search functionality within the dialog.
title String The title that is displayed at the top of the dialog.


Parameter Type Usage
alignment Alignment Change the alignment of the chips. Default is Alignment.centerLeft
chipColor Color Set the chip color. Default is primary theme color.
decoration BoxDecoration Style the Container that makes up the chip display.
items List<MultiSelectItem> The source list of selected items
onTap Function(List<dynamic>) Fires when a chip is tapped.
textStyle TextStyle Style the text on the chips.


Parameter Type Usage
buttonText String Set text that is displayed on the button. Default is "Select"
buttonIcon Icon Specify the button icon. Default is arrow_downward
confirmText String Specify the text on the confirm button.
cancelText String Specify the text on the cancel button.
dialogType MultiSelectDialogType Style the Container that makes up the chip display.
decoration BoxDecoration Style the Container that makes up the field.
initialValue List<dynamic> Set the initial values before any user interaction has occurred. Useful when MultiSelectField is being re-inserted into the widget tree (such as one inside of a BottomSheet).
items List<MultiSelectItem> The source list of selected items
onSelectionChanged Function(List<dynamic>) Fires when an item is selected or unselected.
onConfirm Function(List<dynamic>) Fires when confirm is pressed.
searchable bool Toggle search functionality within the dialog.
title String The title that is displayed at the top of the dialog. Default is "Select".


MultiSelectFormField has all the parameters of MultiSelectField plus these extra parameters which come from the FormField class.

Parameter Type Usage
autovalidate List<MultiSelectItem> If true, form fields will validate and update their error text immediately after every change. Default is false.
key GlobalKey<FormFieldState> Can be used to call methods like _multiSelectKey.currentState.validate()
onSaved List<MultiSelectItem> A callback that is called whenever we submit the field (usually by calling the save method on a form
validator FormFieldValidator<List> Validation. See Flutter's documentation

Contributing #

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

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A flexible multi-select package for Flutter. Make multi-select widgets the way you want.

Repository (GitHub)
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BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE)




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