ms_map_utils 0.3.0 ms_map_utils: ^0.3.0 copied to clipboard
A dart package that implement a lot of util functions for a Map
Overview #
A simple lib to incremease Map with usefull functions
Whats MS_Map_Utils do #
Add usefull functions to map:
trim all Strings in a map it's recursivecompact
remove all MapEntries thats values isnull
it's recursive tooreduce
iterate all items inMap
for reduce to a unique value returned from callbackReduceFunction
remove all entries that contains a key in list.removeKeysExcept
remove all entries that NOT contains a key in list.
Usage #
Just import lib and use extensions, call the functions to starts work:
import 'package:ms_map_utils/ms_map_utils.dart';
Map itsAMap = {'key1':null,'key2':' just a String withs extras spaces en start and end '};
itsAMap.compact(); // Output: {'key2':' just a String withs extras spaces en start and end '}
itsAMap.trim(); // Output: {'key2':'just a String withs extras spaces en start and end'}
Map mapNumbers = {'key1':50,'key2':7,'key3':71,'key4':45,'key5':5};
// In reduceFunction you must check if `accumulated` is null and set a initial value for it
mapNumbers.reduce<int>((int accumulated, _, value) => (accumulated ?? 0) + (value as int)); // Output 178
mapNumbers.removeKeys(['key1','key5']); //{'key2':7,'key3':71,'key4':45}
mapNumbers.removeKeysExcept(['key3']); //{'key3':71}