moyoung_ble_plugin 0.0.6
moyoung_ble_plugin: ^0.0.6 copied to clipboard
A Flutter plugin for communicating with the watch. Includes the following features: Scan BLE device,Connect…… more than 50 functional modules.
MoYoung Ble Plugin #
1 Introduction #
Welcome to use this plugin. This is a Flutter plugin for communicating with the watch.
1.1Platform Support #
Android | iOS |
✔️ | ✔️ |
1.2 Usage #
To use this plugin, add moyoung_ble_plugin
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml
moyoung_ble_plugin: ^latestVersion
1.3 Project configuration #
- Android
1.Perform the following configuration when generating apk for code obfuscation. Please add the following configuration to your
-keep class com.crrepa.ble.** { *; }
-keep class com.moyoung.moyoung_ble_plugin.** { *; }
2.In your App Module, modify the following configuration.
android {
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 18
1.You need to add it to the info.plist
<string>Use the location to sync weather from your phone to your watch.</string>
<string>Use the Bluetooth to connect to your Nokia Watch</string>
<string>Use the calendar to sync events from your phone to your watch.</string>
<string>Use the camera to scan the QR code on your watch screen.</string>
<string>The selected contacts will be added to your Watch contacts.</string>
<string>Use the Photo to change your watch face.</string>
2.Use terminal, in your path for project,use pod install
to import the library.
1.4 Example #
First setp
Import package.
import 'package:moyoung_ble_plugin/moyoung_ble.dart';
Second step
Apply for some permissions: [location, storage].
Tip1: You need to apply for these permissions yourself
Tip2: Of course you can use the example in the
Example project
to apply for permissions. But, please note the configuration of permissions in this file:AndroidManifest.xml
Third step
Use in pages.
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> { final _streamSubscriptions = <StreamSubscription<dynamic>>[]; final MoYoungBle _blePlugin = MoYoungBle(); final List<BleScanBean> _deviceList = []; @override void initState() { super.initState(); subscriptStream(); } void subscriptStream() { _streamSubscriptions.add( _blePlugin.bleScanEveStm.listen( (BleScanBean event) async { setState(() { if (event.isCompleted) { //Scan completed, do something } else { _deviceList.add(event); } }); }, ), ); } @override void dispose() { super.dispose(); for (final subscription in _streamSubscriptions) { subscription.cancel(); } } // Scanning bluetooth devices void startScan() { if (!mounted) return; _blePlugin.startScan(10*1000).then((value) => { setState(() { // Do something. print(value ? "Scanning" : "Have not started"); }) }).onError((error, stackTrace) => { //Usually some permissions are not requested print(error.toString()) }); } }