moyoung_ble_plugin 1.2.22
moyoung_ble_plugin: ^1.2.22 copied to clipboard
A Flutter plugin for communicating with the watch. Includes the following features: Scan BLE device, Connect and so on, more than 50 functional modules.
MoYoung Ble Plugin #
1 Introduction #
Welcome to use this plugin. This is a Flutter plugin for communicating with the watch.
1.1Platform Support #
Android | iOS |
✔️ | ✔️ |
1.2 Usage #
To use this plugin, add moyoung_ble_plugin
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml
moyoung_ble_plugin: ^latestVersion
1.3 Project configuration #
- Android
1.Perform the following configuration when generating apk for code obfuscation. Please add the following configuration to your
-keep class com.crrepa.ble.** { *; }
-keep class com.moyoung.moyoung_ble_plugin.** { *; }
2.In your App Module, modify the following configuration.
android {
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 18
1.You need to add it to the info.plist
<string>Use the location to sync weather from your phone to your watch.</string>
<string>Use the Bluetooth to connect to your Nokia Watch</string>
<string>Use the calendar to sync events from your phone to your watch.</string>
<string>Use the camera to scan the QR code on your watch screen.</string>
<string>The selected contacts will be added to your Watch contacts.</string>
<string>Use the Photo to change your watch face.</string>
2.Use terminal, in your path for project,use pod install
to import the library.
3.You need to check your podfile.lock, and if the library version in the file is different from pubspec.yaml, you need to synchronize the library version in podfile.lock to pubspec.yaml, and then pod install.
For example: In podfile. Lock
- flutter_contacts (0.0.1) :
In pubspec yaml Flutter_contacts: ^ 1.1.4 You must change flutter_contacts (0.0.1) in podfile.lock to Flutter_contacts (1.1.4)
1.4 Example #
First setp
Import package.
import 'package:moyoung_ble_plugin/moyoung_ble.dart';
Second step
Apply for some permissions: [location, storage].
Tip1: You need to apply for these permissions yourself
Tip2: Of course you can use the example in the Example project to apply for permissions. But, please note the configuration of permissions in this file:
Third step
Use in pages.
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> { final _streamSubscriptions = <StreamSubscription<dynamic>>[]; final MoYoungBle _blePlugin = MoYoungBle(); final List<BleScanBean> _deviceList = []; @override void initState() { super.initState(); subscriptStream(); } void subscriptStream() { _streamSubscriptions.add( _blePlugin.bleScanEveStm.listen( (BleScanBean event) async { setState(() { if (event.isCompleted) { //Scan completed, do something } else { _deviceList.add(event); } }); }, ), ); } @override void dispose() { super.dispose(); for (final subscription in _streamSubscriptions) { subscription.cancel(); } } // Scanning bluetooth devices void startScan() { if (!mounted) return; _blePlugin.startScan(10*1000).then((value) => { setState(() { // Do something. print(value ? "Scanning" : "Have not started"); }) }).onError((error, stackTrace) => { //Usually some permissions are not requested print(error.toString()) }); } }
1.5 Detailed usage document #
1.6 Full sample project #
The Example project contains details about how the code is used.