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Enhance your application with Mouse Follower, enabling easy customization of cursor effects. Designing your own effects has never been easier.

Mouse Follower #

Mouse Follower is a powerful package that empowers you to create custom mouse followers for your applications, breaking through design limitations. With additional features such as the flexibility to design any shape you want, uncomplicated properties, and ease of use, it offers unparalleled flexibility and creativity in enhancing user interactions.

Easy and Fast adding on feature for your Flutter Apps

Dummy example

Real world example

Advanced Animated Examples

Why mouse_follower? #

  • 🚀 Easy to implement
  • 🔌 Speed and Sensitivity Settings
  • 💾 Opacity Control
  • ⚡ Support for any child widgets
  • ↩ī¸ Position Control
  • ❤ī¸ Customize the cursor shape itself
  • đŸ’ģ Documentation and Tutorials.
  • 🛡ī¸ Null safety support.
  • 🖨ī¸ Customizable designs.

Getting Started #

🔩 Installation #

Add to your pubspec.yaml:

  mouse_follower: ^1.2.2

import the library path:

import 'package:mouse_follower/mouse_follower.dart';

⚙ī¸ Configuration app #

Add MouseFollower widget like in the example.

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: MouseFollower(
          showDefaultMouseStyle: true,

📜 MouseFollower() widget properties #

Properties Required Default Description
key false Widget key.
isVisible false `kIsWeb
child true Put your child widget here (recommanded to put the whole app).
mouseStylesStack false [MouseStyle()] Stack of MouseStyle with multiple options
onHoverMouseStylesStack false [MouseStyle()] Stack of MouseStyle that appears when hovering over the MouseOnHoverEvent widget
showDefaultMouseStyle false true When true the default cursor will appear if mouseStylesStack and onHoverMouseStylesStack are empty.
defaultMouseCursor false MouseCursor.defer To change the default Mouse system icon
onHoverMouseCursor false MouseCursor.defer To change the default Mouse system icon for MouseOnHoverEvent Widget

Usage #

đŸ”Ĩ Add your mouse custom style #

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return MaterialApp(
      home: MouseFollower(
            mouseStylesStack: [
                  size: const Size(7, 7), latency: const Duration(milliseconds: 25),
                  decoration: BoxDecoration(color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor, shape:,
                  size: const Size(26, 26), latency: const Duration(milliseconds: 75),
                  visibleOnHover: false,
                  decoration: BoxDecoration(
                      color: Colors.transparent,
                      border: Border.all(color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor)),

đŸ”Ĩ Add your mouse on hover custom style #

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return MaterialApp(
      home: MouseFollower(
            mouseStylesList: ....
            onHoverMouseStylesStack: [
                MouseStyle(size: const Size(50,50),
                    latency: const Duration(milliseconds: 25),
                    decoration: BoxDecoration(shape:,
                    color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor.withAlpha(150)),

/// to activate onHover style you have to wrap the needed widget by `MouseOnHoverEvent`.
  MouseOnHoverEvent(child: Text("Hover Me!"))

📜 MouseStyle() widget properties #

Properties Default Description
key Widget key.
child You can add your custom child for Mouse Style.
size Size(15,15) Resize the mouse style as you want.
decoration Customize your own decoration.
latency Duration(milliseconds: 25) Add latency duration for the mouse follower style
alignment By default the mouse style is in center position for the cursor
opacity 1.0 You can adjust the opacity of the style from 0.0 not visible to 1.0 visible
opaque false
animationDuration Duration(milliseconds: 300) Animation duration when changing the style from widget to another
animationCurve Curves.easeOutExpo You can change the animation style
visibleOnHover false If you want to enable the same style in onHoverMouseEvent enable this

📜 MouseOnHoverEvent() widget properties #

Properties Type Description
key Widget key.
child Widget A required child to be wrapped.
decoration BoxDecoration? Override the default or the inialized decoration.
size Size? Override the default or the inialized mouse size.
mouseChild Widget? Override the default or the inialized mouse child.
onHoverMouseCursor MouseCursor? Override the default or the inialized mouse cursor.
customOnHoverMouseStylesStack List<MouseStyle>? Override the default or the inialized mouse styles stack.
animationCurve Curve? Override the default or the the inialized animation curve.
animationDuration Duration? Override the default or the inialized animation duration.
opacity double? Override the default or the inialized opacity.
alignment Alignment? Override the default or the inialized alignment.
latency Duration? Override the default or the inialized latency.

📜 Custom child

    decoration: const BoxDecoration(shape: BoxShape.rectangle, color: Colors.transparent),
    size: const Size(100,50),
    opacity: 0.5,
    latency: const Duration(milliseconds: 75),
    child: const Text("Hover Me!")

📜 magnifier

    customOnHoverMouseStylesStack: [
        size: Size(50, 50),
        latency: Duration(milliseconds: 0),
        child: RawMagnifier(
            size: Size(80, 80),
            magnificationScale: 1.5,
            decoration: MagnifierDecoration(shape: CircleBorder()),
    child: Text("Can you read this text!"),

📜 custom icon

    onHoverMouseCursor: SystemMouseCursors.none,
    customOnHoverMouseStylesStack: [
        latency: const Duration(milliseconds: 0),
    child: const Text("You can replace the cursor itself with almost any widget"),

Donations #

We need your support. Projects like this can not be successful without support from the community. If you find this project useful, and would like to support further development and ongoing maintenance, please consider donating.

Sponsors #

Want to become a sponsor? [Become a Sponsor]







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Enhance your application with Mouse Follower, enabling easy customization of cursor effects. Designing your own effects has never been easier.

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