more_widgets 3.0.2 copy "more_widgets: ^3.0.2" to clipboard
more_widgets: ^3.0.2 copied to clipboard


This package will offer you new useful widgets to use in your apps.

more_widgets #

Add more widgets to use in your apps...

List of widgets : #

GradientBackground : #

Shows a gradient background container. Here is the parameters list:

final Widget child;
final List<Color> colors;       // Default : const [Color(0xffff9800), Color(0xfff44336)]
final List<Color> darkColors;   // Default : const [Color(0xff13191f), Color(0xff262f3c)]
final List<double> stops;       // Default : const [0.2, 0.8]
final AlignmentGeometry begin;  // Default : FractionalOffset.topLeft
final AlignmentGeometry end;    // Default : FractionalOffset.bottomRight
final bool useDarkMode;         // Default : true

RoundedContainer : #

Shows a rounded container. The default color is white. Here is the parameters list:

final Widget? child;
final Color color;            // Default : Colors.white
final double circularRadius;  // Default : 20
final double margin;          // Default : 20
final double padding;         // Default : 20

List of dialogs : #

Those dialogs adapt automatically to the OS and display accordingly.

Dialogs.infoDialog #

This shows an informative dialog with only one button. Here is the parameters list:

required BuildContext context
required String title
required String message
String buttonText       // Default : "Ok"
Color buttonTextColor   // Default : Colors.lightBlue
VoidCallback? onPressed
Color titleTextColor    // Default : const Color(0xFF424242) (Not for iOS)
Color messageTextColor  // Default : const Color(0xFF424242) (Not for iOS)

Dialogs.dialogWithOptions #

Here is the dialog with options, it's useful if you want to pop up a dialog where you can choose between two options. One of them can be set as destructive action. Here is the parameters list:

required BuildContext context
required String title
required String message
String textLeftButton                 // Default : OK
Color? titleTextColor
Color? messageTextColor
String textRightButton                // Default : Cancel
Function? onPressedLeftButton
Function? onPressedRightButton
bool isRightButtonADestructiveAction  // Default : true
double buttonFontSize                 // Default : 20
double titleFontSize                  // Default : 25

Dialogs.textInputDialog #

This method will display a dialog with two buttons that have actions. Here is the parameters list:

required BuildContext context
required String title
required String message
TextEditingController? editingController
String dismissButtonText                  // Default : 'OK'
Color? titleTextColor
Color? messageTextColor
VoidCallback? onPressed
VoidCallback? onEditingComplete
Function? onChanged
double dismissButtonFontSize              // Default : 20
double titleFontSize                      // Default : 25
String? placeHolder

Dialogs.loadingDialog #

This method will display a dialog with a loading indicator inside. Here is the parameters list:

required BuildContext context
String title
Color? titleTextColor
Color? androidLoadingColor
pub points


unverified uploader

This package will offer you new useful widgets to use in your apps.



unknown (LICENSE)




Packages that depend on more_widgets