moor_flutter 3.0.0 copy "moor_flutter: ^3.0.0" to clipboard
moor_flutter: ^3.0.0 copied to clipboard

discontinuedreplaced by: drift_sqflite

Flutter implementation of moor, a safe and reactive persistence library for Dart applications

3.0.0 #

Support moor version 3.0. To learn what's new, head over to its changelog.

2.1.1 #

  • Fix runCustom not using the provided variables (#406)

2.1.0 #

  • Expose the underlying database from sqflite in FlutterQueryExecutor. This exists only to make migrations to moor easier.

2.0.0 #

See the changelog of moor for details, or check out an overview of new features here

1.7.0 #

  • Support custom columns via type converters. See the docs for details on how to use this feature.
  • Transactions now roll back when not completed successfully, they also rethrow the exception to make debugging easier.
  • New backends api, making it easier to write database drivers that work with moor. Apart from moor_flutter, new experimental backends can be checked out from git:
    1. encrypted_moor: An encrypted moor database:
    2. moor_mysql: Work in progress mysql backend for moor.
  • The compiled sql feature is no longer experimental and will stay stable until a major version bump
  • New, experimental support for .moor files! Instead of declaring your tables in Dart, you can choose to declare them with sql by writing the CREATE TABLE statement in a .moor file. You can then use these tables in the database and with daos by using the include parameter on @UseMoor and @UseDao. Again, please notice that this is an experimental api and there might be some hiccups. Please report any issues you run into.

1.6.0 #

  • Experimental web support! See the documentation for details.
  • Make transactions easier to use: Thanks to some Dart async magic, you no longer need to run queries on the transaction explicitly. This
    Future deleteCategory(Category category) {
      return transaction((t) async {
        await t.delete(categories).delete(category);
    is now the same as this (notice how we don't have to use the t. in front of the delete)
      Future deleteCategory(Category category) {
        return transaction((t) async {
          await delete(categories).delete(category);
    This makes it much easier to compose operations by extracting them into methods, as you don't have to worry about not using the t parameter.
  • Moor now provides syntax sugar for list parameters in compiled custom queries (SELECT * FROM entries WHERE id IN ?)
  • Support COLLATE expressions.
  • Date time columns are now comparable
  • The StringType now supports arbitrary data from sqlite (#70). Thanks, knaeckeKami!
  • Bugfixes related to stream queries and LIMIT clauses.

1.5.0 #

This version introduces some new concepts and features, which are explained in more detail below. Here is a quick overview of the new features:

  • More consistent and reliable callbacks for migrations. You can now use MigrationStrategy.beforeOpen to run queries after migrations, but before fully opening the database. This is useful to initialize data.
  • Greatly expanded documentation, introduced additional checks to provide more helpful error messages
  • New getSingle and watchSingle methods on queries: Queries that you know will only return one row can now be instructed to return the value directly instead of wrapping it in a list.
  • New "update companion" classes to clearly separate between absent values and explicitly setting values back to null - explained below.
  • Experimental support for compiled sql queries: Moor can now generate typesafe APIs for written sql. Read on to get started.

Update companions #

Newly introduced "Update companions" allow you to insert or update data more precisely than before. Previously, there was no clear separation between "null" and absent values. For instance, let's say we had a table "users" that stores an id, a name, and an age. Now, let's say we wanted to set the age of a user to null without changing its name. Would we use User(age: null)? Here, the name column would implicitly be set to null, so we can't cleanly separate that. However, with UsersCompanion(age: Value(null)), we know the difference between Value(null) and the default Value.absent().

Don't worry, all your existing code will continue to work, this change is fully backwards compatible. You might get analyzer warnings about missing required fields. The migration to update companions will fix that. Replacing normal classes with their update companions is simple and the only thing needed to fix that. The documentation has been updated to reflect this. If you have additional questions, feel free to create an issue.

Compiled sql queries #

Experimental support for compile time custom statements. Sounds super boring, but it actually gives you a fluent way to write queries in pure sql. The moor generator will figure out what your queries return and automatically generate the boring mapping part. Head on to the documentation to find out how to use this new feature.

Please note that this feature is in an experimental state: Expect minor, but breaking changes in the API and in the generated code. Also, if you run into any issues with this feature, reporting them would be super appreciated.

1.4.0 #

  • Added the RealColumn, which stores floating point values
  • Better configuration for the serializer with the JsonKey annotation and the ability to use a custom ValueSerializers

1.3.0 #

  • Moor now supports table joins
    • Added table aliases
  • Default values for columns: Just use the withDefault method when declaring a column
    • added expressions that resolve to the current date or time
  • Fixed a crash that would occur if the first operation was a transaction
  • Better support for custom expressions as part of a regular query
  • Faster hashcode implementation in generated data classes

1.2.0 #

Changes from the moor and moor_generator libraries:

  • Breaking: Generated DAO classes are now called _$YourNameHere, it used to be just _YourNameHere (without the dollar sign)
  • Blob data type
  • insertOrReplace method for insert statements
  • DAOs can now operate on transactions
  • Custom constraints
  • Query streams are now cached so that equal queries yield identical streams. This can improve performance.
  • Generated classes now use lazy getters instead of recalculating fields on each access
  • Data classes can be converted from and to json

1.1.0 #

  • Transactions

1.0.0 #

  • Initial release



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Flutter implementation of moor, a safe and reactive persistence library for Dart applications

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flutter, meta, moor, path, sqflite


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