moon_design 1.1.0
moon_design: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard
Moon Design System for Flutter. A set of coherent, themable, and extensible widgets following the Moon Design System.
Moon Design System #

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Disclaimer #
The current major release, v1.0.0, will be maintained as-is and will not receive further updates, except for patches. The v1 theming is based on the soon-to-be deprecated Moon Design Figma v1 and lacks flexibility. For greater control over theming with v1 of moon_flutter, it is recommended to create custom wrapper widgets around the moon_flutter widgets that align with your project's specific theming requirements.
There is ongoing background work for v2 which aims to be more modular, scalable and themable.
Resources #
Applying theming and overrides #
- Declare tokens variable and optionally override values:
final lightTokens = MoonTokens.light.copyWith(
colors: MoonColors.light.copyWith(
textPrimary: Colors.amber,
typography: MoonTypography.typography.copyWith(
heading: MoonTypography.typography.heading.apply(
// Using variable font and bumping down the font weight compared to the
// baseline 600 for heading.
fontFamily: "DMSans",
fontWeightDelta: -1,
fontVariations: [const FontVariation('wght', 500)],
final lightTheme = ThemeData.light().copyWith(
extensions: <ThemeExtension<dynamic>>[MoonTheme(tokens: lightTokens)],
- Or if needed override widget theming:
final lightTheme = ThemeData.light().copyWith(
extensions: <ThemeExtension<dynamic>>[
MoonTheme(tokens: lightTokens).copyWith(
accordionTheme: MoonAccordionTheme(tokens: lightTokens).copyWith(
colors: MoonAccordionTheme(tokens: lightTokens).colors.copyWith(
- Apply the declared theme:
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Moon Design System example',
theme: lightTheme,
home: const HomePage(),