month_picker_dialog 5.2.0 copy "month_picker_dialog: ^5.2.0" to clipboard
month_picker_dialog: ^5.2.0 copied to clipboard

Internationalized dialog for picking a single month from an infinite list of years.

5.2.0 - 2024-12-14 #

  • Bumped intl to 0.20.0. Fixes #107.
  • Bumped flutter_lints to 5.0.0.
  • Fixed flutter 3.27.0 deprecations.

5.1.3 - 2024-09-07 #

  • Fixed #106.
  • Updated android sample.

5.1.2 - 2024-08-20 #

5.1.1 - 2024-08-19 #

5.1.0 - 2024-08-17 #

  • removed initialDate parameter from showMonthRangePicker.
  • added initialRangeDate parameter to showMonthRangePicker. Fixes #103
  • added endRangeDate parameter to showMonthRangePicker. Fixes #103
  • made firstDayOfMonth and lastDayOfMonth extensions nullable.

5.0.0 - 2024-08-02 #

  • [Breaking] Reworked dialog configuration to use the new class MonthPickerDialogSettings. Please follow the sample app to learn how to configure your widget using the new way (or feel free to open an issue on github).
  • Added new ways to customize the header, months/years pages and the dialog behavior with different parameters for the year and month selectors.
  • Added showYearPicker function to the package. Now its possible to return only a year.
  • Added selectableYearPredicate to range and single month pickers. It lets you control enabled years like selectableMonthPredicate.
  • Updated sample and readme.

4.0.1 - 2024-07-05 #

  • Improved locale selection. #98

4.0.0 - 2024-06-07 #

  • Added showMonthRangePicker function to the package. Now its possible to return a range of months too. Tks Lautaro Zanuttini
  • Updated web sample.
  • Added lastDayOfMonth DateTime extension. if you want to get the last day of the month from one of your selected dates.
  • Updated sample and readme.

3.0.0 - 2024-05-13 #

  • Bumped intl to 0.19.0.
  • Bumped flutter_lints to 4.0.0.

2.12.0 - 2024-05-13 #

  • Added buttonBorder: property to allow you define the border of the month/year buttons (default is const CircleBorder()) #92.
  • Added headerTitle: property to allow you add a custom title to the header of the dialog (default is null) #92.

2.11.2 - 2024-04-02 #

  • Removed unnecessary dependencies.

2.11.1 - 2024-03-12 #

  • Bumped provider to 6.1.2.
  • Improved some docs.

2.11.0 - 2024-02-20 #

2.10.0 - 2024-02-19 #

  • Added dialogBorderSide: property to allow you define the border side of the dialog (default is BorderSide.none).
  • Added blockScrolling: property to allow you block the user from scrolling the months/years (default is true).
  • Wraped portrait dialog in a SingleChildScrollView to avoid overflow #85.

2.8.0 - 2024-02-19 #

  • Added currentMonthTextColor property to allow you control the text color of the current month/year.

2.7.0 - 2024-02-13 #

  • Exposed MonthPickerDialog widget.
  • Improved files organization.

2.6.0 - 2024-01-17 #

  • Added customDivider property to allow you add a custom divider between the months/years and the confirm/cancel buttons.

2.5.1 - 2024-01-17 #

  • Mini fix in customWidth.

2.5.0 - 2024-01-17 #

  • Added forcePortrait property to allow you block the widget from entering in landscape mode.

2.4.0 - 2023-12-08 #

  • Added arrowSize property to allow you control the size of the header arrows.

2.3.0 - 2023-12-08 #

  • Removed deprecated textScaleFactor inside the package (the name of the parameter stays the same)
  • Bumped dart to 3.0.0,provider to 6.1.1, intl to 0.18.1 and flutter_lints to 3.0.1

2.2.1 - 2023-11-03 #

  • Added textScaleFactor property to allow controlling the scale of the texts in the widget 77.
  • Wrap portrait mode dialog in IntrinsicWidth to prevent oversized content 76.

2.1.0 - 2023-11-01 #

  • Added selectedMonthPadding property to allow you control the size of the current selected month/year circle by increasing the padding of it (default is 0) 74.
  • Added web to sample.

2.0.2 #

  • Moved theme to the controller
  • Added default locale strings to the action buttons 73.

2.0.0 #

  • Breaking: bumped to dart 3 + intl 0.18.0 (latest one on flutter_localizations)

1.3.0 #

  • Added hideHeaderRow property to allow you hide the row with the arrows + years/months page range from the header, forcing the user to scroll to change the page (default is false).

1.2.2 #

  • Added animationMilliseconds property to allow you define the speed of the page transition animation (default is 450).
  • Removed unnecessary column.
  • Changed default customHeight to 240.

1.2.0 #

  • Added monthStylePredicate and yearStylePredicate properties to allow passing a different style for each month or year 67.
  • Added documentation on some of the code
  • Fixed provider names to pass static analysis

1.1.0 #

  • Added backgroundColor property to allow the dialog to have a different background of the default from the theme.

1.0.0 #

  • Removed RxDart from the code in favor of Provider.
  • Fixed an old error where the year/month becomes zero when changing the orientation 30.

0.8.1 #

  • Another fix on header arrow 61.

0.8.0 #

  • Mini fix on header arrow. Bumped to 0.8 because of the braking change on 0.7.1

0.7.1 #

  • Breaking: confirmText and cancelText were replaced by confirmWidget and cancelWidget. Now it's possible to use any widget instead of only Text() in the buttons

0.7.0 #

  • Added forceSelectedDate to fix 41.The parameter lets you define that the current selected date will be returned if the user clicks outside of the dialog. Needs dismissible = true

0.6.3 #

  • code cleanup in preparation to fix 41 and 30 in the next major version

0.6.2 #

  • updated to flutter 2.19.2 and fixed deprecations

0.6.1+2 #

  • readme fix

0.6.1 #

  • border now changes with orientation

0.6.0 #

  • initialDate isn't required anymore!

0.5.8 #

  • added roundedCornersRadius -> lets you define the Radius of the rounded dialog (tks Fabio Henrique).

  • bump rxdart to 0.27.7

0.5.6 #

  • removed deprecated parameter from TextButton.styleFrom

  • improved readme

  • added dismissible parameter -> lets you define if the dialog will be dismissible by clicking outside it (false as default).

0.5.5 #

  • bump rxdart to ^0.27.5
  • removed MaterialLocalizations from code. First part of the changes to let people use designs different than Material

0.5.4 + 1 #

  • month selector cleanup/organization + more small fixes

0.5.4 #

  • code cleanup/organization (with some possible small performance improvement)

0.5.3 #

  • added customHeight -> lets you set a custom height for the calendar widget.

  • added customWidth -> lets you set a custom width for the calendar widget.

  • added yearFirst -> lets you define that the user must select first the year, then the month (false as default).

0.5.0 #

  • added headerColor -> lets you control the calendar header color.

  • added headerTextColor -> lets you control the calendar header text and arrows color.

  • added selectedMonthBackgroundColor -> lets you control the current selected month/year background color.

  • added selectedMonthTextColor -> lets you control the text color of the current selected month/year.

  • added unselectedMonthTextColor -> lets you control the text color of the current unselected months/years.

  • added confirmText -> lets you set a custom confirm text widget.

  • added cancelText -> lets you set a custom cancel text widget.

  • updated sample with the new parameters

0.4.7 #

  • fixes on selectableMonthPredicate parameter + sample

0.4.6 + 2 #

  • size fixes

0.4.6 + 1 #

  • made the month selector barrier dismissible parameter = false

0.4.6 #

  • added capitalizeFirstLetter -> Enable you to choose if the first letter of the month will be capitalized thks

0.4.5 #

0.4.1+1 #

  • package rename

0.4.1 #

  • partial update to flutter 3

0.4.0 #

  • support for flutter 2 null safety (thanks @quantosapplications)

0.3.3 #

  • pagebounds bug with firstDate == null fixed (thanks @mono0926)
  • deprecation warnings for text themes fixed

0.3.2 #

  • you can now provide custom localizations
  • bump up rxdart dependency

0.3.1 #

  • migrated example app to androidx
  • fixed deprecation warning for buttonthemebar
  • fixed dependency issue

0.3.0 #

  • architectural changes (using rxdart now)
  • fixed bug where header and pageview could scroll to 0 and infinity despite firstDate and lastDate being set
  • added animation for transition between year selection mode and month selection mode

0.2.3 #

  • intl dependency is now >=0.1.0<2.0.0 to appease the maintenance analysis on

0.2.2 #

  • Reverting to 0.2.0 because of dependency issues

0.2.1 #

  • Upgraded dependency: intl: ^0.16.0

0.2.0 #

  • Show list of years by tapping year label
  • Dart 2.2.2 is now required

0.1.1 #

  • Bound month selection

0.0.8 #

  • Refactoring and removal of white border

0.0.6 #

  • Renamed docs to screenshots to appease to pub

0.0.5 #

  • Provided screenshots to README


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Internationalized dialog for picking a single month from an infinite list of years.

Repository (GitHub)
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MIT (license)


flutter, intl, provider


Packages that depend on month_picker_dialog