molten_navigationbar_flutter 1.0.1 copy "molten_navigationbar_flutter: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
molten_navigationbar_flutter: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard

An animated bottom navigation bar with many parameters to tweak.

molten_navigationbar_flutter #

An animated bottom navigation bar with a lot of attributes to teak and have fun with ✔🚀

Image Image Image

Getting Started #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file: #

  molten_navigationbar_flutter: ^1.0.0
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Import the package #

import 'package:molten_navigationbar_flutter/molten_navigationbar_flutter.dart';
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How to Use #

You can use it in the scaffold's bottomnavigationbar, or anywhere you would like! Just call the MoltenBottomNavigationBar widget and provide the tabs, onTabChange and selectedIndex attributes. The rest of the attributes are optional

   bottomNavigationBar: MoltenBottomNavigationBar(
      selectedIndex: _selectedIndex,
      onTabChange: (clickedIndex) {
        setState(() {
          _selectedIndex = clickedIndex;
      tabs: [
          icon: Icon(,
          icon: Icon(Icons.home),
          icon: Icon(Icons.person),
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MoltenBottonNavigationBar's Attributes #

Attribute Type Description
barHeight double specify a Height for the bar, Default is kBottomNavigationBarHeight
domeHeight double specify a Height for the Dome above tabs, Default is 15.0
domeWidth double If domeWidth is null, it will be set to 100
domeCircleColor Color If a null value is passed, the domeCircleColor will be Theme.primaryColor
domeCircleSize double The size of the inner circle representing a seleted tab. Note that domeCircleSize must be less than or equal to (barHeight + domeHeight)
margin EdgeInsets Spacing around the bar
barColor Color specify a color to be used as a background color, Default is Theme.bottomAppBarColor
tabs List List of MoltenTab, each wil have an icon as the main widget, selcted color and unselected color
selectedIndex int The currently selected tab
onTabChange Function(int index) callback function that will be triggered whenever a [MoltenTab] is clicked, and will return it's index.
curve Curve Select a Curve value for the dome animation. Default is Curves.linear
duration Duration How long the animation should last, Default is Duration(milliseconds: 150)
borderSize double Applied to all 4 border sides, Default is 0
borderColor Color Applied to all border sides
borderRaduis BorderRadius How much each angle is curved. Note that high raduis values may decrease the dome width.

MoltenTab's Attributes #

Attribute Type Description
icon double can be any widget, preferably an icon
selectedColor double The icon color when the tab is selected, White if not set
unselectedColor double The icon color when the tab is not selected, Grey if not set

Example #

You can find an example here




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2024.07.07 - 2025.01.19

An animated bottom navigation bar with many parameters to tweak.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)




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