mock_data 2.0.1 mock_data: ^2.0.1 copied to clipboard
Generate random data using Dart. Can be used to create random strings, integers, names, colors, IPs, UUIDs, URLs and dates.
import 'package:mock_data/mock_data.dart';
void main() {
// Mock string from a given length and group of characters.
// ---------
mockString(); // String of length 16(default).
mockString(10); // String of length 10.
mockString(15, 'a#'); // String with length 15 from combination
// of lowercase letters and numbers.
mockString(3, '!'); // String with length 3 from combination
// of lowercase and uppercase letters
// and numbers.
mockString(7, 'aA'); // String with length 7 from combination
// of lowercase and uppercase letters.
// ---------
// Mock integer in range from min to max, inclusive.
// ---------
mockInteger(); // Integer in between 1 to 10(default).
mockInteger(3, 30); // Integer in between 3 to 30.
mockInteger(-15, 5);
mockInteger(-25, -15);
// ---------
// Mock IPv4 with given format.
// ---------
mockIPv4(); // IPv4 with format set to '*.*.*.*'(default).
mockIPv4('192.168.0.*'); // IPv4 with random 4th segment number.
mockIPv4('192.168.*.*'); // IPv4 with random 3rd and 4th segment number.
// ---------
// Mock IPv6 with given format.
// ---------
mockIPv6(); // IPv6 with format set to
// '*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*'(default).
mockIPv6('*:e331:93bf:*:a7c9:a63:*:*'); // Similar to IPv4 segments.
mockIPv6('e1b3:7bae:*:3474:*:c0cc:462:c4b9'); // Similar to IPv4 segments.
// ---------
// Mock first name.
// ---------
mockName(); // Male of female first name(default).
mockName('male'); // Random male name.
mockName('female'); // Random female name.
// ---------
// Mock color from a given color model.
// ---------
mockColor(); // Random color (defaults to rgb).
mockColor('hex'); // Color represented as hexadecimal.
mockColor('rgb'); // Color represented as RGB.
mockColor('hsv'); // ................. as HSV.
mockColor('hsb'); // ................. as HSB.
mockColor('hsl'); // ................. as HSL.
mockColor('cmyk'); // ................. as CMYK.
// ---------
// Mock URL with different parts.
// ---------
mockUrl('http'); // URL with value
mockUrl('https'); // URL with value
mockUrl('*', true); // Returns one of above URLs with
// 1 to 4 paths, for example
mockUrl('*', true, true); // Returns one of above URLs with path
// and query arguments
mockUrl('*', true, false, true); // Fragment part
// ---------
// Mock date from in between given moments in time.
// ---------
mockDate(); // Date in between
// 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000
// and now (default).
mockDate(DateTime(1995, 7, 26)); // Date in between 1995-7-26
// and now.
mockDate(DateTime(1969, 6, 15, 11, 15),
mockDate(DateTime.parse('1969-07-20 20:18:04'),
DateTime(1989, DateTime.november, 9));
// ---------
// Mock UUID; can be null, UUIDv4 and Timestamp-first UUID.
// ---------
mockUUID(); // UUIDv4 (default)
mockUUID('timestamp-first'); // Non standard version 4 UUID.
// First 8 characters represent a time and rest
// are random (useful for sorting).
mockUUID('null'); // 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
// ---------
// Mock location.
// ---------
mockLocation(); // Generate random location on the Earth
mockLocation(53.5587, 108.1650, 1000); // Generate random location in radius 1000 metres from the point.
// ---------
// Generate range of mocks of particular function(more at [mockRange]).
// Use [mockRange] to generate list of random values of specified function.
// Also supports passing parameters to specified function.
// ---------
mockRange(mockString, 3); // Generate list of length 3 with strings
// of length 16 of random characters(call
// mockString 3 times).
mockRange(mockInteger, 5, min: 3, max: 15); // Generate list of length 5
// with integers ranging from
// 3 to 15, inclusive.
mockRange(mockIPv4, 7, format: '*.*.0.0');
mockRange(mockIPv6, 7, format: '*:*:*:e37b:abcd:*:*:*');
mockRange(mockName, 5, gender: 'male');
mockRange(mockColor, 13, returnModel: 'hex');
mockRange(mockUrl, 5, scheme: 'https', withPath: true, withFragment: true);
mockRange(mockDate, 5, firstMoment: DateTime(2010, DateTime.november, 2));
mockRange(mockUUID, 4, uuidType: 'ver4');
mockRange(mockLocation, 10);
// ---------