mm_nrc 0.0.3 mm_nrc: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard
The mm_nrc is a Flutter package that provides an input form for Myanmar National Registration Card (NRC) numbers. The package allows users to get the NRC code, place, type, and enter the NRC number.
Myanmar NRC Data and Utils Helpers #
Resources: #
Support | Android | iOS |
Installation #
To use this plugin, add mm_nrc
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
Examples #
Here are small examples that show you how to use the API.
Nrc nrc = MmNrc.splitNrc('12/LAMANA(N)123456');
print('State Code : ${nrc.stateCode}');
print('Township Code : ${nrc.townshipCode}');
print('Nrc Type : ${nrc.nrcType}');
print('Nrc Number : ${nrc.nrcNo}');
Get NRC States List #
List<StateDivision?> state = await MmNrc.states();
Get NRC Township List #
List<Township> townships = await MmNrc.townships();
Get NRC Types List #
List<Types> types = await MmNrc.types();
Get NRC State by state code #
StateDivision states = await MmNrc.getStateByStateCode(stateCode:nrc.stateCode );
StateDivision states = await MmNrc.getStateByStateCode(stateCode:StateCode.YANGON.code );
print('${states?.code} ${states?}');
Get NRC Township by state code . 1,2,3,4,5... #
Township township = await MmNrc.getNrcTownshipsByStateCode(stateCode:nrc.stateCode);
Township township = await MmNrc.getNrcTownshipsByStateCode(stateCode:StateCode.YANGON.code );
Get NRC Township by short code #
Township township = await MmNrc.getNrcTownshipsByShortCode(shortCode: nrc.townshipCode);
Township township = await MmNrc.getNrcTownshipsByShortCode(shortCode:"LAMANA");
Get NRC Township by short code #
--nrctype-- N|E|P|T|Y|S
Types type=await MmNrc.getNrcTypeByName(nrcType: 'N');