mimir 0.1.6 mimir: ^0.1.6 copied to clipboard
Extremely powerful, reactive NoSQL database with typo-tolerant full-text search and declarative queries.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:mimir/mimir.dart';
final uri = Uri.parse(
// If you are running this example locally, you will need to run
// `cargo build -r` to generate the needed dylib.
Future<void> main() async {
const dylibPath = '../../../target/release/';
final tmpDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync();
try {
await run(tmpDir.path, dylibPath);
} finally {
tmpDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
Future<void> run(String path, String dylibPath) async {
// First, we get our instance of Mimir from:
// - path, the path to the instance directory (that holds all of our data)
// - lib, an instance of DynamicLibrary
// - lib is an object that enables us to communicate with the db in Rust
// If you are going to use Flutter, don't pay too much attention to lib;
// lib will be created for you automatically under the hood.
// However, in pure Dart, you need to explicity state how to get it.
final instance = await Mimir.getInstance(path: path, ioDirectory: dylibPath);
// Let's create an 'index' of movies that we can search through.
// An index can be thought of as a grouping of documents of the same type.
// Instances and indices are created for you on-demand (lazily)
// if they do not already exist. This is what allows Mimir to not need
// async/await when trying ot get an instance or an index!
final index = instance.getIndex('movies');
// Mimir simply "works out of the box" and covers many use-cases for free.
// However, we want to configure some additional settings for this example.
// As this is a new index, these settings will just be the default settings.
// We also could have just created a new settings object like:
// `new MimirIndexSettings(...)`.
await index.updateSettings(
// By default, mimir allows you to search by any fields in the documents
// you add to an index. While this is convenient, it can often use more
// memory than is really required on a device. To improve effeciency,
// let's specify that we only need to search by the title here.
// To revert this behavior and search by all fields, set this to null.
searchableFields: ['title'],
// Let's add all of the movies from a JSON file online
// It's best to change any settings before adding documents to an index
// for performance reasons, which is why we do it above.
final response = await http.get(uri);
final jsonList = json.decode(response.body) as List;
final docs = jsonList.cast<Map<String, dynamic>>().map((d) {
// Add in the required id field by copying & modifying the title + year
final disallowedInId = RegExp(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9-_]');
String newId = d['title'] + d['year'].toString();
newId = newId.replaceAll(disallowedInId, '');
return d..['id'] = newId;
await index.addDocuments(docs);
// Now, let's perform a search on the documents!
final harryPotterMovies = await index.search(
query: 'horry botter',
// Normally, the results are in order of their "relevance;"
// We can override this behavior with sortBy!
sortBy: [
// Let's sort the results by year in descending order here (new to old):
// If any two movies had the same year, we could sort by title next:
// Check to see if the found movies include all the Harry Potter movies
final foundHarryPotterTitles =
harryPotterMovies.map((movie) => movie['title'] as String).toSet();
final expectedHarryPotterTitles = docs
.map((movie) => movie['title'] as String)
.where((title) => title.contains('Harry Potter'));
'Search for "horry botter" should return all Harry Potter movies',
// Let's do another search to show some more features:
final bruceWillis2015To2017Movies = await index.search(
// Sort by the movie year, old to new
sortBy: [SortBy.asc('year')],
// Filter the movies by two different conditions.
// Because we use "and" below, both of the sub-filters have to be true
// for a document to be included in the results. We could've also used "or"
filter: Mimir.and([
// The movie cast must include Bruce Willis
Mimir.where('cast', containsAtLeastOneOf: ['Bruce Willis']),
// The movie must have been released between 2015 & 2017
Mimir.where('year', isBetween: ('2015', '2017')),
// Check to see if the found movies include all 2015-2017 Bruce Willis movies
final expectedWillisTitles = docs
.where((movie) => movie['cast'].contains('Bruce Willis'))
.where((movie) => movie['year'] >= 2015 && movie['year'] <= 2017)
.map((movie) => movie['title']);
final foundWillisTitles =
bruceWillis2015To2017Movies.map((movie) => movie['title'] as String);
IterableEquality().equals(foundWillisTitles, expectedWillisTitles),
'Query for 2015-2017 Bruce Willis movies should return the expected results',