mimir 0.1.6
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Extremely powerful, reactive NoSQL database with typo-tolerant full-text search and declarative queries.
A batteries-included NoSQL database for Dart & Flutter based on an embedded Meilisearch instance.
Features #
- 🔎 Typo tolerant and relevant full-text search with no extra configuration needed
- 🔥 Blazingly fast search and reads (written in Rust)
- 🤝 Flutter friendly with a super easy-to-use API (see demo below!)
- 🔱 Powerful, declarative, and reactive queries
- 🔌 Cross-platform support (web hopefully coming soon!)
- 🉑️ Diverse language support, including CJK, Hebrew, and more!
Getting Started #
- With Flutter, run
flutter pub add mimir flutter_mimir
- For Dart-only, run
dart pub add mimir
For macOS, disable "App Sandbox". Also read the caveats below.
Demo #
With Flutter, you can get started with as little as:
// Get an "index" to store our movies
final instance = await Mimir.defaultInstance;
final index = instance.getIndex('movies');
// Add movies to our index
await index.addDocuments(myMovies);
// Perform a search!
final results = await index.search(query: 'jarrassic par'); // returns Jurassic Park!
Sponsors #
You can become a sponsor of my work here!
Reference Documentation #
A collection of commonly used APIs ready for copy-paste into your application.
Note: unless otherwise stated, all asynchronous methods exposed in Mimir are fallible and synchronous methods are infallible. The methods are fail-fast, so you should be aware of any issues early on during development.
Getting & Creating an Index
// With Flutter (flutter_mimir)
final instance = await Mimir.defaultInstance;
// Dart-only (just mimir)
final instance = await Mimir.getInstance(
path: instanceDirectory,
// Following line will change based on your platform
library: DynamicLibrary.open('libembedded_milli.so'),
// Get an index (creates one lazily if not already created)
final index = instance.getIndex('movies');
// Or, specify some default settings and open the index eagerly
// If you have some settings you want to specify in advance, use openIndex!
final index = await instance.openIndex('movies', primaryKey: 'CustomIdField');
Configuring an Index
await index.updateSettings(...); // see setSettings below for arguments
final currSettings = await index.getSettings();
await index.setSettings(currSettings.copyWith(
// The primary key (PK) is the "ID field" of documents added to mimir.
// When null, it is automatically inferred for you, but sometimes you may
// need to specify it manually. See the Important Caveats section for more.
primaryKey: null,
// Fields in documents that are included in full-text search.
// Use null, the default, to search all fields
searchableFields: <String>[],
// Fields in documents that can be queried/filtered by.
// You probably don't need to change this; it is automatically
// updated for you.
filterableFields: <String>[],
// Fields in documents that can be sorted by in searches/queries.
// You probably don't need to change this; it is automatically
// updated for you.
sortableFields: <String>[],
// The ranking rules of this index, see:
// https://docs.meilisearch.com/reference/api/settings.html#ranking-rules
rankingRules: <String>[],
// The stop words of this index, see:
// https://docs.meilisearch.com/reference/api/settings.html#stop-words
stopWords: <String>[],
// A list of synonyms to link words with the same meaning together.
// Note: in most cases, you probably want to add synonyms both ways, like below:
synonyms: <Synonyms>[
word: 'automobile',
synonyms: ['vehicle'],
word: 'vehicle',
synonyms: ['automobile'],
// Whether to enable typo tolerance in searches.
typosEnabled: true,
// The minimum size of a word that can have 1 typo.
// See minWordSizeForTypos.oneTypo here:
// https://docs.meilisearch.com/reference/api/settings.html#typo-tolerance-object
minWordSizeForOneTypo: 5,
// The minimum size of a word that can have 2 typos.
// See minWordSizeForTypos.twoTypos here:
// https://docs.meilisearch.com/reference/api/settings.html#typo-tolerance-object
minWordSizeForTwoTypos: 9,
// Words that disallow typos. See disableOnWords here:
// https://docs.meilisearch.com/reference/api/settings.html#typo-tolerance-object
disallowTyposOnWords: <String>[],
// Fields that disallow typos. See disableOnAttributes here:
// https://docs.meilisearch.com/reference/api/settings.html#typo-tolerance-object
disallowTyposOnFields: <String>[],
Manipulating Documents
// Adding documents (replaces any documents with the same id)
await index.addDocument(document);
await index.addDocuments(documents);
// Replacing all documents
await index.setDocuments(documents);
// Deleting documents
await index.deleteDocument(id);
await index.deleteDocuments(ids);
await index.deleteAllDocuments();
// Getting documents (not querying--see next section!)
final docOrNull = await index.getDocument(someId);
final allDocs = await index.getAllDocuments();
final allDocsStream = index.documents;
// Getting a stream of results (very useful in Flutter!)
// Same arguments as index.search; see below
final documentsStream = index.searchStream(...);
// Performing a search/query (using movies here)!
final movies = index.search(
// The string to use for full-text search. Can be user-supplied.
// To do a regular database query without full-text search, leave this null.
query: 'some wordz with typoes to saerch for',
// The filter used to filter results in a full-text search or query.
// See the next section; this is a very handy feature in mimir.
// Set to null to not filter out any documents.
filter: Mimir.where('director', isEqualTo: 'Alfred Hitchcock'),
// The fields to sort by (in ascending or descending order).
// Can be left as null to sort by relevance (to the query text)!
sortBy: [
// Sort by year, newest to oldest
// In case 2+ documents share the same year, sort by increasing profit next
// If you want to limit the number of results you get, use the resultsLimit.
// Defaults to null, which means return all matches.
resultsLimit: null,
// Defaults to null, see https://docs.meilisearch.com/reference/api/search.html#matching-strategy
matchingStrategy: null,
Filtering Search/Query Results
There is a "raw" filtering API in mimir provided by Filter
but it is recommended to use the following API that creates Filter
s for you instead.
Here are the methods you need to be aware of:
creates an "or" filter (like||
) of the sub-filtersMimir.and(subFilters)
creates an "and" filter (like&&
) of the sub-filtersMimir.not(subFilter)
creates a "not" filter (like!someCondition
) of the sub-filterMimir.where(condition)
creates a single filter from a given condition.- The above can be composed together to create powerful, declarative queries!
Heres an example that shows these methods in practice.
Say our Dart boolean logic is (formatted to show intent):
(movie['fruit'] == 'apple')
(movie['year'] >= 2000 && movie['year'] <= 2009)
movie['colors'].any((color) => {'red', 'green'}.contains(color))
Then our "raw" filter API logic would be:
final filter = Filter.or([
Filter.equal(field: 'fruit', value: 'apple'),
Filter.between(field: 'year', from: '2000', to: '2009'),
Filter.inValues(field: 'colors', values: ['red', 'green']),
Which is somewhat hard to read.
Here's what the recommended approach would look like:
final filter = Mimir.or([
Mimir.where('fruit', isEqualTo: 'apple'),
Mimir.where('year', isBetween: ('2000', '2009')),
Mimir.where('colors', containsAtLeastOneOf: ['red', 'green']),
I think most would agree that this is the easiest of the three to understand, as it almost reads as pure English, even for complex conditions.
Important Caveats #
Please read these caveats before adding mimir to your project.
- Every document in mimir needs to have a "primary key"
- The PK is automatically inferred via a field ending in
(or simply justid
) - If you have multiple fields ending in
, useinstance.openIndex('indexName', primaryKey: 'theActualId')
- The contents of the PK field can be a number, or a string matching the regex
- In English: PKs can be alphanumeric and contain
- In English: PKs can be alphanumeric and contain
- The PK is automatically inferred via a field ending in
- Unfortunately, you can only open 1 index on iOS devices at the moment; see here for more details and a workaround.
- macOS App Sandbox is not supported at the moment, meaning you will not be able to submit apps to the Mac App Store
- You will still be able to distribute macOS applications on your own
- See more details here
- Resource usage
- While modern devices run mimir just fine, several thousand detailed documents can easily consume several MB of disk space and RAM
- This is due to Milli, a heavy-weight core component of Meilisearch, which gives mimir a lot of its power
- If you do not need all the features provided by mimir, also consider a more lightweight alternative!
- Hive for simple key-value storage
- Isar for more sophisticated use-cases
- Note: while Isar does have full-text search, it is neither typo-tolerant nor relevant!
- If you need easy, typo-tolerant, relevant full-text search, you will want mimir!
- I am unaware of any other databases that currently provide typo-tolerant full-text search in Flutter, which is why I made mimir in the first place!
- Mimir can add a couple hundred MB to your app bundle size and <100 MB to the on-device size
- These numbers will hopefully be reduced in the future once Dart gets "Native Assets"