medcorder_audio 0.0.7 medcorder_audio: ^0.0.7 copied to clipboard
Flutter audio record/play plugin. With medcorder_audio plugin you can integrate record/play audio support into your flutter app for iOS or Android.
medcorder_audio #
Flutter record/play audio plugin. #
Developed for #
Funded by Medcorder #
Getting Started #
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation.
For help on editing plugin code, view the documentation.
With the medcorder_audio plugin you can integrate record/play audio support into your flutter app for iOS or Android.
Plugin functions #
setAudioSettings #
iOS only. open PlayAndRecord audio session
returns: 'OK', 'FAIL'
backAudioSettings #
iOS only. close PlayAndRecord audio session
returns: 'OK', 'FAIL'
startRecord #
start record audio file to app documents path
returns: 'OK', 'FAIL'
stopRecord #
stop audio recording process
returns: 'OK', 'FAIL'
checkMicrophonePermissions #
check if you have recording audio permissions
returns: 'OK', 'NO'
startPlay #
start audio playing for file with position
returns: 'OK', 'FAIL'
params: Map<String, String>
Key | Type | Description |
file | String | String file Id |
position | double | play start position in seconds |
stopPlay #
stop audio playing
returns: 'OK', 'FAIL'\
Plugin events #
for receiving plugin events you need assign callback function
void _onEvent(dynamic event) {...}
recording events #
Key | Type | Description |
'code' | String | 'recording', |
'url' | String | recording file url |
'peakPowerForChannel' | double | peak power for channel |
'currentTime' | double | recording time in seconds |
playing events #
Key | Type | Description |
'code' | String | 'playing', 'audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying' |
'url' | String | playing file url |
'currentTime' | double | playing time in seconds |
'duration' | double | playing file duration |