md_framework 0.1.8 copy "md_framework: ^0.1.8" to clipboard
md_framework: ^0.1.8 copied to clipboard

This is a software development kit for the MDFramework. It is a collection of tools and libraries that can be used to develop applications for the MDFramework.

MDFramework SDK #

Description #

  • This is a software development kit for the MDFramework. It is a collection of tools and libraries that can be used to develop applications for the MDFramework.

Usage #

in Main.dart add this code #

     apiToken: YourApiToken,
     dataToken: YourDataToken,
   encryptKey: YourEncryptKey,

Example #

1. DoTransaction #

    MDResponse res = await MDRepo().doTransaction(
tableName: tableName,
dataToken: ApiConstants.dataToken,

columnValues: [
//List of column values
"name", "email", "password"

action: WantedAction.insert);
  • tableName: The name of the table you want to perform the transaction on.
  • columnValues: A list of column values you want to insert into the table.
  • action: The action you want to perform on the table. It can be insert, update, or delete.
  • dataToken is optional.
  • The response is returned as an MDResponse object.

2. Execute Procedure #

      res = await MDRepo().executeProcedure(
          procedureName: ApiConstants.loginProcedure,
          dataToken: ApiConstants.dataToken,
          columnValues: [emailController.text, passwordController.text]);
  • procedureName: The name of the procedure you want to execute.
  • dataToken is optional.
  • columnValues: A list of column values you want to pass to the procedure.
  • The response is returned as an MDResponse object.

3. DoMultiTransaction #

      MDResponse res = await MDReop().doMultiTransaction(
     tableNames: [
dataToken: ApiConstants.dataToken,
columnValues: [
["List of column values for table1" ],
["List of column values for table2"],
action: WantedAction.insert,
  • tableNames: A list of table names you want to perform the transaction on.
  • columnValues: A list of lists of column values you want to insert into the tables.
  • action: The action you want to perform on the tables. It can be insert, update, or delete.
  • dataToken is optional.
  • The response is returned as an MDResponse object.

4. UploadFile #

      MDResponse res = await MDRepo().uploadFile(
            image: file,
            fileType: fileExtension,
            wantedAction: WantedAction.insert,
  • image: The file you want to upload.
  • fileType: The file extension of the file you want to upload.
  • wantedAction: The action you want to perform on the file. It can be insert, update, or delete.
  • The response is returned as an MDResponse object.

5. sendOtp #

      MDResponse res = await _mdRepo.sendOtp(
    functionName: sendOtpFunction,
        procedureName: checkOtpProcedure,
            parametersValues: [0, email],
              to: email);
  • functionName: The name of the function you want to call before send otp given from backend.
  • procedureName: The name of the procedure you want to call after send otp given from backend.
  • otpType: The type of otp you want to send. It can be email or phone.
  • parametersValues: A list of parameters you want to pass to the procedure. The first parameter is 0 for validation and 1 for resetPassword.
  • to: The email or phone number you want to send the otp to.
  • The response is returned as an MDResponse object has a otpToken for use in verifyOtp function.

6. verifyOtp #

       MDResponse res = await _mdRepo.verifyOtp(
            otpToken: token,
                  otp: otp);
  • otpToken: The otp token you received from the sendOtp function.
  • otp: The otp you want to verify.
  • The response is returned as an MDResponse object.
  • The response has a status of 200 if the otp is verified successfully.

Installation #

  md_framework: latest_version
pub points


unverified uploader

This is a software development kit for the MDFramework. It is a collection of tools and libraries that can be used to develop applications for the MDFramework.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference




build_runner, cached_memory_image, dio, encrypt, flutter, flutter_image_compress, freezed, freezed_annotation, get_it, json_annotation, json_serializable, path_provider, pretty_dio_logger, retrofit, retrofit_generator


Packages that depend on md_framework