material_table_view 1.0.2 copy "material_table_view: ^1.0.2" to clipboard
material_table_view: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard

Flutter library providing a both horizontally and vertically scrollable material-style table widget.

material_table_view #

This is an open source Flutter package containing a widget that displays your data in a both vertically and horizontally scrollable material-style table with fixed-width freezable columns dynamically adjusting based on a screen size with support for billions of on-demand built rows and for row placeholders for shimmer effects. This package prioritizes usability and visual consistency above all else.

Material widget demo This demo uses a Shimmer package for shimmer effects that can be seen. The source code for this demo is included in the package example and is available here.

Features #

  • Both horizontally and vertically scrolling meaning that both rows and columns can be scrolled in order to display large amount of data to the user.
  • Fixed-width columns that can be frozen meaning that it will be docked either at the left or right whenever it would otherwise get scrolled off-screen. This helps the user not to lose a row-identifying information while scrolling horizontally. Columns will automatically be unfrozen in case of insufficient horizontal space based on a developer-defined freeze priorities meaning that table will adjust to any screen size be it mobile or desktop.
  • Lazily built fixed-height rows allowing for billions of rows to be in one table.
  • Support for a custom individual row widget wrapper allowing the developer to wrap each individual row in on InkWell while containing all cell widgets inside enabling for many material interactions within that row.
  • Scroll behaviour defined by an application theme used including scroll physics, overscroll effects, etc. It means that the platform-default scrolling behaviour will be used by default if you haven't overridden it.
  • Divider animations: when a column gets scrolled under another column that become frozen at the edge of a screen, a wiggly divider will animate in indicating to the user that the columns have been separated and there is more content to scroll to.
  • Horizontally scrollable header and footer support.
  • Placeholder row support with the ability for the developer to wrap all visible placeholder row widgets in a custom widget. For example, it can be wrapped in a shimmer widget in order to achieve a shimmer effect.

Usage #

  columns: [
    // TODO specify columns
    const TableColumn(
      width: 56.0,
      freezePriority: 100,
    for (var i = 1; i < 100; i++)
      TableColumn(width: 64), // TODO specify freezePriority to freeze a column
  rowCount: 1048576, // TODO specify row count
  rowBuilder: (row) {
    // TODO fetch row data
    return (context, column) => Text('$column'); // TODO build a cell widget
  // TODO specify other parameters for other features

Known issues #

  • After the first column gets frozen on the right side, all columns after it suddenly disappear when they should either stay or get animated away. This issue appears only when a large enough right scroll padding specified so users are not expected to come across it.
  • Vertical scrollbar is affected by horizontal stretching when using a stretching overscroll effect for the horizontal scroll that is default on Android causing the scrollbar to stretch off the screen on overscroll.
  • No support for RTL layout.

Getting help #

If you encounter any problems or have any feature requests, feel free to use GitHub the issue tracker to search for an existing issue or to open a new one.

Contribution #

If you have something to contribute to the package feel free to send out a pull request on the GitHub.

License #

All the source code is open and distributed under the MIT license.

pub points



Flutter library providing a both horizontally and vertically scrollable material-style table widget.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)




Packages that depend on material_table_view