mason_logger 0.1.0-dev.8
mason_logger: ^0.1.0-dev.8 copied to clipboard
A reusable Dart logger used by the Mason CLI (package:mason_cli).
import 'package:mason_logger/mason_logger.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
final logger = Logger()'info')
final favoriteAnimal = logger.prompt(
'What is your favorite animal?',
defaultValue: '🐈',
final likesCats = logger.confirm('Do you like cats?', defaultValue: true);
final done = logger.progress('Calculating');
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
logger'Your favorite animal is a $favoriteAnimal!')
..alert(likesCats ? 'You are a cat person!' : 'You are not a cat person.');