markdown_editor_mobile_web 0.0.3 copy "markdown_editor_mobile_web: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
markdown_editor_mobile_web: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard

A flexible and easily decoratable Markdown editor designed for Flutter.

0.0.1 #

  • Header still not configured

  • Checkbox still not configured

  • Markdown options available: Bold, italic, strikethrough, underline, code, blockquote, bullet list, ordered list, link, image

  • Underline available with HTML tag </ u >

  • Flexible Markdown options row

  • Easy decorated editor

0.0.1+1 #

  • Platforms reference

0.0.2 #

  • It's possible to change editor border radius and border color

  • It's possible to determine spacing between editor and Markdown options

  • Some fields now are documented following Dart Docs reference

  • Markdown type 'code' fix

    • Code multiline fix
  • Markdown type 'header' fix

    • Multiselection for different 'Header' sizes

0.0.3 #

  • Link and image using selected text when has some selection on text field

  • Decoratable input text selection color and cursor color

  • Checkbox markdown button added

  • Ordered list markdown multiline selection fix when applied with button use

  • flutter_markdown removed from dependencies

    RAW TEXT        BEFORE              NOW
    different       1. different        1. different
    repeated        2. repeated         2. repeated
    repeated        2. repeated         3. repeated
    repeated        2. repeated         4. repeated
    different_2     3. different_2      5. different_2
pub points


unverified uploader

A flexible and easily decoratable Markdown editor designed for Flutter.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues




unknown (LICENSE)


cupertino_icons, flutter, flutter_svg


Packages that depend on markdown_editor_mobile_web