mapbox_maps_flutter 0.4.4 copy "mapbox_maps_flutter: ^0.4.4" to clipboard
mapbox_maps_flutter: ^0.4.4 copied to clipboard

A Flutter plugin for integrating Mapbox Maps SDK v10 in Android/iOS application.

0.4.4 #

Android #

  • Bump platform Maps SDK to 10.13.0.

iOS #

  • Bump platform Maps SDK to 10.13.1.
  • Fix 2d puck bearing not displayed.
  • Fix pinchZoomEnabled gesture setting not applied.

0.4.3 #

Common #

  • Fix multiple memory leaks.

0.4.2 #

Common #

  • Add methods to set gesture listeners dynamically.

iOS #

  • Apply scale factor to UIImage.
  • Apply scale factor to UIEdgeInsets.
  • Fix vertical scrollMode lock on gesture settings update.

Android #

  • Fix ImageStretches mapping.

0.4.1 #

Common #

  • Expose package:turf/helpers.dart.
  • Bump platform Maps SDK dependencies to 10.10.0.
  • Fix issue with multiple maps overriding platform channels of the previous instances.
  • Fix exception accessing style.getLayer when layer property is an Expression.

iOS #

  • Fix pixelsForCoordinates implementation.

0.4.0 #

Common #

  • Expose style.localizeLabels.
  • Expose mapboxMap.attribution, mapboxMap.logo, mapboxMap.compass and mapboxMap.scaleBar settings.

iOS #

  • Fix deployment target for iOS to 11.

0.3.0 #

Common #

  • Rename library to mapbox_maps_flutter due to naming conflict to be able publish to

Android #

  • Align Kotlin version 1.5.31 with the Maps SDK.

0.2.0 #

Common #

  • Rename MapView to MapWidget.
  • Remove RenderCacheOptions.
  • Rename MapboxMap.cameraForCoordinates2 to MapboxMap.cameraForCoordinatesCameraOptions.
  • Rename styles.dart to mapbox_styles.dart.
  • Rename fill-extrusion_layer.dart to fill_extrusion_layer.dart, location-indicator_layer.dart to location_indicator_layer.dart.
  • Fix exception thrown by MapboxMap.coordinatesForPixels.
  • Fix camera example _coordinateForPixel.
  • Add gesture listeners MapWidget.onTapListener, MapWidget.onLongTapListener, MapWidget.onScrollListener.

0.1.1 #

Common #

  • Decrease min flutter version to 2.10.5.

0.1.0 #

Common #

  • Initial release.
pub points



A Flutter plugin for integrating Mapbox Maps SDK v10 in Android/iOS application.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


enum_to_string, flutter, flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle, turf, typed_data


Packages that depend on mapbox_maps_flutter