macrofit 0.0.1-alpha copy "macrofit: ^0.0.1-alpha" to clipboard
macrofit: ^0.0.1-alpha copied to clipboard

A macro version of retrofit.dart

RetroMacrofit for Dart #

macrofit is a type conversion dio client generator based on macro feature and inspired by retrofit.dart.

Setup #

Since macro is not stable yet, you need to enable it in your analysis_options.yaml:

include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml

    - macros

Also you need use flag --enable-experiment=macros when running your app:

dart run --enable-experiment=macros example/lib/example.dart

Usage #


Create your client:

class ClientExample {

    ClientExample(this._dio, [this.baseUrl]);


Fill client with your queries. E.g.:

class ClientExample {

  ClientExample(this._dio, [this.baseUrl]);

  external Future<void> someRequest(
    @Part() String part1,
    @Part() File photo,

  external Future<void> updateProfile(
    @Header('Test') String testHeader,
    @Body() String name,
    @Body() String surname,
    String userId,

  external Future<TestResponse> deletePost(
    @Header('Test') String id,

  external Future<GenericResponse<List<double>>> getPosts(
    @Query() int page,
    @Query() int limit,


This library supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE methods. Also you can define your own:

    @Custom('/posts/{id}', methodName: 'PATCH')
    external Future<PostEntity> patchPost(int id, @Body() String title);


You can use:

  • @Query for query parameters (e.g. ?page=1&limit=10)
    external Future<GenericResponse<List<double>>> getPosts(
      @Query() int page,
      @Query() int limit,
  • @Body for request body. E.g:
    external Future<void> newPost(
      @Body() String title,
      @Body() String body,
  • @Header for headers. E.g:
    external Future<PostEntity> translate(
      @Header('Locale') String locale,
  • @Part for multi-part requests. E.g:
    external Future<void> newPost(
      @Part() String title,
      @Part() File photo,
  • @Path for path parameters. Make sure to use the same name in the method and in the path. E.g:
    external Future<PostEntity> getPost(int id);