lwa 0.0.7 copy "lwa: ^0.0.7" to clipboard
lwa: ^0.0.7 copied to clipboard

LWA implements Login With Amazon over iOS (Swift) and Android (Kotlin).

Login With Amazon #

A Login With Amazon plugin for Flutter on iOS (Swift) and Android (Kotlin).
Supports basic authentication with the Amazon web API.

Authors: Firedance Multimedia LLC

License: MIT License

Getting Started #

The Official LWA Android Documentation

The Official LWA iOS Documentation

iOS Setup Instructions #

  • Visit the Amazon Developer Console
  • Register your iOS app including the bundle ID for your application
  • In your Info.plist set a key/value pair called apiKey (see example Info.plist)
  • Enter the apiKey provided by the Amazon Developer Console
  • Add your CFBundleURLTypes key to the iOS Properties file. Include the bundle ID of your application, and update the URL Scheme to amzn-your.bundle.id (see example Info.plist)

Android Setup Instructions #

  • Visit the Amazon Developer Console
  • Register your Android bundle including your application identifier
  • To retrieve your applications' md5 hash:
$ keytool -exportcert -alias your_alias -keystore /path/to/debug.keystore | \\
openssl dgst -md5 | \\
sed 's/[a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9]/&:/g; s/:$//'
  • For the SHA256 fingerprint run:
$ keytool -v -list -keystore /path/to/debug.keystore
  • In the /android/app/src/main directory, add an assets folder and paste the api key into a file
  • Ensure the api key matches with no extra whitespace and name the file api_key.txt (see example android folder)
  • Add the Login With Amazon workflow to your AndroidManifest.xml file
      <activity android:name="com.amazon.identity.auth.device.workflow.WorkflowActivity"
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
                <!-- android:host must use the full package name found in Manifest General Attributes -->
                <data android:host="${applicationId}" android:scheme="amzn"/>

Documentation #

The LWA Plugin #

Instantiate the LWA plugin inside of your application.

final _lwaPlugin = Lwa();

Start a stream to listen for LWA login and logout events.

 _lwaPlugin.getLWAAuthState().listen((event) {

Methods #


await _lwaPlugin.signIn(scopes: ["profile"]);

Begins the authentication process with Login With Amazon. Accepts an optional array of scopes.


await _lwaPlugin.signOut();

Logs the user out of Amazon, expiring their access token.

Events #

The signIn() and signOut() methods will broadcast events on the LWAAuthState stream. The event payloads are as follows:


Map <response> - {
    eventName: loginSuccess,
    user_id: String containing the unique Amazon user ID,
    name: String containing the Amazon users name,
    email: String containing the Amazon users email,
    accessToken: String containing the authentication token for the user

Fires when a user successfully completes the authentication process.


Map <response> - {
    eventName: logoutSuccess

Fires when a user signs out from the Amazon service.


Map <response> - {
    eventName: loginCancelled

Fires when a user cancels the authentication process.


Map <response> - {
    eventName: loginError

Fires when there is an error during the authentication process. Check the debug output for details.


Map <response> - {
    eventName: logoutError

Fires when there is an error during the authentication process. Check the debug output for details.

pub points


verified publisherfiredance.io

LWA implements Login With Amazon over iOS (Swift) and Android (Kotlin).

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on lwa