Login With Amazon

A Login With Amazon plugin for Flutter on iOS (Swift) and Android (Kotlin).
Supports basic authentication with the Amazon web API.

Authors: Firedance Multimedia LLC

License: MIT License

Getting Started

The Official LWA Android Documentation

The Official LWA iOS Documentation

iOS Setup Instructions

  • Visit the Amazon Developer Console
  • Register your iOS app including the bundle ID for your application
  • In your Info.plist set a key/value pair called apiKey (see example Info.plist)
  • Enter the apiKey provided by the Amazon Developer Console
  • Add your CFBundleURLTypes key to the iOS Properties file. Include the bundle ID of your application, and update the URL Scheme to amzn-your.bundle.id (see example Info.plist)

Android Setup Instructions

  • Visit the Amazon Developer Console
  • Register your Android bundle including your application identifier
  • To retrieve your applications' md5 hash:
$ keytool -exportcert -alias your_alias -keystore /path/to/debug.keystore | \\
openssl dgst -md5 | \\
sed 's/[a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9]/&:/g; s/:$//'
  • For the SHA256 fingerprint run:
$ keytool -v -list -keystore /path/to/debug.keystore
  • In the /android/app/src/main directory, add an assets folder and paste the api key into a file
  • Ensure the api key matches with no extra whitespace and name the file api_key.txt (see example android folder)
  • Add the Login With Amazon workflow to your AndroidManifest.xml file
      <activity android:name="com.amazon.identity.auth.device.workflow.WorkflowActivity"
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
                <!-- android:host must use the full package name found in Manifest General Attributes -->
                <data android:host="${applicationId}" android:scheme="amzn"/>


The LWA Plugin

Instantiate the LWA plugin inside of your application.

final _lwaPlugin = Lwa();

Start a stream to listen for LWA login and logout events.

 _lwaPlugin.getLWAAuthState().listen((event) {



await _lwaPlugin.signIn(scopes: ["profile"]);

Begins the authentication process with Login With Amazon. Accepts an optional array of scopes.


await _lwaPlugin.signOut();

Logs the user out of Amazon, expiring their access token.


The signIn() and signOut() methods will broadcast events on the LWAAuthState stream. The event payloads are as follows:


Map <response> - {
    eventName: loginSuccess,
    user_id: String containing the unique Amazon user ID,
    name: String containing the Amazon users name,
    email: String containing the Amazon users email,
    accessToken: String containing the authentication token for the user

Fires when a user successfully completes the authentication process.


Map <response> - {
    eventName: logoutSuccess

Fires when a user signs out from the Amazon service.


Map <response> - {
    eventName: loginCancelled

Fires when a user cancels the authentication process.


Map <response> - {
    eventName: loginError

Fires when there is an error during the authentication process. Check the debug output for details.


Map <response> - {
    eventName: logoutError

Fires when there is an error during the authentication process. Check the debug output for details.