looter 1.0.0 looter: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
A simple yet fully-featured web scraper for both static and dynamically generated web pages.
import 'package:looter/looter.dart';
void main() async {
//1. Initialize the Looter
// and specify wheather you are going to use a static or dynamic crawler.
// the first time you use a dynamic crawler it will take some time to download the chrome binaries, please be patient.
// for more info see "https://pub.dev/packages/puppeteer".
Looter looter =
await Looter.initialize(crawlingMethod: CrawlingMethod.dynamicCrawler);
//2. Start Looting!
List<LootElement?> result = await looter
waitUntil: Until.domContentLoaded,
timeout: Duration(
seconds: 20,
'ol.row li', // give the looper the shared parents selector..
// give it a map of identifiers (to identify later from the list of elements
// as 'identifier#parentnumber) and a child selector.'
"bookTitle": "article.product_pod h3 a",
"bookPrice": "div.product_price p.price_color",
"bookAvailability": "div.product_price instock availability",
// filter the list by element identifiers like this:
LootElement? elementIWant = result
(e) => e?.elementIdentifier == "bookTitle#5",