longitude_and_latitude_calculator 1.0.3
longitude_and_latitude_calculator: ^1.0.3 copied to clipboard
This calculates the Distance between two longitude and latitude points.
longitude_and_latitude_calculator #
This is a simple plug-in that calculates the distances between two points with longitude and latitude.
Did you know the distance between New York and Los Angeles is 2446.51.
Features #
- Gives distance in kilometers or miles
- Requires no other dependencies
- Apache 2.0 License
Getting Started #
Run this command:
With Dart:
$ dart pub add longitude_and_latitude_calculator
With Flutter:
$ flutter pub add longitude_and_latitude_calculator
This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit dart pub get):
longitude_and_latitude_calculator: ^0.0.1
Import it Now in your Dart or Flutter code, you can use:
import 'package:longitude_and_latitude_calculator/longitude_and_latitude_calculator.dart';
Add this code to your program and fill in the variables To get the desired result.
var lonAndLatDistance = LonAndLatDistance();
final double miles = lonAndLatDistance.lonAndLatDistance(
lat1: 34.052235,
lon1: -118.243683,
lat2: 40.754932,
lon2: -73.984016,
km: false);
Variable instructions #
Calculates the distance between two GPS coordinates in either miles or kilometers.
The function takes in four required parameters:
- [lat1]: The latitude of the first coordinate.
- [lon1]: The longitude of the first coordinate.
- [lat2]: The latitude of the second coordinate.
- [lon2]: The longitude of the second coordinate.
The function also takes in one optional parameter:
- [km]: A boolean value that determines whether the distance should be returned in kilometers (true) or miles (false).
If [km] is not provided, it defaults to false (miles). If any of the coordinates are not provided, they default to the following values:
- lat1: 34.052235
- lon1: -118.243683
- lat2: 40.754932
- lon2: -73.984016
Returns the distance between the two coordinates in either miles or kilometers.
Example #
import 'package:longitude_and_latitude_calculator/longitude_and_latitude_calculator.dart';
void main() {
var lonAndLatDistance = LonAndLatDistance();
final double miles = lonAndLatDistance.lonAndLatDistance(
lat1: 34.052235,
lon1: -118.243683,
lat2: 40.754932,
lon2: -73.984016,
km: false);
final double Kilometer = lonAndLatDistance.lonAndLatDistance(
lat1: 34.052235,
lon1: -118.243683,
lat2: 40.754932,
lon2: -73.984016,
km: true);
print("Longitude and latitude locations:");
print("Latitude 1 34.052235");
print("Longitude 1 -118.243683");
print("Latitude 1 40.754932");
print("Longitude 1 -73.984016");
print("Distance in miles: $miles");
print("Distance in Kilometer: $Kilometer");