
This is a simple plug-in that calculates the distances between two points with longitude and latitude.

Did you know the distance between New York and Los Angeles is 2446.51.


  • Gives distance in kilometers or miles
  • Requires no other dependencies
  • Apache 2.0 License

Getting Started

Run this command:

With Dart:

 $ dart pub add longitude_and_latitude_calculator

With Flutter:

 $ flutter pub add longitude_and_latitude_calculator

This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit dart pub get):

  longitude_and_latitude_calculator: ^0.0.1

Import it Now in your Dart or Flutter code, you can use:

import 'package:longitude_and_latitude_calculator/longitude_and_latitude_calculator.dart';

Add this code to your program and fill in the variables To get the desired result.

  var lonAndLatDistance = LonAndLatDistance();

  final double miles = lonAndLatDistance.lonAndLatDistance(
      lat1: 34.052235,
      lon1: -118.243683,
      lat2: 40.754932,
      lon2: -73.984016,
      km: false);

Variable instructions

Calculates the distance between two GPS coordinates in either miles or kilometers.

The function takes in four required parameters:

  • lat1: The latitude of the first coordinate.
  • lon1: The longitude of the first coordinate.
  • lat2: The latitude of the second coordinate.
  • lon2: The longitude of the second coordinate.

The function also takes in one optional parameter:

  • km: A boolean value that determines whether the distance should be returned in kilometers (true) or miles (false).

If km is not provided, it defaults to false (miles). If any of the coordinates are not provided, they default to the following values:

  • lat1: 34.052235
  • lon1: -118.243683
  • lat2: 40.754932
  • lon2: -73.984016

Returns the distance between the two coordinates in either miles or kilometers.


import 'package:longitude_and_latitude_calculator/longitude_and_latitude_calculator.dart';

void main() {
var lonAndLatDistance = LonAndLatDistance();

final double miles = lonAndLatDistance.lonAndLatDistance(
   lat1: 34.052235,
   lon1: -118.243683,
   lat2: 40.754932,
   lon2: -73.984016,
   km: false);

final double Kilometer = lonAndLatDistance.lonAndLatDistance(
   lat1: 34.052235,
   lon1: -118.243683,
   lat2: 40.754932,
   lon2: -73.984016,
   km: true);

print("Longitude and latitude locations:");
print("Latitude 1  34.052235");
print("Longitude 1  -118.243683");
print("Latitude 1  40.754932");
print("Longitude 1  -73.984016");
print("Distance in miles: $miles");
print("Distance in Kilometer: $Kilometer");



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