logster 0.1.0 logster: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard
An extensible logger for applications, packages and plugins.
import 'package:logster/logster.dart';
void main() {
const a = 10;
const b = 2.0;
const c = 'x';
const d = true;
final e = [a, b];
final f = {c, d};
final g = {a: b, c: d};
a.logs; // [int] 10
b.logs; // [double] 2.0
c.logs; // [String] x
d.logs; // [bool] true
e.logs; // [List<num>] [10, 2.0]
f.logs; // [CompactImmutableLinkedHashSet<Object>] {x, true}
g.logs; // [InternalImmutableLinkedHashMap<Object, Object>] {10: 2.0, x: true}