localization_mapper_generator 0.0.3 copy "localization_mapper_generator: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
localization_mapper_generator: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard

A dart package to generate app-localization-mapper that can be parsed dynamic translation keys (as flutter-localizations package does not yet support this).

localization_mapper_generator #

A dart package to generate app-localization mapper that can be parsed dynamic translation keys (as flutter-localizations package does not yet support this).

Note: Setup localization using flutter_localizations package before proceeding with this.

Getting started #

Install dependencies

    sdk: flutter

    sdk: flutter
  localization_mapper_annotation: <latest-version>
  build_runner: ^2.3.3
  localization_mapper_generator: <latest-version>

Define shell-scripts

This will write the required imports to the app-localization generated file given the relative file path, annotate with LocalizationMapperAnnotation and finally generate a part-file (mapper and extension) for app-localization translation keys.



# check if enough arguments were provided
if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then
    echo "Error: Not enough arguments provided."
    echo "Usage: $0 <input_file> <search_pattern> <replacement_string>"
    exit 1

# assign input arguments to variables

# check if the input file exists
if [ ! -f $input_file ]; then
    echo "Error: Input file does not exist."
    exit 1

# backup the original file
cp $input_file "$input_file.bak"

# perform the search and replace and write the result to a new file
sed "s/$search_pattern/$replacement_string/i" $input_file > "$input_file.tmp"

# check if the replacement was successful
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "Error: Replacement failed."
    exit 1

# overwrite the original file with the new file
mv "$input_file.tmp" "$input_file"

echo "Replacement completed successfully."

The below generate_localization.sh script

  • grants replace_string.sh executable permission
  • generates translations
  • write required imports and annotations to generated app-localization file
  • generates a part file with app-localization mapper and extension.

Note: ensure to change filePath to your /app_localizations.dart file location.


# grant executable permissions (you should grant executable permissions at your will and not via scripts)
chmod +x ./replace_string.sh

# generate localization
(cd ../ && flutter gen-l10n)

# mapper generator-config options:
# preferrably, you can choose what to generate as part of localization extension on build-context by parsing 
# required parameters in the `@LocalizationMapperAnnotation` annotation
# @LocalizationMapperAnnotation(mapperExtension: MapperExtension(l10n: true, locale: true, l10nParser: true))

searchParameter="abstract class AppLocalizations {"
requiredImports=$(cat << EOM
import 'package:localization_mapper_annotation\/localization_mapper_annotation.dart';\n\
part 'app_localizations.g.dart';\n\n\
abstract class AppLocalizations {

# write imports and annotations to app_localization.dart file
echo "\nAdding required imports to generated app_localizations"
bash ./replace_string.sh "$filePath" "$searchParameter" "$requiredImports"

echo "\nGenerating app_localizations mapper files"
(cd ../ && flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs)

Helper extensions

To access translations dynamically and parse placeholder parameters, a part file of app-localizations.dart is generated consisting of an access extension on build-context and a mapper.

// ../app-localizations.g.dart


part of 'app_localizations.dart';

// **************************************************************************
// LocalizationMapperGenerator
// **************************************************************************

extension AppLocalizationsExtension on BuildContext {
  AppLocalizations get l10n => AppLocalizations.of(this)!;
  Locale get locale => Localizations.localeOf(this);
  String l10nParser(String translationKey, {List<Object>? arguments}) {
    const mapper = AppLocalizationsMapper();
    final object = mapper.toLocalizationMap(this)[translationKey];
    if (object is String) return object;
    assert(arguments != null, 'Arguments should not be null!');
    assert(arguments!.isNotEmpty, 'Arguments should not be empty!');
    return Function.apply(object, arguments);

class AppLocalizationsMapper {
  const AppLocalizationsMapper();
  Map<String, dynamic> toLocalizationMap(BuildContext context) {
    return {
      'localeName': AppLocalizations.of(context)!.localeName,
      'application_name': AppLocalizations.of(context)!.application_name,
      'deposit_timeframe': AppLocalizations.of(context)!.deposit_timeframe,
      'balance_reverted': (currency) =>
      'convert_before_withdraw': (convertFrom, convertTo) =>
              .convert_before_withdraw(convertFrom, convertTo),
      'convert_before_withdraw_again': (convertFrom, convertTo) =>
              .convert_before_withdraw_again(convertFrom, convertTo),

Configuring generator

Configurations can be parsed through the LocalizationMapperAnnotation to specify what extension methods to generate. This is applicable when your application already defined relative extension methods so its ideal to disable the generation of these already defined extension methods. Below, are config options available

@LocalizationMapperAnnotation(mapperExtension: MapperExtension(l10n: true, locale: true, l10nParser: true))

This is the default config defined but can be updated and parsed via the generate_localization.sh script by mutating the default annotation @LocalizationMapperAnnotation() in requiredImports parameter object.

Example usage

Note: parameters, are parsed as a list of positional arguments which should be in the same order specified in the translation arb-file.

  final applicationName = context.l10nParser('application_name'); // Localization mapper
  final depositTimeFrame = context.l10nParser('deposit_timeframe'); // Instant
  // parsing placeholder parameters
  final convertBeforeWithdraw = context.l10nParser('convert_before_withdraw', arguments: ['CAD', 'EUR']); // * For withdrawing your CAD you first need to convert it back to EUR

Observed Limitations #

Flutter application regenerates localization files on application run (including app-localization files even with generate: false) which results to cleared annotations and imports and will require running the generate_localization.sh script to write all required imports and annotations in the app-localization file.

With this in mind, the regenerated files results to errors that might prevent the execution of running the application since the generated part file AppLocalizationsMapper of AppLocalizations does not exist yet (and vise-versa).

An approach around this would be to create a post script run workflow to run the generate_localization.sh script when flutter run command is completed when using a terminal or code editor to run the flutter application or disable flutter's auto-generate feature on application run (which an issue is currently opened for).

Opened an issue pertaining this and another pertaining some bugs introduced by flutter 3.7 includes

Here is a proposal this package is aimed to resolve since we require the same usecase

Note: Your PRs regarding this is highly encouraged and welcome

For more information, checkout the example project.

pub points


verified publisheryolo.com

A dart package to generate app-localization-mapper that can be parsed dynamic translation keys (as flutter-localizations package does not yet support this).

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


analyzer, build, flutter, localization_mapper_annotation, source_gen


Packages that depend on localization_mapper_generator