liveness_azure_flutter 1.0.0+1 copy "liveness_azure_flutter: ^1.0.0+1" to clipboard
liveness_azure_flutter: ^1.0.0+1 copied to clipboard

Simple integration with liveness azure and flutter

Liveness Azure Flutter #

Check it out at Pub.Dev

A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android for liveness with Azure AI API

Android iOS Linux macOS Web Windows
Support SDK 24+ iOS 14+ No No No No

Setup #

Android #

Follow this steps to generate your accessToken: GET_FACE_ARTIFACTS_ACCESS

Then in your add this lines (For more info: Android Azure AI):


iOS #

Follow this steps to generate your accessToken: GET_FACE_ARTIFACTS_ACCESS

Then in your Podfile add this lines:

source ''
source ''
source ''

Add in your Info.plist this keys:


Probably, with xcode, you will see a pop-up window asking for username and password. Make a random username and use the accessToken from previous step to be the password. For more info: iOS Azure AI

Getting Started #

After setup you can do:

// You will need use another plugin, in this case is [permission_handler](, to get camera permission.
Future<PermissionStatus> requestCameraPermission() async{

Future initLiveness() async{
    if(await requestCameraPermission() == PermissionStatus.granted){
        // It is not recommended to use this method in a real project, the session token must be obtained from the client backend.
        final session = await LivenessAzureFlutter.createSession(
            faceApiEndpoint: 'yourFaceApiEndpoint',
            apiKey: 'apikey1234');
        if(session != null){
                // Now it will open a new screen to liveness
                final liveness = await LivenessAzureFlutter.initLiveness(
                    authTokenSession: session.authSession,
                    // You can customize texts feedback or leave default (exists too to portuguese)
                    theme: const LivenessTheme(
                          feedbackNone: 'Hold Still.',
                          feedbackLookAtCamera: 'Look at camera.',
                          feedbackFaceNotCentered: 'Center your face in the circle.',
                          feedbackMoveCloser: 'Too far away! Move in closer.',
                          feedbackContinueToMoveCloser: 'Continue to move closer.',
                          feedbackMoveBack: 'Too close! Move farther away.',
                          feedbackReduceMovement: 'Too much movement.',
                          feedbackSmile: 'Smile for the camera!',
                          feedbackAttentionNotNeeded: 'Done, finishing up...')););
                print('liveness result: ${liveness?.resultId}');
            }catch(msg, stacktrace){
                // handler error