lib_smilingschool 1.0.0 lib_smilingschool: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
An Infomentor API client written in Dart
⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️ #
We (edupatch) are not affiliated with or endorsed by Infomentor in any way
lib_smilingschool #
Infomentor API client written in Dart and built using Dio and json_serializable
Currently web is not supported because of CORS!
Features #
- Is up to date with the Edupatch SmilingSchool API OpenAPI Spec
- Converts all response data to native dart types to make usage easy!
- You have access to the underlying Dio client in case you need to do special operations which the API is not capable of yet!
- Every response object is serialized - use your response with ease!
- Login systems are modular - switch em' all you want!
Getting started #
First add this package to your pubspec.yaml
Next import the package and initialize a client
import 'package:lib_smilingschool/lib_smilingschool.dart';
void main() async {
var user = "USERNAME";
var pass = "PASSWORD";
InfoMentor client;
// We Stockholm Student as the example system here
client = await StockholmSTU().loginCredentials(user, pass);
// Look, here we use the endpoint isAuthenticated in the authentication category of the API!
var isAuthenticated = await client.authentication?.isAuthenticated();
// Outputs true if you're authenticated, or false if null or false
print(isAuthenticated ?? false);
That's it! You're now up and running.
If you are wondering about endpoints or such, please refer to the Edupatch SmilingSchool API OpenAPI Spec