langchain_supabase 0.1.0+4 copy "langchain_supabase: ^0.1.0+4" to clipboard
langchain_supabase: ^0.1.0+4 copied to clipboard

LangChain.dart integration module for Supabase (e.g. Supabase Vector).

0.1.0+4 #

  • Update a dependency to the latest release.

0.1.0+3 #

  • Update a dependency to the latest release.

0.1.0+2 #

  • Update a dependency to the latest release.

0.1.0+1 #

  • Update a dependency to the latest release.

0.1.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.
Migration guide

  • BREAKING REFACTOR: Introduce langchain_core and langchain_community packages (#328). (5fa520e6)

0.0.1+1 #

0.0.1 #

  • FEAT: Add support for Supabase VectorStore (#69). (be9e72bc)

0.0.1-dev.1 #

  • Bootstrap project.