langchain_openai 0.7.1 copy "langchain_openai: ^0.7.1" to clipboard
langchain_openai: ^0.7.1 copied to clipboard

LangChain.dart integration module for OpenAI (GPT-3, GPT-4, Functions, etc.).

📣 Check out the releases page or the #announcements channel on the LangChain.dart Discord server for more details.

0.7.1 #

  • FEAT: Add support for Structured Outputs in ChatOpenAI (#526). (c5387b5d)
  • FEAT: Handle refusal in OpenAI's Structured Outputs API (#533). (f4c4ed99)
  • FEAT: Include logprobs in result metadata from ChatOpenAI (#535). (1834b3ad)
  • FEAT: Add chatgpt-4o-latest to model catalog (#527). (ec82c760)
  • FEAT: Add gpt-4o-2024-08-06 to model catalog (#522). (563200e0)
  • FEAT: Deprecate OpenAIToolsAgent in favour of ToolsAgent (#532). (68d8011a)
  • REFACTOR: Don't send OpenAI-Beta header in ChatOpenAI (#511). (0e532bab)

0.7.0 #

  • BREAKING FEAT: Update ChatOpenAI default model to gpt-4o-mini (#507). (c7b8ce91)
  • FEAT: Add support for disabling parallel tool calls in ChatOpenAI (#493). (c46d676d)
  • FEAT: Add GPT-4o-mini to model catalog (#497). (faa23aee)
  • FEAT: Add support for service tier in ChatOpenAI (#495). (af79a4ff)
  • FEAT: Implement additive options merging for cascade bind calls (#500). (8691eb21)
  • REFACTOR: Remove default model from the language model options (#498). (44363e43)
  • REFACTOR: Depend on exact versions for internal 1st party dependencies (#484). (244e5e8f)

0.6.3 #

  • FEAT: Add support for ChatToolChoiceRequired (#474). (bf324f36)

0.6.2 #

  • FEAT: Add Runnable.close() to close any resources associated with it (#439). (4e08cced)
  • DOCS: Document tool calling with OpenRouter (#437). (47986592)

0.6.1+1 #

  • Update a dependency to the latest release.

0.6.1 #

  • FEAT: Add GPT-4o to model catalog (#420). (96214307)
  • FEAT: Include usage stats when streaming with OpenAI and ChatOpenAI (#406). (5e2b0ecc)

0.6.0+2 #

  • Update a dependency to the latest release.

0.6.0+1 #

  • Update a dependency to the latest release.

0.6.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.
If you are using "function calling" check how to migrate to "tool calling".

  • BREAKING FEAT: Migrate from function calling to tool calling (#400). (44413b83)
  • BREAKING REFACTOR: Improve Tool abstractions (#398). (2a50aec2)

0.5.1+1 #

  • Update a dependency to the latest release.

0.5.1 #

  • FEAT: Add support for Runnable.mapInputStream (#393). (a2b6bbb5)

0.5.0+1 #

  • Update a dependency to the latest release.

0.5.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.
Migration guide

  • BREAKING REFACTOR: Introduce langchain_core and langchain_community packages (#328). (5fa520e6)
  • BREAKING REFACTOR: Simplify LLMResult and ChatResult classes (#363). (ffe539c1)
  • BREAKING REFACTOR: Simplify Output Parsers (#367). (f24b7058)
  • BREAKING REFACTOR: Remove deprecated generate and predict APIs (#335). (c55fe50f)
  • REFACTOR: Simplify internal .stream implementation (#364). (c83fed22)
  • FEAT: Implement .batch support (#370). (d254f929)
  • FEAT: Remove deprecated OpenAI instance id (#350). (52939336)

0.4.1 #

0.4.0+1 #

0.4.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • BREAKING FEAT: Update OpenAIEmbeddings' default model to text-embedding-3-small (#313). (43463481)
  • FEAT: Add support for shortening embeddings in OpenAIEmbeddings (#312). (5f5eb54f)

0.3.3+1 #

  • FIX: Specified model is always overwritten in OpenAIFunctionsAgent (#308). (32dc37d8)

0.3.3 #

  • FEAT: Support Anyscale in ChatOpenAI and OpenAIEmbeddings wrappers (#305). (7daa3eb0)
  • FEAT: Support Together AI API in ChatOpenAI wrapper (#297). (28ab56af)
  • FEAT: Support Together AI in OpenAIEmbeddings wrapper (#304). (ddc761d6)

0.3.2 #

  • FEAT: Support OpenRouter API in ChatOpenAI wrapper (#292). (c6e7e5be) (docs)
  • REFACTOR: Make all LLM options fields nullable and add copyWith (#284). (57eceb9b)
  • REFACTOR: Migrate tokenizer to langchain_tiktoken package (#285). (6a3b6466)
  • FEAT: Update internal dependencies (#291). (69621cc6)

0.3.1+1 #

  • Update a dependency to the latest release.

0.3.1 #

  • Update a dependency to the latest release.

0.3.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • BREAKING REFACTOR: Make MIME Type mandatory for base64 images in prompt (#269). (2fe076bb)
  • FEAT: Allow to pass options to countTokens method (#268). (4ecb123b)

0.2.0+1 #

  • FIX: Fix ChatOpenAI not considering functions from default options (#257). (cd864783)

0.2.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

Migration guides:

  • BREAKING FEAT: Move all model config options to OpenAIOptions (#232). (16e3e8e4)
  • BREAKING FEAT: Move all model config options to ChatOpenAIOptions (#240). (dd6a21a7)
  • BREAKING FEAT: Allow to pass call options to tools (#243). (4a01adb9)
  • BREAKING FEAT: Move all DallE config options to OpenAIDallEToolOptions (#244). (c24877c6)
  • FEAT: Allow to mutate default options (#256). (cb5e4058)
  • FEAT: Allow to update OpenAI key without having to recreate the wrapper (#246). (05739bd1)
  • FIX: PromptTemplate stream should only emit if it has all inputs (#247). (a56a2ec5)

0.1.2+2 #

  • Update a dependency to the latest release.

0.1.2+1 #

0.1.2 #

  • FEAT: Add support for OpenAIDallETool (#231). (541e8d77)
  • FEAT: Support implementing custom agents using LCEL (#230). (625eeeb4)

0.1.1+1 #

  • FIX: Fetch requests with big payloads dropping connection (#226). (1e771098)

0.1.1 #

0.1.0+1 #

  • DOCS: Add public_member_api_docs lint rule and document missing APIs (#223). (52380433)

0.1.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.
Migration guide

  • REFACTOR: Align openai_dart client breaking changes (#219). (172db27f)
  • BREAKING FEAT: Add multi-modal messages support with OpenAI Vision (#220). (6da2e069)

0.0.15+2 #

  • Update a dependency to the latest release.

0.0.15+1 #

  • REFACTOR: Rename ChatCompletionFunction to FunctionObject (internal) (#206). (0f06df3f)

0.0.15 #

  • FEAT: Add streaming support to OpenAI (#196). (b21fcb38)
  • FEAT: Support seed and system_fingerprint in OpenAI wrapper (#204). (c31b6795)
  • FEAT: Add streaming support to ChatOpenAI (#197). (2268da78)
  • FEAT: Support seed, system_fingerprint and JSON Mode in ChatOpenAI (#205). (3332c228)

0.0.14+1 #

  • FIX: Revert OpenAI maxTokens default to 256 (#189). (ab2ce6d4)
  • DOCS: Update (5ea4e532)

0.0.14 #

  • REFACTOR: Remove dependency on dart_openai (#186). (273cfa2e)
  • FEAT: Migrate ChatOpenAI to openai_dart client (#185). (de8f487d)
  • FEAT: Migrate OpenAI to openai_dart client (#184). (6c90b371)
  • FEAT: Migrate OpenAIEmbeddings to openai_dart client (#183). (8f626fe8)

0.0.13 #

  • FEAT: Implement LangChain Expression Language (LCEL) (#163). (85ea41af)

0.0.12 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • DOCS: Add topics to pubspecs. (8c1d6297)
  • BREAKING REFACTOR: Change embedDocuments input to List<Document> (#153). (1b5d6fbf)

0.0.11 #

  • FEAT: Add ability to specify user in OpenAI and ChatOpenAI (#143). (457ab54e)
  • DOCS: Update packages example. (4f8488fc)

0.0.10 #

0.0.9 #

0.0.8+1 #

  • FIX: OpenAIFunctionsAgent wrong prompt order with no memory (#134). (8c9dcf22)

0.0.8 #

0.0.7+1 #

  • Update a dependency to the latest release.

0.0.7 #

  • Update a dependency to the latest release.

0.0.6 #

  • REFACTOR: Always await or explicitly discard Futures (#106). (989e93db)
  • FIX: Fix OpenAIQAWithSourcesChain returning empty strings (#113). (6181ff8d)
  • FEAT: Integrate Google Vertex AI PaLM Embeddings (#100). (d777eccc)
  • FEAT: Integrate Google Vertex AI PaLM Chat Model (#99). (3897595d)
  • FEAT: Integrate Google Vertex AI PaLM Text model (#98). (b2746c23)

0.0.5+1 #

0.0.5 #

  • FIX: FunctionChatMessage not saved properly in memory (#88). (d7b763de)
  • FEAT: Update AgentExecutor constructor to use agent's tools (#89). (3af56a45)
  • DOCS: Add example of using memory in OpenAIFunctionsAgent (#91). (898d5350)

0.0.4 #

  • FIX: systemChatMessage was ignored in OpenAIFunctionsAgent (#86). (cfe1e009)
  • FEAT: Support LLMChain in OpenAIFunctionsAgent and memory. (bd4a1cb9)
  • FEAT: Return ChatMessage when LLMChain used with ChatModel. (bb5f4d23)

0.0.3 #

  • FEAT: Update internal dependencies (including http to 1.1.0). (8f3e8bc8)

0.0.2 #

  • FIX: OpenAIQAWithSourcesChain throws exception. (45c6cb9d)
  • FEAT: Support estimating the number of tokens for a given prompt (#3). (e22f22c8)

0.0.1 #

  • Initial public release.

Check out the announcement post for all the details:

0.0.1-dev.7 #

  • Add support for OpenAIAgent class (#34).
  • Export OpenAI Client class (allowing to define custom base URL).

0.0.1-dev.6 #

  • Add support for OpenAIQAWithSourcesChain (#53).

0.0.1-dev.5 #

  • Add support for OpenAIEmbeddings (#38).
  • Add support for OpenAI functions (#35).

0.0.1-dev.4 #

  • Improve API documentation.

0.0.1-dev.3 #

  • Add support for ChatPromptTemplate class (#8).

0.0.1-dev.2 #

  • Add support for OpenAI LLM (OpenAI class).
  • Add support for OpenAI chat model (ChatOpenAI class).

0.0.1-dev.1 #

  • Bootstrap project.