l2ksdk 1.0.16 copy "l2ksdk: ^1.0.16" to clipboard
l2ksdk: ^1.0.16 copied to clipboard

Leads2Keys Flutter

Leads2Keys - Flutter SDK #

This package is for Leads2Keys real-estate survey app partners.

Usage #

Add the package as dependency in your pubspec.yaml and run flutter pub get.

Setup credentials #

Leads2KeysApi uses OAuth02 to successfully connect users. You need to setup your credentials using LK.credentials().

  LK.credentials(clientId: 'your client id', clientSecret: 'your client secret');

You can contact us at apil2k@leads2keys.com to request your credentials.

User signin #

You can call the LK.signIn() method that will popup a form for user signin and authorization.

  final account = await LK.signIn(context);

Silent signin with a previously logged account #

When returning to your app you can use the silentSignIn method, which will silently returns the account without any user interaction.

  final account = await LK.silentSignIn();

Signout from a previously logged account #

  await LK.signOut();

Access mandates #

Then using the account you can retrieve the mandates by agency.

 final mandates = await account.mandates(agency:account.agencies.first);

The LKMandate class itself contains all the informations you need.

  String id;
  LKPlace place;
  LKProject project;
  LKGood good;

Retrieving images #

  final Widget image = account.document(imageId);

Examples #

For more detailled information you can take a look at our example app

Rest API #

Leads2Keys API

Copyright #

2022 HB PropTech & innovation
