kuberneteslib 0.9.3
kuberneteslib: ^0.9.3 copied to clipboard
A library that implements the Kubernetes API natively. It is written using the direct specs and currently covers most of the V1 Core, Apps, and Batch resources.
KubernetesLib #
A Dart library that implements the Kubernetes API natively. Built using official Kubernetes specifications, it currently supports most V1 Core, Apps, and Batch resources.
Features #
- Native Kubernetes API implementation
- Support for V1 Core Resources
- Support for V1 Apps Resources
- Support for V1 Batch Resources
- List, Show, and Delete operations
- Type-safe resource handling
Slack #
We've got a slack channel for questions and technical help: https://kuberneteslib.slack.com
Installation #
Install with dart pub add kuberneteslib
Usage #
See [kubectl_dashboard] (https://github.com/m3talsmith/kubectl_dashboard) for usage examples.
Additional information #
This is very much a beta product, being tested for a kubernetes dashboard. The dashboard is a good place to find working examples of this library.
Source: https://github.com/m3talsmith/kuberneteslib Dashboard: https://github.com/m3talsmith/kubectl_dashboard
Expect to see drastic improvements over the coming weeks.