king_cache 0.0.37 copy "king_cache: ^0.0.37" to clipboard
king_cache: ^0.0.37 copied to clipboard


A Flutter package for caching api data to disk and improving app performance. It uses the http package to make api calls and use cache directory to cache data.

0.0.1 #

  • Initial release
  • Created this package to cache apis results so next time when you call the same api, it will return the cached result instead of calling the api again. This will help to reduce the number of api calls and improve the user experience of your app.
  • This package uses file based caching system.
  • It give you couple of functions to manage the cache.
  • I also added a log function so you can add, remove, clear and share logs.
  • It also give you ability to set the cache expiry time.

0.0.2 #

  • Examples updated

0.0.3 #

  • Rename the function storeCacheViaRest to cacheViaRest
  • New cache callbacks added to get the cache hit and miss.
  • New API response callback added to get the api response and error.

0.0.4 #

  • Added justApi parameter to cacheViaRest function to get the api response without caching it. for example, if you just want to get the api response and don't want to cache it, you can set justApi to true and it will return the api response without caching it.

0.0.5 #

  • Removed share logs as file as this is not a default functionality and adding package increases the package size. If you want to share logs, you can use the getLogFile function to get the log file and share it however .

  • Added cacheKey parameter to cacheViaRest function to set the cache key. for example, if you want to cache the api response with a specific key, you can set cacheKey to your_key and it will cache the api response with the key your_key.

  • AddedgetCacheViaKey function to get the cache with a specific key. for example, if you want to get the cache with a specific key, you can set cacheKey to your_key and it will return the cache with the key your_key.

  • Added setCacheViaKey function to set the cache with a specific key. for example, if you want to set the cache with a specific key, you can set cacheKey to your_key and it will set the cache with the key your_key.

  • Added getCacheKeys function to get all the cache keys.

  • Added removeCacheViaKey function to remove the cache with a specific key. for example, if you want to remove the cache with a specific key, you can set cacheKey to your_key and it will remove the cache with the key your_key.

0.0.6 #

  • Debug Prints added
  • Added baseUrl setter to set the base url so you don't ned to pass the base url every time you call the cacheViaRest function.

0.0.7 #

  • Added setHeaders to set the headers so you don't need to pass the headers every time you call the cacheViaRest function.
  • Test Updated

0.0.8 #

  • Added appendFormData to append the form data so you don't need to pass the form data every time you call the cacheViaRest function.
  • Test Updated with more cleanup

0.0.9 #

  • Cache File type added to the cache file name so you can easily identify the cache file type.
  • Test Updated with more cleanup

0.0.10 #

  • Date Format in logs updated to yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
  • On Success will not called twice if the cache and api data is same

0.0.11 #

  • Added response bodyBytes to the response model so you can get the response body bytes.

0.0.12 #

  • Fix Logging and Update Form data

0.0.13 #

  • Added Patch Method

0.0.14 #

  • Tests Updated

0.0.15 #

  • Base URL support is also added for network request method

0.0.16 #

  • Read ME Updated

0.0.17 #

  • Just API Deprecated in respect of network request method

0.0.18 #

  • Just API is removed from the cacheViaRest method
  • Added Log File name text test
  • Added New files for particular methods

0.0.19 #

  • Added Response Headers in Response Model

0.0.20 #

  • Added In App Update Support
  • Added Local Auth Support
  • Added Package Info Support
  • Added Url Launcher for Download app if available from Github Release
  • Added Request Permission Method
  • Above all are helper methods that can be used instantly in any app

0.0.21 #

  • Removed Support for Url Launcher
  • Removed Toast Method as Passing Context is not for this package

0.0.22 #

  • Update Check for Update Method

0.0.23 #

  • Version Tag added in update check method

0.0.24 #

  • App Version Tab Widget Added

0.0.25 #

  • Added abstract for testing
  • Added Couple of Global Extensions

0.0.26 #

  • Added ToIdentifier method to convert enum to String
  • Removed Currency for now as it have some issues
  • Added Web check for log method, Web Support is under development

0.0.27 #

  • Play Store Check Updated

0.0.28 #

  • Function Updates

0.0.29 #

  • Added Extension Methods

0.0.30 #

  • Added Web Cache Manager
  • Added IndexedDB for Web

0.0.31 #

  • Downgraded web to 0.5.0

0.0.32 #

  • Removed idm_shim

0.0.33 #

  • Added flutter_local_notifications

0.0.34 #

  • Added device_info_plus
  • Added Device info in logs

0.0.35 #

  • Updated Device info to a separate method instead of in get all logs method

0.0.36 #

  • Added getAndroidVersion method to get the android version

0.0.37 #

  • Updated Dependencies
pub points



A Flutter package for caching api data to disk and improving app performance. It uses the http package to make api calls and use cache directory to cache data.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


device_info_plus, firebase_analytics, flutter, http, in_app_update, intl, local_auth, package_info_plus, path_provider, permission_handler, url_launcher


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