keyclic_sdk_api 3.3.2-beta1 copy "keyclic_sdk_api: ^3.3.2-beta1" to clipboard
keyclic_sdk_api: ^3.3.2-beta1 copied to clipboard

The keyclic_sdk_api package is an implementation of the Keyclic API.

keyclic_sdk_api #

No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator

This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 2.45.4-dev.5874f7d10
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartClientCodegen For more information, please visit

Requirements #

Dart 2.0 or later

Installation & Usage #

Github #

If this Dart package is published to Github, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml


Local #

To use the package in your local drive, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml

    path: /path/to/keyclic_sdk_api

Tests #


Getting Started #

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import 'package:keyclic_sdk_api/api.dart';

final api_instance = ApplicationApi();
final xKeyclicApp = xKeyclicApp_example; // String | 
final application = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // String | The identifier of the resource.
final acceptLanguage = acceptLanguage_example; // String | 
final xDateTime = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | 
final xKeyclicAppPlatform = xKeyclicAppPlatform_example; // String | 
final xKeyclicAppVersion = xKeyclicAppVersion_example; // String | 

try {
    final result = api_instance.getApplication(xKeyclicApp, application, acceptLanguage, xDateTime, xKeyclicAppPlatform, xKeyclicAppVersion);
} catch (e) {
    print('Exception when calling ApplicationApi->getApplication: $e\n');

Documentation for API Endpoints #

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
ApplicationApi getApplication GET /applications/{application} Retrieve one Application resource.
ArticleApi getArticle GET /articles/{article} Retrieve one Article resource.
AssignmentApi getAssignment GET /assignments/{assignment} Retrieve one Assignment resource.
AssignmentApi postAssignment POST /assignments Create one Assignment resource.
BookmarkApi cgetBookmarks GET /bookmarks Retrieve all Bookmark resources.
BookmarkApi deleteBookmark DELETE /bookmarks/{bookmark} Remove one Bookmark resource.
BookmarkApi getBookmark GET /bookmarks/{bookmark} Retrieve one Bookmark resource.
BookmarkApi postBookmark POST /bookmarks Create one Bookmark resource.
BusinessActivityApi cgetBusinessActivities GET /business-activities Retrieve all BusinessActivity resources.
BusinessActivityApi getBusinessActivity GET /business-activities/{businessActivity} Retrieve one BusinessActivity resource.
BusinessActivityApi getSchemaByBusinessActivity GET /businessactivities/{businessActivity}/schema Retrieve one Schema resource.
CategoryApi cgetCategories GET /categories Retrieve all Category resources.
CategoryApi deleteCategory DELETE /categories/{category} Remove one Category resource.
CategoryApi getCategory GET /categories/{category} Retrieve one Category resource.
CategoryApi patchCategory PATCH /categories/{category} Edit one Category resource.
CategoryApi postCategory POST /categories Create one Category resource.
ConfigurationApi getConfiguration GET /configurations/{configuration} Retrieve one Configuration resource.
ConnectorApi postConnectorByConnectorAndWorkflow POST /connectors/{connector}/workflows/{workflow}/runs Create one Connector resource.
ContributionApi cgetContributions GET /contributions Retrieve all Contribution resources.
ContributionApi getContribution GET /contributions/{contribution} Retrieve one Contribution resource.
ContributionApi postContribution POST /contributions Create one Contribution resource.
DeviceApi deleteDevice DELETE /devices/{device} Remove one Device resource.
DeviceApi getDevice GET /devices/{device} Retrieve one Device resource.
DeviceApi postDevice POST /devices Create one Device resource.
DigitalDocumentApi cgetFeedbackByDigitalDocument GET /digital-documents/{digitalDocument}/feedbacks Retrieve all Feedback resources.
DigitalDocumentApi deleteDigitalDocument DELETE /digital-documents/{digitalDocument} Remove one DigitalDocument resource.
DigitalDocumentApi getDigitalDocument GET /digital-documents/{digitalDocument} Retrieve one DigitalDocument resource.
DigitalDocumentApi patchDigitalDocument PATCH /digital-documents/{digitalDocument} Edit one DigitalDocument resource.
DigitalDocumentApi postDigitalDocument POST /digital-documents Create one DigitalDocument resource.
DispatcherApi cgetRulesByDispatcher GET /dispatchers/{dispatcher}/rules Retrieve all Rule resources.
DispatcherApi getDispatcher GET /dispatchers/{dispatcher} Retrieve one Dispatcher resource.
DocumentApi deleteDocument DELETE /documents/{document} Remove one Document resource.
DocumentApi getDocument GET /documents/{document} Retrieve one Document resource.
DocumentApi patchDocument PATCH /documents/{document} Edit one Document resource.
DocumentApi postWorkflowByDocument POST /documents/{document}/workflow Create one Workflow resource.
ExportApi getExport GET /exports/{export} Retrieve one Export resource.
ExportApi postExport POST /exports Create one Export resource.
ExternalServiceApi deleteExternalService DELETE /external-services/{externalService} Remove one ExternalService resource.
ExternalServiceApi getExternalService GET /external-services/{externalService} Retrieve one ExternalService resource.
ExternalServiceApi patchExternalService PATCH /external-services/{externalService} Edit one ExternalService resource.
ExternalServiceApi postExternalService POST /external-services Create one ExternalService resource.
FeedApi cgetActivitiesByFeed GET /feeds/{feed} Retrieve all Activity resources.
FeedApi postReadByFeedAndGroup POST /feeds/{feed}/read/{group} Create one Read resource.
FeedbackApi cgetCommentsByFeedback GET /feedbacks/{feedback}/comments Retrieve all Comment resources.
FeedbackApi cgetFeedback GET /feedbacks Retrieve all Feedback resources.
FeedbackApi deleteFeedback DELETE /feedbacks/{feedback} Remove one Feedback resource.
FeedbackApi getFeedback GET /feedbacks/{feedback} Retrieve one Feedback resource.
FeedbackApi getTrackingByFeedback GET /feedbacks/{feedback}/tracking Retrieve one Tracking resource.
FeedbackApi postCommentByFeedback POST /feedbacks/{feedback}/comments Create one Comment resource.
FeedbackApi postImageByFeedback POST /feedbacks/{feedback}/images Create one Image resource.
FeedbackApi postIssue POST /feedbacks/issues Create one Issue resource.
FeedbackApi postWorkflowByFeedback POST /feedbacks/{feedback}/workflow Create one Workflow resource.
InternalServiceApi cgetMembersByInternalService GET /internal-services/{internalService}/members Retrieve all Member resources.
InternalServiceApi deleteInternalService DELETE /internal-services/{internalService} Remove one InternalService resource.
InternalServiceApi deleteMemberByInternalServiceAndMember DELETE /internal-services/{internalService}/members/{member} Remove one Member resource.
InternalServiceApi getInternalService GET /internal-services/{internalService} Retrieve one InternalService resource.
InternalServiceApi patchInternalService PATCH /internal-services/{internalService} Edit one InternalService resource.
InternalServiceApi postInternalService POST /internal-services Create one InternalService resource.
InternalServiceApi postMemberByInternalService POST /internal-services/{internalService}/members Create one Member resource.
InvitationApi deleteInvitation DELETE /invitations/{invitation} Remove one Invitation resource.
InvitationApi getInvitation GET /invitations/{invitation} Retrieve one Invitation resource.
InvitationApi postInvitation POST /invitations Create one Invitation resource.
KnowledgeBaseApi cgetArticlesByKnowledgeBase GET /knowledge-bases/{knowledgeBase}/articles Retrieve all Article resources.
KnowledgeBaseApi cgetSectionsByKnowledgeBase GET /knowledge-bases/{knowledgeBase}/sections Retrieve all Section resources.
KnowledgeBaseApi getKnowledgeBase GET /knowledge-bases/{knowledgeBase} Retrieve one KnowledgeBase resource.
MarkerApi deleteMarker DELETE /markers/{marker} Remove one Marker resource.
MarkerApi getMarker GET /markers/{marker} Retrieve one Marker resource.
MarkerApi postMarker POST /markers Create one Marker resource.
MemberApi deleteMember DELETE /members/{member} Remove one Member resource.
MemberApi getMember GET /members/{member} Retrieve one Member resource.
MemberApi patchMember PATCH /members/{member} Edit one Member resource.
MemberApi postMember POST /members Create one Member resource.
NoteApi deleteNote DELETE /notes/{note} Remove one Note resource.
NoteApi getNote GET /notes/{note} Retrieve one Note resource.
NoteApi patchNote PATCH /notes/{note} Edit one Note resource.
NoteApi postNote POST /notes Create one Note resource.
OccupantApi deleteOccupant DELETE /occupants/{occupant} Remove one Occupant resource.
OccupantApi getOccupant GET /occupants/{occupant} Retrieve one Occupant resource.
OccupantApi postOccupant POST /occupants Create one Occupant resource.
OperationApi cgetAssignmentsByOperation GET /operations/{operation}/assignments Retrieve all Assignment resources.
OperationApi cgetCommentsByOperation GET /operations/{operation}/comments Retrieve all Comment resources.
OperationApi cgetDocumentsByOperation GET /operations/{operation}/documents Retrieve all Document resources.
OperationApi deleteImageByOperationAndImage DELETE /operations/{operation}/images/{image} Remove one Image resource.
OperationApi deleteOperation DELETE /operations/{operation} Remove one Operation resource.
OperationApi getOperation GET /operations/{operation} Retrieve one Operation resource.
OperationApi getTrackingByOperation GET /operations/{operation}/tracking Retrieve one Tracking resource.
OperationApi patchOperation PATCH /operations/{operation} Edit one Operation resource.
OperationApi postAssignByOperation POST /operations/{operation}/assign Create one Assign resource.
OperationApi postCommentByOperation POST /operations/{operation}/comments Create one Comment resource.
OperationApi postDocumentByOperation POST /operations/{operation}/documents Create one Document resource.
OperationApi postImageByOperation POST /operations/{operation}/images Create one Image resource.
OperationApi postOperation POST /operations Create one Operation resource.
OperationApi postSignByOperation POST /operations/{operation}/sign Create one Sign resource.
OperationApi postWorkflowByOperation POST /operations/{operation}/workflow Create one Workflow resource.
OrganizationApi cgetCategoriesByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/categories Retrieve all Category resources.
OrganizationApi cgetDocumentsByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/documents Retrieve all Document resources.
OrganizationApi cgetExternalServicesByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/external-services Retrieve all ExternalService resources.
OrganizationApi cgetInternalServicesByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/internal-services Retrieve all InternalService resources.
OrganizationApi cgetMembersByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/members Retrieve all Member resources.
OrganizationApi cgetOccupantsByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/occupants Retrieve all Occupant resources.
OrganizationApi cgetOperationsByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/operations Retrieve all Operation resources.
OrganizationApi cgetOrganizations GET /organizations Retrieve all Organization resources.
OrganizationApi cgetPlacesByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/places Retrieve all Place resources.
OrganizationApi cgetPublicationsByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/publications Retrieve all Publication resources.
OrganizationApi cgetReportsByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/reports Retrieve all Report resources.
OrganizationApi cgetReviewRequestsByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/review-requests Retrieve all ReviewRequest resources.
OrganizationApi cgetReviewsByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/reviews Retrieve all Review resources.
OrganizationApi cgetServicesByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/services Retrieve all Service resources.
OrganizationApi cgetTemplatesByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/templates Retrieve all Template resources.
OrganizationApi getAnalyticByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/analytics Retrieve one Analytic resource.
OrganizationApi getConfigurationByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/configuration Retrieve one Configuration resource.
OrganizationApi getFormByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/form Retrieve one Form resource.
OrganizationApi getOrganization GET /organizations/{organization} Retrieve one Organization resource.
OrganizationApi patchOrganization PATCH /organizations/{organization} Edit one Organization resource.
PdfApi cpostImage POST /pdf/images Retrieve all Image resources.
PersonApi cgetDocumentsByPerson GET /people/{person}/documents Retrieve all Document resources.
PersonApi cgetMembershipsByPerson GET /people/{person}/memberships Retrieve all Membership resources.
PersonApi cgetOperationsByPerson GET /people/{person}/operations Retrieve all Operation resources.
PersonApi cgetReviewRequestsByPerson GET /people/{person}/review-requests Retrieve all ReviewRequest resources.
PersonApi deletePerson DELETE /people/{person} Remove one Person resource.
PersonApi getFeedByPerson GET /people/{person}/feed Retrieve one Feed resource.
PersonApi getPerson GET /people/{person} Retrieve one Person resource.
PersonApi patchPerson PATCH /people/{person} Edit one Person resource.
PlaceApi cgetDocumentsByPlace GET /places/{place}/documents Retrieve all Document resources.
PlaceApi cgetPlaces GET /places Retrieve all Place resources.
PlaceApi cgetPlansByPlace GET /places/{place}/plans Retrieve all Plan resources.
PlaceApi getGeoByPlace GET /places/{place}/geo Retrieve one Geo resource.
PlaceApi getPlace GET /places/{place} Retrieve one Place resource.
PlaceApi patchPlace PATCH /places/{place} Edit one Place resource.
PlaceApi postDocumentByPlace POST /places/{place}/documents Create one Document resource.
PlaceApi postPlace POST /places Create one Place resource.
PlaceApi postWorkflowByPlace POST /places/{place}/workflow Create one Workflow resource.
PlanApi deletePlan DELETE /plans/{plan} Remove one Plan resource.
PlanApi getPlan GET /plans/{plan} Retrieve one Plan resource.
PlanApi patchPlan PATCH /plans/{plan} Edit one Plan resource.
PlanApi postPlan POST /plans Create one Plan resource.
ProcedureApi cgetSignersByProcedure GET /procedures/{procedure}/signers Retrieve all Signer resources.
ProcedureApi getProcedure GET /procedures/{procedure} Retrieve one Procedure resource.
ProcedureApi postProcedure POST /procedures Create one Procedure resource.
ProcedureApi postWorkflowByProcedure POST /procedures/{procedure}/workflow Create one Workflow resource.
PublicationApi deletePublication DELETE /publications/{publication} Remove one Publication resource.
PublicationApi getPublication GET /publications/{publication} Retrieve one Publication resource.
PublicationApi postPublication POST /publications Create one Publication resource.
ReportApi cgetAssignmentsByReport GET /reports/{report}/assignments Retrieve all Assignment resources.
ReportApi cgetDocumentsByReport GET /reports/{report}/documents Retrieve all Document resources.
ReportApi cgetNotesByTask GET /tasks/{task}/notes Retrieve all Note resources.
ReportApi cgetOperationsByReport GET /reports/{report}/operations Retrieve all Operation resources.
ReportApi getReport GET /reports/{report} Retrieve one Report resource.
ReportApi getTrackingByReport GET /reports/{report}/tracking Retrieve one Tracking resource.
ReportApi patchReport PATCH /reports/{report} Edit one Report resource.
ReportApi postDocumentByReport POST /reports/{report}/documents Create one Document resource.
ReportApi postWorkflowByReport POST /reports/{report}/workflow Create one Workflow resource.
ReviewApi getReview GET /reviews/{review} Retrieve one Review resource.
ReviewApi postReview POST /reviews Create one Review resource.
ReviewRequestApi getReviewRequest GET /review-requests/{reviewRequest} Retrieve one ReviewRequest resource.
RoleApi getRole GET /roles/{role} Retrieve one Role resource.
RuleApi deleteRule DELETE /rules/{rule} Remove one Rule resource.
RuleApi getRule GET /rules/{rule} Retrieve one Rule resource.
RuleApi patchRule PATCH /rules/{rule} Edit one Rule resource.
RuleApi postRule POST /rules Create one Rule resource.
SectionApi getSection GET /sections/{section} Retrieve one Section resource.
SecurityApi postLogin POST /security/login Create one Login resource.
SecurityApi postPasswordChangeByToken POST /security/password/change/{token} Create one PasswordChange resource.
SecurityApi postPasswordReset POST /security/password/change-request Create one PasswordReset resource.
SecurityApi postRegister POST /security/register Create one Register resource.
ServiceApi getService GET /services/{service} Retrieve one Service resource.
SignerApi deleteSigner DELETE /signers/{signer} Remove one Signer resource.
SignerApi getSigner GET /signers/{signer} Retrieve one Signer resource.
SignerApi postSignBySigner POST /signers/{signer}/sign Create one Sign resource.
SignerApi postSigner POST /signers Create one Signer resource.
TemplateApi deleteTemplate DELETE /templates/{template} Remove one Template resource.
TemplateApi getTemplate GET /templates/{template} Retrieve one Template resource.
TemplateApi patchTemplate PATCH /templates/{template} Edit one Template resource.
TemplateApi postTemplate POST /templates Create one Template resource.
WebhookApi postIncoming POST /webhooks/incoming Create one Incoming resource.
WorkflowApi getWorkflow GET /workflows/{workflow} Retrieve one Workflow resource.

Documentation For Models #

Documentation For Authorization #

bearer #

  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header

Author #

pub points



The keyclic_sdk_api package is an implementation of the Keyclic API.



API reference




collection, dio, logging


Packages that depend on keyclic_sdk_api