keyclic_sdk_api 1.28.0 copy "keyclic_sdk_api: ^1.28.0" to clipboard
keyclic_sdk_api: ^1.28.0 copied to clipboard


Dart client for Keyclic API

keyclic_sdk_api #

No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen

This Dart package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 1.28.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.DartClientCodegen For more information, please visit

Requirements #

Dart 1.20.0 or later OR Flutter 0.0.20 or later

Installation & Usage #

Github #

If this Dart package is published to Github, please include the following in pubspec.yaml

name: keyclic_sdk_api
version: 1.28.0
description: Dart client for Keyclic API
      version: 'any'

Local #

To use the package in your local drive, please include the following in pubspec.yaml

    path: /path/to/keyclic_sdk_api

Tests #


Getting Started #

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import 'package:keyclic_sdk_api/api.dart';

// TODO Configure API key authorization: bearer
//keyclic_sdk_api.api.Configuration.apiKey{'Authorization'} = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//keyclic_sdk_api.api.Configuration.apiKeyPrefix{'Authorization'} = "Bearer";

var api_instance = new AnalyticApi();
var xKeyclicApp = xKeyclicApp_example; // String | 
var organization = ; // String | The identifier of the resource formatted as GUID string.
var acceptLanguage = acceptLanguage_example; // String | 
var xKeyclicAppVersion = xKeyclicAppVersion_example; // String | 
var place = ; // String | The identifier of the resource formatted as GUID string.
var category = ; // String | The identifier of the resource formatted as GUID string.
var state = state_example; // String | 
var before = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | 
var after = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | 
var options[property] = options[property]_example; // String | 
var options[sort] = options[sort]_example; // String | 

try {
    var result = api_instance.getAnalyticByOrganization(xKeyclicApp, organization, acceptLanguage, xKeyclicAppVersion, place, category, state, before, after, options[property], options[sort]);
} catch (e) {
    print("Exception when calling AnalyticApi->getAnalyticByOrganization: $e\n");

Documentation for API Endpoints #

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AnalyticApi getAnalyticByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/analytics Retrieve one Analytic resource.
ApplicationApi getApplicationByToken GET /applications/{token} Retrieve one Application resource.
AssignApi postAssignByOperation POST /operations/{operation}/assign Create one Assign resource.
BusinessActivityApi cgetBusinessActivities GET /businessactivities Retrieve all BusinessActivity resources.
BusinessActivityApi getBusinessActivity GET /businessactivities/{businessActivity} Retrieve one BusinessActivity resource.
CategoryApi cgetCategories GET /categories Retrieve all Category resources.
CategoryApi cgetCategoriesByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/categories Retrieve all Category resources.
CategoryApi getCategory GET /categories/{category} Retrieve one Category resource.
CategoryApi patchCategory PATCH /categories/{category} Edit one Category resource.
CategoryApi postCategoryByOrganization POST /organizations/{organization}/categories Create one Category resource.
ChangeApi postChangeByToken POST /security/password/change/{token} Create one Change resource.
CommentApi cgetCommentsByFeedback GET /feedbacks/{feedback}/comments Retrieve all Comment resources.
CommentApi cgetCommentsByOperation GET /operations/{operation}/comments Retrieve all Comment resources.
CommentApi postCommentByFeedback POST /feedbacks/{feedback}/comments Create one Comment resource.
CommentApi postCommentByOperation POST /operations/{operation}/comments Create one Comment resource.
ContributionApi cgetContributionsByFeedback GET /feedbacks/{feedback}/contributions Retrieve all Contribution resources.
ContributionApi postContributionByFeedback POST /feedbacks/{feedback}/contributions Create one Contribution resource.
DelegateApi postDelegateByOrganization POST /organizations/{organization}/delegates Create one Delegate resource.
DeviceApi deleteDeviceByPersonAndDevice DELETE /people/{person}/devices/{device} Remove one Device resource.
DeviceApi postDeviceByPerson POST /people/{person}/devices Create one Device resource.
ExportApi cpostExportByOrganization POST /organizations/{organization}/reports/exports Retrieve all Export resources.
FacebookApi postFacebook POST /security/connect/facebook Create one Facebook resource.
FeedbackApi cgetFeedback GET /feedbacks Retrieve all Feedback resources.
FeedbackApi cgetFeedbackByPerson GET /people/{person}/feedbacks Retrieve all Feedback resources.
FeedbackApi getFeedback GET /feedbacks/{feedback} Retrieve one Feedback resource.
ImageApi deleteImageByOperationAndImage DELETE /operations/{operation}/images/{image} Remove one Image resource.
ImageApi getImageByFeedbackAndImageAndWidthAndHeight GET /feedbacks/{feedback}/images/{image}/{width}/{height} Retrieve one Image resource.
ImageApi getImageByOperationAndImageAndWidthAndHeight GET /operations/{operation}/images/{image}/{width}/{height} Retrieve one Image resource.
ImageApi getImageByPersonAndWidthAndHeight GET /people/{person}/image/{width}/{height} Retrieve one Image resource.
ImageApi postImageByFeedback POST /feedbacks/{feedback}/images Create one Image resource.
ImageApi postImageByOperation POST /operations/{operation}/images Create one Image resource.
IssueApi postIssue POST /feedbacks/issues Create one Issue resource.
LogApi cgetLogsByOperation GET /operations/{operation}/logs Retrieve all Log resources.
LoginApi postLogin POST /security/login Create one Login resource.
LogoApi getLogoByOrganizationAndWidthAndHeight GET /organizations/{organization}/logo/{width}/{height} Retrieve one Logo resource.
MemberApi cgetMembersByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/members Retrieve all Member resources.
MemberApi deleteMemberByOrganizationAndMember DELETE /organizations/{organization}/members/{member} Remove one Member resource.
MemberApi getMemberByOrganizationAndMember GET /organizations/{organization}/members/{member} Retrieve one Member resource.
MemberApi patchMemberByOrganizationAndMember PATCH /organizations/{organization}/members/{member} Edit one Member resource.
MemberApi postMemberByOrganization POST /organizations/{organization}/members Create one Member resource.
MembershipApi cgetMembershipsByPerson GET /people/{person}/memberships Retrieve all Membership resources.
OperationApi cgetOperationsByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/operations Retrieve all Operation resources.
OperationApi cgetOperationsByPerson GET /people/{person}/operations Retrieve all Operation resources.
OperationApi cgetOperationsByReport GET /reports/{report}/operations Retrieve all Operation resources.
OperationApi deleteOperation DELETE /operations/{operation} Remove one Operation resource.
OperationApi getOperation GET /operations/{operation} Retrieve one Operation resource.
OperationApi patchOperation PATCH /operations/{operation} Edit one Operation resource.
OperationApi postOperation POST /operations Create one Operation resource.
OrganizationApi cgetOrganizations GET /organizations Retrieve all Organization resources.
OrganizationApi getOrganization GET /organizations/{organization} Retrieve one Organization resource.
OrganizationApi patchOrganization PATCH /organizations/{organization} Edit one Organization resource.
OrganizationApi postOrganization POST /organizations Create one Organization resource.
PersonApi cgetPeople GET /people Retrieve all Person resources.
PersonApi getPerson GET /people/{person} Retrieve one Person resource.
PersonApi patchPerson PATCH /people/{person} Edit one Person resource.
PlaceApi cgetPlaces GET /places Retrieve all Place resources.
PlaceApi cgetPlacesByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/places Retrieve all Place resources.
PlaceApi getPlace GET /places/{place} Retrieve one Place resource.
PlaceApi patchPlace PATCH /places/{place} Edit one Place resource.
PlaceApi postPlaceByOrganization POST /organizations/{organization}/places Create one Place resource.
RegisterApi postRegister POST /security/register Create one Register resource.
RelationshipApi cgetRelationshipsByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/relationships Retrieve all Relationship resources.
RelationshipApi deleteRelationshipByOrganizationAndRelationship DELETE /organizations/{organization}/relationships/{relationship} Remove one Relationship resource.
RelationshipApi postRelationshipByOrganization POST /organizations/{organization}/relationships Create one Relationship resource.
ReportApi cgetReportsByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/reports Retrieve all Report resources.
ReportApi getReport GET /reports/{report} Retrieve one Report resource.
ReportApi patchReport PATCH /reports/{report} Edit one Report resource.
RequestApi cgetRequestsByPerson GET /people/{person}/review-requests Retrieve all Request resources.
ResetApi postReset POST /security/password/change-request Create one Reset resource.
ReviewApi cgetReviewsByFeedback GET /feedbacks/{feedback}/reviews Retrieve all Review resources.
ReviewApi getReview GET /reviews/{review} Retrieve one Review resource.
ReviewApi postReviewByReviewRequest POST /review-requests/{reviewRequest}/reviews Create one Review resource.
ReviewRequestApi getReviewRequest GET /review-requests/{reviewRequest} Retrieve one ReviewRequest resource.
ServiceApi cgetServicesByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/services Retrieve all Service resources.
StateApi patchStateByFeedback PATCH /feedbacks/{feedback}/state Edit one State resource.
StateApi patchStateByOperation PATCH /operations/{operation}/state Edit one State resource.
StateApi patchStateByReport PATCH /reports/{report}/state Edit one State resource.
TrackingApi getTrackingByFeedback GET /feedbacks/{feedback}/tracking Retrieve one Tracking resource.
TrackingApi getTrackingByOperation GET /operations/{operation}/tracking Retrieve one Tracking resource.
TrackingApi getTrackingByReport GET /reports/{report}/tracking Retrieve one Tracking resource.
TransitionApi postTransitionByFeedback POST /feedbacks/{feedback}/workflow/transition Create one Transition resource.
TransitionApi postTransitionByOperation POST /operations/{operation}/workflow/transition Create one Transition resource.
TransitionApi postTransitionByReport POST /reports/{report}/workflow/transition Create one Transition resource.
WebhookApi cgetWebhooksByOrganization GET /organizations/{organization}/webhooks Retrieve all Webhook resources.
WebhookApi getWebhook GET /webhooks/{webhook} Retrieve one Webhook resource.
WebhookApi patchWebhook PATCH /webhooks/{webhook} Edit one Webhook resource.

Documentation For Models #

Documentation For Authorization #

bearer #

  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header

Author #

pub points



Dart client for Keyclic API



unknown (LICENSE)




Packages that depend on keyclic_sdk_api