katex_flutter 1.0.1+3
katex_flutter: ^1.0.1+3 copied to clipboard
Performantly render scientific equations using the KaTeX library.
katex_flutter #
Render scientific equations using the KaTeX library.
- Mathematics / Maths Equations (Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, Geometry etc...)
- Physics Equations
- Signal Processing Equations
- Chemistry Equations
- Statistics / Stats Equations
Rendering is done using KaTeX.
This package mainly depends on webview_flutter plugin. Unlike flutter_tex it does not create a local web server. This increases the performance significantly.
@required laTeX, // The LaTeX code to be rendered
delimiter = '\$', // The delimiter to be used for inline LaTeX
displayDelimiter = '\$\$', // The delimiter to be used for Display (centered, "important") LaTeX
color = Colors.black, // Background color
background = Colors.white, // Text color
inheritWidth = true); // Whether to use the parent's width or only the minimum required by the equation
Source code #
The source code is hosted on GitLab. It's licensed under the terms and conditions of the EUPL-1.2
This package was initially created for the education project TestApp