katana_functions 2.6.0 katana_functions: ^2.6.0 copied to clipboard
Provides an interface to execute server-side processing in a type-safe manner. Actual processing on the server side is done by importing a separate adapter.
Katana Functions
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Adapter plug-ins for server integration such as Cloud Functions for Firebase.
It is possible to work with @mathrunet/masamune to secure client-side implementations.
Installation #
Import the following packages
flutter pub add katana_functions
If you use Cloud Functions for Firebase, import the following packages as well.
flutter pub add katana_functions_firebase
Implementation #
Advance preparation #
Always place the FunctionsAdapterScope
widget near the root of the app.
Pass a FunctionsAdapter such as RuntimeFunctionsAdapter
as the parameter of adapter.
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FunctionsAdapterScope(
adapter: const RuntimeFunctionsAdapter(),
child: MaterialApp(
home: const FunctionsPage(),
title: "Flutter Demo",
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
Using Functions #
Create a Functions object as shown below and call the corresponding method.
If the corresponding method is not implemented on the server side, an error is returned.
final functions = Functions();
await functions.sendNotification(
title: "Title",
text: "Push Notifications",
target: "TopicName",
FunctionsAdapter #
The following FunctionsAdapter
is available
:FunctionsAdapter that completes without server processing and without error. available as a stub.FirebaseFunctionsAdapter
:FunctionsAdapter for using FirebaseFunctions, available by defining a Function using @mathrunet/mathamune.
GitHub Sponsors #
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