k_chart_plus 1.0.0 copy "k_chart_plus: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
k_chart_plus: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

A Flutter Charts library which paint candle chart(support select multi secondary state), depth chart in Exchange Application.

K Chart Plus Package #

Feature #

Maybe this is the best k chart in Flutter.Support drag,scale,long press,fling.And easy to use.

Example1 Example2

Installation #

First, add k_chart_plus as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

k_chart_plus: ^1.0.0

If you don't want to support selecting multiple secondary states, you need to use:

     url: https://github.com/TrangLeQuynh/k_chart_plus
     ref: single #branch name

Usage #

When you change the data, you must call this:

DataUtil.calculate(datas); //This function has some optional parameters: n is BOLL N-day closing price. k is BOLL param.

Use K line chart #

    chartStyle, // Required for styling purposes
    chartColors,// Required for styling purposes
    datas,// Required,Data must be an ordered list,(history=>now)
    mBaseHeight: 360, //height of chart (not contain Vol and Secondary) 
    isLine: isLine,// Decide whether it is k-line or time-sharing
    mainState: _mainState,// Decide what the main view shows
    secondaryStateLi: _secondaryStateLi,// Decide what the sub view shows
    fixedLength: 2,// Displayed decimal precision
    timeFormat: TimeFormat.YEAR_MONTH_DAY,
    onLoadMore: (bool a) {},// Called when the data scrolls to the end. When a is true, it means the user is pulled to the end of the right side of the data. When a
    // is false, it means the user is pulled to the end of the left side of the data.
    maDayList: [5,10,20],// Display of MA,This parameter must be equal to DataUtil.calculate‘s maDayList
    volHidden: false,// hide volume
    showNowPrice: true,// show now price
    isOnDrag: (isDrag){},// true is on Drag.Don't load data while Draging.
    isTrendLine: false, // You can use Trendline by long-pressing and moving your finger after setting true to isTrendLine property. 
    xFrontPadding: 100 // padding in front

Use Depth chart #

DepthChart(_bids, _asks, chartColors) //Note: Datas must be an ordered list,

Dark | Light Theme #

ChartColor helped to set the color for the chart. Use extension to edit the colors that need to be changed

extension CustomChartColors on ChartColors {
  ChartColors init() {
    ThemeData themeData = Theme.of(navigationService.getContext());
    bgColor = themeData.colorScheme.background;
    defaultTextColor = themeData.textTheme.bodyMedium?.color ?? const Color(0xff60738E);

    selectBorderColor = themeData.textTheme.bodyMedium?.color ?? Colors.black54;
    selectFillColor =  themeData.colorScheme.background;

    gridColor = themeData.dividerColor ?? const Color(0xff4c5c74);

    infoWindowNormalColor = themeData.textTheme.bodyMedium?.color ?? const Color(0xffffffff);
    infoWindowTitleColor = themeData.textTheme.bodyMedium?.color ?? const Color(0xffffffff);

    hCrossColor = themeData.textTheme.bodyMedium?.color ?? const Color(0xffffffff);
    vCrossColor = themeData.disabledColor.withOpacity(.1);
    crossTextColor = themeData.textTheme.bodyMedium?.color ?? const Color(0xffffffff);

    maxColor = themeData.textTheme.bodyMedium?.color ?? const Color(0xffffffff);
    minColor = themeData.textTheme.bodyMedium?.color ?? const Color(0xffffffff);
    return this;

Apply in k line chart:

    ChartColors().init(), ///custom chart color
    chartTranslations: ChartTranslations(
        date: 'Date'
        open: 'Open',
        high: 'High',
        low: 'Low',
        close: 'Close'
        changeAmount: 'Change',
        change: 'Change%',
        amount: 'Amount',
        vol: 'Volume',
    mBaseHeight: 360,
    isTrendLine: false,
    mainState: mainState,
    secondaryStateLi: secondaryStates,
    fixedLength: 2,
    timeFormat: TimeFormat.YEAR_MONTH_DAY,

Thanks #



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A Flutter Charts library which paint candle chart(support select multi secondary state), depth chart in Exchange Application.

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