k_chart_plus 1.0.2 copy "k_chart_plus: ^1.0.2" to clipboard
k_chart_plus: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard

A Flutter Charts library which paint candle chart(support select multi secondary state), depth chart in Exchange Application.

K Chart Plus Package #

Feature #

Maybe this is the best k chart in Flutter.Support drag,scale,long press,fling.And easy to use.

Example1 Example2

Installation #

First, add k_chart_plus as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

k_chart_plus: ^1.0.2

If you don't want to support selecting multiple secondary states, you need to use:

     url: https://github.com/TrangLeQuynh/k_chart_plus
     ref: single #branch name

Usage #

When you change the data, you must call this:

DataUtil.calculate(datas); //This function has some optional parameters: n is BOLL N-day closing price. k is BOLL param.

Use K line chart #

    chartStyle, // Required for styling purposes
    chartColors,// Required for styling purposes
    datas,// Required,Data must be an ordered list,(history=>now)
    mBaseHeight: 360, //height of chart (not contain Vol and Secondary) 
    isLine: isLine,// Decide whether it is k-line or time-sharing
    mainState: _mainState,// Decide what the main view shows
    secondaryStateLi: _secondaryStateLi,// Decide what the sub view shows
    fixedLength: 2,// Displayed decimal precision
    timeFormat: TimeFormat.YEAR_MONTH_DAY,
    onLoadMore: (bool a) {},// Called when the data scrolls to the end. When a is true, it means the user is pulled to the end of the right side of the data. When a
    // is false, it means the user is pulled to the end of the left side of the data.
    maDayList: [5,10,20],// Display of MA,This parameter must be equal to DataUtil.calculate‘s maDayList
    volHidden: false,// hide volume
    showNowPrice: true,// show now price
    isOnDrag: (isDrag){},// true is on Drag.Don't load data while Draging.
    isTrendLine: false, // You can use Trendline by long-pressing and moving your finger after setting true to isTrendLine property. 
    xFrontPadding: 100 // padding in front

Use Depth chart #

DepthChart(_bids, _asks, chartColors) //Note: Datas must be an ordered list,

Dark | Light Theme #

ChartColor helped to set the color for the chart. You need to flexibly change according to your theme configuration to ensure UI.

If you need to apply multi theme, you need to change at least the colors related to the text, border, grid and background color

late ThemeData themeData = Theme.of(context);
late ChartColors chartColors = ChartColors(
  bgColor: themeData.colorScheme.background,
  defaultTextColor: themeData.textTheme.labelMedium?.color ?? Colors.grey,
  gridColor: themeData.dividerColor,
  hCrossColor: themeData.textTheme.bodyMedium?.color ?? Colors.white,
  vCrossColor: themeData.disabledColor.withOpacity(.1),
  crossTextColor: themeData.textTheme.bodyMedium?.color ?? Colors.white,
  selectBorderColor: themeData.textTheme.bodyMedium?.color ?? Colors.black54,
  selectFillColor: themeData.colorScheme.background,
  infoWindowTitleColor: themeData.textTheme.labelMedium?.color ?? Colors.grey,
  infoWindowNormalColor: themeData.textTheme.bodyMedium?.color ?? Colors.white,

Apply in k line chart:

    ChartColors().init(), ///custom chart color
    chartTranslations: ChartTranslations(
        date: 'Date'
        open: 'Open',
        high: 'High',
        low: 'Low',
        close: 'Close'
        changeAmount: 'Change',
        change: 'Change%',
        amount: 'Amount',
        vol: 'Volume',
    mBaseHeight: 360,
    isTrendLine: false,
    mainState: mainState,
    secondaryStateLi: secondaryStates,
    fixedLength: 2,
    timeFormat: TimeFormat.YEAR_MONTH_DAY,

Thanks #





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A Flutter Charts library which paint candle chart(support select multi secondary state), depth chart in Exchange Application.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)




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