jverify 3.0.0 copy "jverify: ^3.0.0" to clipboard
jverify: ^3.0.0 copied to clipboard

JIGUANG Official Jverifycation SDK flutter plugin project.


import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:jverify/jverify.dart';

import 'load.dart';

void main() => runApp(new MaterialApp(
      title: "demo",
      theme: new ThemeData(primaryColor: Colors.white),
      home: MyApp(),

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  _MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  /// 统一 key
  final String f_result_key = "result";

  /// 错误码
  final String f_code_key = "code";

  /// 回调的提示信息,统一返回 flutter 为 message
  final String f_msg_key = "message";

  /// 运营商信息
  final String f_opr_key = "operator";

  String _result = "token=";
  var controllerPHone = new TextEditingController();
  final Jverify jverify = new Jverify();
  String? _token;

  void initState() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: const Text('JVerify example'),
        body: _buildContent(),

  Widget _buildContent() {
    return Center(
      widthFactor: 2,
      child: new Column(
        children: <Widget>[
            margin: EdgeInsets.all(20),
            color: Colors.brown,
            child: Text(_result),
            width: 300,
            height: 100,
          new Container(
            margin: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(40, 5, 40, 5),
            child: new Row(
              mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
              children: <Widget>[
                new CustomButton(
                    onPressed: () {
                    title: "初始化状态"),
                new Text("   "),
                new CustomButton(
                  onPressed: () {
                  title: "网络环境是否支持",
          new Container(
            child: SizedBox(
              child: new CustomButton(
                onPressed: () {
                title: "获取号码认证 Token",
              width: double.infinity,
            margin: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(40, 5, 40, 5),
          new Container(
            child: TextField(
              autofocus: false,
              style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black),
              decoration: InputDecoration(
                  hintText: "手机号码", hintStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.black)),
              controller: controllerPHone,
            margin: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(40, 5, 40, 5),
          new Container(
            child: SizedBox(
              child: new CustomButton(
                onPressed: () {
                title: "预取号",
              width: double.infinity,
            margin: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(40, 5, 40, 5),
          new Container(
            child: SizedBox(
              child: new CustomButton(
                onPressed: () {
                title: "一键登录",
              width: double.infinity,
            margin: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(40, 5, 40, 5),
          new Container(
            child: SizedBox(
              child: new CustomButton(
                onPressed: () {
                title: "短信登录",
              width: double.infinity,
            margin: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(40, 5, 40, 5),
          new Container(
            child: SizedBox(
              child: new CustomButton(
                onPressed: () {
                title: "获取验证码",
              width: double.infinity,
            margin: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(40, 5, 40, 5),
        mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,

  /// sdk 初始化是否完成
  void isInitSuccess() {
    jverify.isInitSuccess().then((map) {
      bool result = map[f_result_key];
      setState(() {
        if (result) {
          _result = "sdk 初始换成功";
        } else {
          _result = "sdk 初始换失败";

  /// 判断当前网络环境是否可以发起认证
  void checkVerifyEnable() {
    jverify.checkVerifyEnable().then((map) {
      bool result = map[f_result_key];
      setState(() {
        if (result) {
          _result = "当前网络环境【支持认证】!";
        } else {
          _result = "当前网络环境【不支持认证】!";

  /// 获取号码认证token
  void getToken() {
    setState(() {
    jverify.checkVerifyEnable().then((map) {
      bool result = map[f_result_key];
      if (result) {
        jverify.getToken().then((map) {
          int code = map[f_code_key];
          _token = map[f_msg_key];
          String operator = map[f_opr_key];
          setState(() {
            _result = "[$code] message = $_token, operator = $operator";
      } else {
        setState(() {
          _result = "[2016],msg = 当前网络环境不支持认证";

  /// 获取短信验证码
  void getSMSCode() {
    setState(() {
    String phoneNum = controllerPHone.text;
    if (phoneNum.isEmpty) {
      setState(() {
        _result = "[3002],msg = 没有输入手机号码";
    jverify.checkVerifyEnable().then((map) {
      bool result = map[f_result_key];
      if (result) {
        jverify.getSMSCode(phoneNum: phoneNum).then((map) {
          int code = map[f_code_key];
          String message = map[f_msg_key];
          setState(() {
            _result = "[$code] message = $message";
      } else {
        setState(() {
          _result = "[3004],msg = 获取短信验证码异常";

  /// 登录预取号
  void preLogin() {
    setState(() {
    jverify.checkVerifyEnable().then((map) {
      bool result = map[f_result_key];
      if (result) {
        jverify.preLogin().then((map) {
          int code = map[f_code_key];
          String message = map[f_msg_key];
          setState(() {
            _result = "[$code] message = $message";
      } else {
        setState(() {
          _result = "[2016],msg = 当前网络环境不支持认证";

  void _showLoading(BuildContext context) {

  void _hideLoading() {

  /// SDK 请求授权一键登录
  void loginAuth(bool isSms) {
    setState(() {
    jverify.checkVerifyEnable().then((map) {
      bool result = map[f_result_key];
      print("checkVerifyEnable $map");
      // if (result) {
      if (true) {
        final screenSize = MediaQuery.of(context).size;
        final screenWidth = screenSize.width;
        final screenHeight = screenSize.height;
        bool isiOS = Platform.isIOS;

        /// 自定义授权的 UI 界面,以下设置的图片必须添加到资源文件里,
        /// android项目将图片存放至drawable文件夹下,可使用图片选择器的文件名,例如:btn_login.xml,入参为"btn_login"。
        /// ios项目存放在 Assets.xcassets。
        JVUIConfig uiConfig = JVUIConfig();
        // uiConfig.authBGGifPath = "main_gif";
        // uiConfig.authBGVideoPath="main_vi";
        uiConfig.authBGVideoPath =
        uiConfig.authBGVideoImgPath = "main_v_bg";

        uiConfig.navHidden = !isiOS;
        // uiConfig.navColor = Colors.red.value;
        // uiConfig.navText = "登录";
        // uiConfig.navTextColor = Colors.blue.value;
        // uiConfig.navReturnImgPath = "return_bg"; //图片必须存在

        uiConfig.logoWidth = 100;
        uiConfig.logoHeight = 80;
        //uiConfig.logoOffsetX = isiOS ? 0 : null;//(screenWidth/2 - uiConfig.logoWidth/2).toInt();
        uiConfig.logoOffsetY = 10;
        uiConfig.logoVerticalLayoutItem = JVIOSLayoutItem.ItemSuper;
        uiConfig.logoHidden = false;
        uiConfig.logoImgPath = "logo";

        uiConfig.numberFieldWidth = 200;
        uiConfig.numberFieldHeight = 40;
        //uiConfig.numFieldOffsetX = isiOS ? 0 : null;//(screenWidth/2 - uiConfig.numberFieldWidth/2).toInt();
        uiConfig.numFieldOffsetY = isiOS ? 20 : 120;
        uiConfig.numberVerticalLayoutItem = JVIOSLayoutItem.ItemLogo;
        uiConfig.numberColor = Colors.blue.value;
        uiConfig.numberSize = 18;

        uiConfig.sloganOffsetY = isiOS ? 20 : 160;
        uiConfig.sloganVerticalLayoutItem = JVIOSLayoutItem.ItemNumber;
        uiConfig.sloganTextColor = Colors.black.value;
        uiConfig.sloganTextSize = 15;
//        uiConfig.slogan
        //uiConfig.sloganHidden = 0;

        uiConfig.logBtnWidth = 220;
        uiConfig.logBtnHeight = 50;
        //uiConfig.logBtnOffsetX = isiOS ? 0 : null;//(screenWidth/2 - uiConfig.logBtnWidth/2).toInt();
        uiConfig.logBtnOffsetY = isiOS ? 20 : 230;
        uiConfig.logBtnVerticalLayoutItem = JVIOSLayoutItem.ItemSlogan;
        uiConfig.logBtnText = "登录按钮";
        uiConfig.logBtnTextColor = Colors.brown.value;
        uiConfig.logBtnTextSize = 16;
        uiConfig.logBtnTextBold = true;
        uiConfig.loginBtnNormalImage = "login_btn_normal"; //图片必须存在
        uiConfig.loginBtnPressedImage = "login_btn_press"; //图片必须存在
        uiConfig.loginBtnUnableImage = "login_btn_unable"; //图片必须存在

        uiConfig.privacyHintToast =
            true; //only android 设置隐私条款不选中时点击登录按钮默认显示toast。

        uiConfig.privacyState = false; //设置默认勾选
        uiConfig.privacyCheckboxSize = 20;
        uiConfig.checkedImgPath = "check_image"; //图片必须存在
        uiConfig.uncheckedImgPath = "uncheck_image"; //图片必须存在
        uiConfig.privacyCheckboxInCenter = true;
        uiConfig.privacyCheckboxHidden = false;
        uiConfig.isAlertPrivacyVc = true;

        //uiConfig.privacyOffsetX = isiOS ? (20 + uiConfig.privacyCheckboxSize) : null;
        uiConfig.privacyOffsetY = 15; // 距离底部距离
        uiConfig.privacyVerticalLayoutItem = JVIOSLayoutItem.ItemSuper;
        uiConfig.clauseName = "协议1";
        uiConfig.clauseUrl = "http://www.baidu.com";
        uiConfig.clauseBaseColor =
            const Color.fromARGB(255, 236, 216, 216).value;
        uiConfig.clauseNameTwo = "协议二";
        uiConfig.clauseUrlTwo = "http://www.hao123.com";
        uiConfig.clauseColor = const Color.fromARGB(255, 128, 120, 89).value;
        uiConfig.privacyText = ["我已阅读并同意", "尾部文字"];
        uiConfig.privacyTextSize = 13;
        uiConfig.privacyItem = [
          JVPrivacy("自定义协议1", "http://www.baidu.com",
              beforeName: "==", afterName: "++", separator: "、"),
          JVPrivacy("自定义协议2", "http://www.baidu.com", separator: "、"),
          JVPrivacy("自定义协议3", "http://www.baidu.com", separator: "、"),
          JVPrivacy("自定义协议4", "http://www.baidu.com", separator: "、"),
          JVPrivacy("自定义协议5", "http://www.baidu.com", separator: "、")
        uiConfig.textVerAlignment = 1;
        //uiConfig.privacyWithBookTitleMark = true;
        //uiConfig.privacyTextCenterGravity = false;
        uiConfig.authStatusBarStyle = JVIOSBarStyle.StatusBarStyleDarkContent;
        uiConfig.privacyStatusBarStyle = JVIOSBarStyle.StatusBarStyleDefault;
        uiConfig.modelTransitionStyle =

        uiConfig.statusBarColorWithNav = true;
        // uiConfig.virtualButtonTransparent = true;

        uiConfig.privacyStatusBarColorWithNav = true;
        uiConfig.privacyVirtualButtonTransparent = true;

        uiConfig.needStartAnim = true;
        uiConfig.needCloseAnim = true;
        uiConfig.enterAnim = "activity_slide_enter_bottom";
        uiConfig.exitAnim = "activity_slide_exit_bottom";

        uiConfig.privacyNavColor = Colors.red.value;
        uiConfig.privacyNavTitleTextColor = Colors.blue.value;
        uiConfig.privacyNavTitleTextSize = 16;

        uiConfig.privacyNavTitleTitle = "ios lai le"; //only ios
        uiConfig.privacyNavReturnBtnImage = "back"; //图片必须存在;

        //协议二次弹窗内容设置 -iOS
        uiConfig.isAlertPrivacyVc = true;
        uiConfig.agreementAlertViewCornerRadius = 15;
        uiConfig.agreementAlertViewBackgroundColor =
            const Color.fromARGB(255, 28, 27, 32).value;
        uiConfig.agreementAlertViewTitleTextColor = Colors.white.value;
        uiConfig.agreementAlertViewTitleText =
            "Please Read And Agree to The Following Terms";
        uiConfig.agreementAlertViewTitleTexSize = 16;
        uiConfig.agreementAlertViewContentTextAlignment =
        uiConfig.agreementAlertViewContentTextFontSize = 13;
        // uiConfig.agreementAlertViewLoginBtnNormalImagePath = "login_btn_normal";
        // uiConfig.agreementAlertViewLoginBtnPressedImagePath = "login_btn_press";
        // uiConfig.agreementAlertViewLoginBtnUnableImagePath = "login_btn_unable";
        uiConfig.agreementAlertViewLoginBtnNormalImagePath =
        uiConfig.agreementAlertViewLoginBtnPressedImagePath =
        uiConfig.agreementAlertViewLoginBtnUnableImagePath =
        uiConfig.agreementAlertViewLogBtnText = "同意";
        uiConfig.agreementAlertViewLogBtnTextFontSize = 13;
        uiConfig.agreementAlertViewLogBtnTextColor =
            const Color.fromARGB(255, 128, 120, 89).value;

        //协议二次弹窗内容设置 -Android
        JVPrivacyCheckDialogConfig privacyCheckDialogConfig =
        // privacyCheckDialogConfig.width = 250;
        // privacyCheckDialogConfig.height = 100;
        privacyCheckDialogConfig.title = "测试协议标题";
        privacyCheckDialogConfig.offsetX = 0;
        privacyCheckDialogConfig.offsetY = 0;
        privacyCheckDialogConfig.logBtnText = "同11意";
        privacyCheckDialogConfig.titleTextSize = 22;
        privacyCheckDialogConfig.gravity = "center";
        privacyCheckDialogConfig.titleTextColor = Colors.black.value;
        privacyCheckDialogConfig.contentTextGravity = "left";
        privacyCheckDialogConfig.contentTextSize = 14;
        privacyCheckDialogConfig.logBtnImgPath = "login_btn_normal";
        privacyCheckDialogConfig.logBtnTextColor = Colors.black.value;
        privacyCheckDialogConfig.logBtnMarginT = 20;
        privacyCheckDialogConfig.logBtnMarginB = 20;
        privacyCheckDialogConfig.logBtnMarginL = 10;
        privacyCheckDialogConfig.logBtnWidth = 140;
        privacyCheckDialogConfig.logBtnHeight = 40;

        /// 添加自定义的 控件 到dialog
        List<JVCustomWidget> dialogWidgetList = [];
        final String btn_dialog_widgetId =
            "jv_add_custom_dialog_button"; // 标识控件 id
        JVCustomWidget buttonDialogWidget =
            JVCustomWidget(btn_dialog_widgetId, JVCustomWidgetType.button);
        buttonDialogWidget.title = "取消";
        buttonDialogWidget.titleColor = Colors.white.value;
        buttonDialogWidget.left = 0;
        buttonDialogWidget.top = 160;
        buttonDialogWidget.width = 140;
        buttonDialogWidget.height = 40;
        buttonDialogWidget.textAlignment = JVTextAlignmentType.center;
        buttonDialogWidget.btnNormalImageName = "main_btn_other";
        buttonDialogWidget.btnPressedImageName = "main_btn_other";
        // buttonDialogWidget.backgroundColor = Colors.yellow.value;
        //buttonWidget.textAlignment = JVTextAlignmentType.left;

        // 添加点击事件监听
        jverify.addClikWidgetEventListener(btn_dialog_widgetId, (eventId) {
          print("receive listener - click dialog widget event :$eventId");
          if (btn_dialog_widgetId == eventId) {
            print("receive listener - 点击【新加 dialog button】");
        privacyCheckDialogConfig.widgets = dialogWidgetList;
        uiConfig.privacyCheckDialogConfig = privacyCheckDialogConfig;

        JVSMSUIConfig smsConfig = JVSMSUIConfig();
        smsConfig.smsPrivacyBeanList = [
          JVPrivacy("自定义协议1", "http://www.baidu.com",
              beforeName: "==", afterName: "++", separator: "*")
        smsConfig.enableSMSService = true;
        uiConfig.smsUIConfig = smsConfig;

        uiConfig.setIsPrivacyViewDarkMode = false; //协议页面是否支持暗黑模式

        // JVPopViewConfig popViewConfig = JVPopViewConfig();
        // popViewConfig.width = (screenWidth - 100.0).toInt();
        // popViewConfig.height = (screenHeight - 150.0).toInt();

        // uiConfig.popViewConfig = popViewConfig;

        /// 添加自定义的 控件 到授权界面
        List<JVCustomWidget> widgetList = [];

        final String text_widgetId = "jv_add_custom_text"; // 标识控件 id
        JVCustomWidget textWidget =
            JVCustomWidget(text_widgetId, JVCustomWidgetType.textView);
        textWidget.title = "新加 text view 控件";
        textWidget.left = 20;
        textWidget.top = 360;
        textWidget.width = 200;
        textWidget.height = 40;
        textWidget.backgroundColor = Colors.yellow.value;
        textWidget.isShowUnderline = true;
        textWidget.textAlignment = JVTextAlignmentType.center;
        textWidget.isClickEnable = true;

        // 添加点击事件监听
        jverify.addClikWidgetEventListener(text_widgetId, (eventId) {
          print("receive listener - click widget event :$eventId");
          if (text_widgetId == eventId) {
            print("receive listener - 点击【新加 text】");

        final String btn_widgetId = "jv_add_custom_button"; // 标识控件 id
        JVCustomWidget buttonWidget =
            JVCustomWidget(btn_widgetId, JVCustomWidgetType.button);
        buttonWidget.title = "新加 button 控件";
        buttonWidget.left = 100;
        buttonWidget.top = 400;
        buttonWidget.width = 150;
        buttonWidget.height = 40;
        buttonWidget.isShowUnderline = true;
        buttonWidget.backgroundColor = Colors.brown.value;
        //buttonWidget.btnNormalImageName = "";
        //buttonWidget.btnPressedImageName = "";
        //buttonWidget.textAlignment = JVTextAlignmentType.left;

        // 添加点击事件监听
        jverify.addClikWidgetEventListener(btn_widgetId, (eventId) {
          print("receive listener - click widget event :$eventId");
          if (btn_widgetId == eventId) {
            print("receive listener - 点击【新加 button】");

        // 设置iOS的二次弹窗按钮
        uiConfig.agreementAlertViewWidgets = dialogWidgetList;
        uiConfig.agreementAlertViewUIFrames = {
          "superViewFrame": [
            (screenWidth ~/ 2).toInt() - 140,
            (screenHeight ~/ 2).toInt() - 150,
          "alertViewFrame": [0, 0, 280, 200],
          "titleFrame": [10, 10, 260, 60],
          "contentFrame": [15, 70, 250, 110],
          "buttonFrame": [140, 160, 140, 40]

        /// 步骤 1:调用接口设置 UI
        jverify.setCustomAuthorizationView(true, uiConfig,
            landscapeConfig: uiConfig, widgets: widgetList);
        if (!isSms) {
          /// 步骤 2:调用一键登录接口
              autoDismiss: true,
              enableSms: true,
              loginAuthcallback: (event) {
                setState(() {
                  _result = "获取返回数据:[${event.code}] message = ${event.message}";
                    "获取到 loginAuthSyncApi 接口返回数据,code=${event.code},message = ${event.message},operator = ${event.operator}");
        } else {
          /// 步骤 2:调用短信登录接口
              autoDismiss: true,
              smsCallback: (event) {
                setState(() {
                  _result = "获取返回数据:[${event.code}] message = ${event.message}";
                    "获取到 smsAuth 接口返回数据,code=${event.code},message = ${event.message},phone = ${event.phone}");
      } else {
        setState(() {
          _result = "[2016],msg = 当前网络环境不支持认证";

        /* 弹框模式
        JVPopViewConfig popViewConfig = JVPopViewConfig();
        popViewConfig.width = (screenWidth - 100.0).toInt();
        popViewConfig.height = (screenHeight - 150.0).toInt();

        uiConfig.popViewConfig = popViewConfig;


        /// 方式二:使用异步接口 (如果想使用异步接口,则忽略此步骤,看方式二)

        /// 先,执行异步的一键登录接口
        jverify.loginAuth(true).then((map) {

          /// 再,在回调里获取 loginAuth 接口异步返回数据(如果是通过添加 JVLoginAuthCallBackListener 监听来获取返回数据,则忽略此步骤)
          int code = map[f_code_key];
          String content = map[f_msg_key];
          String operator = map[f_opr_key];
          setState(() {
            _result = "接口异步返回数据:[$code] message = $content";
          print("通过接口异步返回,获取到 loginAuth 接口返回数据,code=$code,message = $content,operator = $operator");


  // Platform messages are asynchronous, so we initialize in an async method.
  Future<void> initPlatformState() async {
    // 初始化 SDK 之前添加监听
    jverify.addSDKSetupCallBackListener((JVSDKSetupEvent event) {
      print("receive sdk setup call back event :${event.toMap()}");

    jverify.setDebugMode(true); // 打开调试模式
        appKey: "4fcc3e237eec4c4fb804ad49", //"你自己应用的 AppKey",
        channel: "devloper-default"); // 初始化sdk,  appKey 和 channel 只对ios设置有效
    // If the widget was removed from the tree while the asynchronous platform
    // message was in flight, we want to discard the reply rather than calling
    // setState to update our non-existent appearance.
    if (!mounted) return;

    /// 授权页面点击时间监听
    jverify.addAuthPageEventListener((JVAuthPageEvent event) {
      print("receive auth page event :${event.toMap()}");

  void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
    properties.add(StringProperty('f_result_key', f_result_key));

/// 封装 按钮
class CustomButton extends StatelessWidget {
  final VoidCallback? onPressed;
  final String? title;

  const CustomButton({@required this.onPressed, this.title});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new TextButton(
      onPressed: onPressed,
      child: new Text("$title"),
      style: ButtonStyle(
        foregroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(Colors.white),
        overlayColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(Color(0xff888888)),
        backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(Color(0xff585858)),
        padding: MaterialStateProperty.all(EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(10, 5, 10, 5)),


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