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Easy JSON serialization and deserialization in Dart.

JSON God #

version 1.0.0

The definitive solution for JSON in Dart.

Contents #

About #

I think Dart is really freaking cool, and far better than Javascript. However, coming from a Javascript background, I really am not a fan of native JSON support only coming in the form of Maps. What about classes? What if I want to serialize my precious objects? What if I want to validate JSON input?

My main problem with Dart is that it does not natively support this. And the standard JsonObject Library is outdated and incompatible with SDK 1.0+.

To remedy this, I wrote JSON God. JSON God exposes a class called God. God contains just two methods: serialize and deserialize. You can call these synchronously, and even in the browser. Cool, right?

I made a few provisions for compatibility with JsonObject, too.

Bow down to JSON God.

Installation #

To install JSON God for your Dart project, simply add json_god to your pub dependencies. If you use an old version of the SDK (<1.0), stick with JsonObject.

    json_god: ^1.0.0

Usage #

Serialization and deserialization are run through the God class. Instantiate a new God to begin.

import 'package:json_god/json_god.dart';

God god = new God();

// Set .debug to true to print debug output.
// CAUTION: It is very verbose.
// god.debug = true;

Dart2JS Compatibility #

IMPORTANT - Reflection through dart:mirrors is not yet perfect in Dart2JS. Make sure to add a @MirrorsUsed() annotation to any classes you want to serialize/deserialize.

library app;

@MirrorsUsed(targets: 'app')
import 'dart:mirrors';

@MirrorsUsed documentation can be found here.

Serializing JSON #

Simply call god.serialize(x) to synchronously transform an object into a JSON string.

Map map = {"foo": "bar", "numbers": [1, 2, {"three": 4}]};

// Output: {"foo":"bar","numbers":[1,2,{"three":4]"}
String json = god.serialize(map);

You can easily serialize classes, too. JSON God also supports classes as members.

class A {
    String foo;

class B {
    String hello;
    A nested;
    B(String hello, String foo) {
      this.hello = hello;
      this.nested = new A(foo);

main() {
    God god = new God();
    print(god.serialize(new B("world", "bar")));

// Output: {"hello":"world","nested":{"foo":"bar"}}

Deserializing JSON #

Deserialization is equally easy, and is provided through god.deserialize.

Map map = god.deserialize('{"hello":"world"}');
int three = god.deserialize("3");

Deserializing to Classes #

JSON God lets you deserialize JSON into an instance of any type. Simply pass the type as the second argument to god.deserialize.

class Child {
  String foo;

class Parent {
  String hello;
  Child child = new Child();

main() {
  God god = new God();
  Parent parent = god.deserialize('{"hello":"world","child":{"foo":"bar"}}', Parent);

Any JSON-deserializable classes must initializable without parameters. If new Foo() would throw an error, then you can't use Foo with JSON.

This allows for validation of a sort, as only fields you have declared will be accepted.

class HasAnInt { int theInt; }

HasAnInt invalid = god.deserialize('["some invalid input"]', HasAnInt);
// Throws an error

Compatiblity with JsonObject #

As mentioned before, there is some compatibility with JsonObject for projects that already use that library.

objectToJson #

JsonObject, as I said before, is old, and uses the older Future API. It exposes a Future<String> called objectToJson that serializes an object. I felt like this was worth keeping, so I kept it.

main() async {
    Map map = {"hello": "world"};

    // Using await
    String json = await objectToJson(map);

    // Using Future.then

It's marked as deprecated, because with JSON God you really should just stick with god.serialize.

enableJsonObjectDebugMessages #

This boolean flag is used internally by the God class, and is the equivalent of god.debug.

Thank you for using JSON God #

Thank you for using this library. I hope you like it.

Feel free to follow me on Twitter:

@thosakwe or @regios_tech



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Easy JSON serialization and deserialization in Dart.

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