json_events 1.2.2 copy "json_events: ^1.2.2" to clipboard
json_events: ^1.2.2 copied to clipboard

A package for parsing large json files/objects. The package processes the json in a forward-only way and emits events based on the tokens it encounters.

⚠️ In order to support web, this library does not support very big numbers. Check dart's js compatibility regarding numbers

json_events #

A package for parsing large json files/objects. The package processes the json in a forward-only way and emits events based on the tokens it encounters.

Parsing manually #

From a Stream

Stream<List<int>> s = ...;

await for (JsonEvent je in s
    .transform(const Utf8Decoder())
    .transform(const JsonEventDecoder())
    .flatten()) {
  print("Event Type: ${je.type.name} Value: ${je.value}");

From a String

Stream<String> s = Stream.value(...);

await for (JsonEvent je in s.transform(const JsonEventDecoder()).flatten()) {
  print("Event Type: ${je.type.name} Value: ${je.value}");

Using mixin #

For objects #

class MyClass with JsonObjectTraverser {
  late int x;
  late List<MyClass> arr;
  late List<int> pArr;
  late List<List<int>> pNestedArray;
  String? text;

  Future<void> readJson(String key) async {
    switch (key) {
      case "x":
        x = await this.readPropertyJsonContinue<int>();
      case "arr":
        arr = await this.readArrayJsonContinue<MyClass>(creator: MyClass.new).toList();
      case "pArr":
        pArr = await this.readArrayJsonContinue<int>().toList();
      case "pNestedArray":
        pNestedArray = await this.readNestedArrayJsonContinue<List<int>, int>().toList();
      case "text":
        text = await this.readPropertyJsonContinue<String?>();

Then call appropriate loader

MyClass mc = MyClass();
await mc.loadJson(streamIterator);

For arrays that are represented as objects #

import "package:collection/collection.dart";

class MyArrayClass extends DelegatingList<MyClass> with JsonArrayTraverser<MyClass> {
  FutureOr<MyClass> Function()? get creator => MyClass.new;

  MyArrayClass() : super([]);

Then call appropriate loader

MyArrayClass mc = MyArrayClass();
await mc.loadJsonFromStream(stream);

Disclaimer #



verified publisheraeb-dev.me

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A package for parsing large json files/objects. The package processes the json in a forward-only way and emits events based on the tokens it encounters.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)




Packages that depend on json_events