jin_widget_helper 1.6.0 copy "jin_widget_helper: ^1.6.0" to clipboard
jin_widget_helper: ^1.6.0 copied to clipboard

discontinuedreplaced by: skadi

A package that contain many custom Widget and utility that help decrease your development time on creating custom Widget.

jin_widget_helper #

pub package

A package that contain many custom Widget and utility that help decrease your development time on creating custom Widget.

Installation #

Add this to pubspec.yaml

  jin_widget_helper: ^1.6.0

Widgets #

Widget Description
ActionButton A Simple RaisedButton with loading notifier
BadgeButton A small icon button with badge (like notification badge)
CupertinoOptionActionSheet A Cupertino bottom sheet with option
ConditionalWidget Provide a widget base on condition true or false
ConnectionChecker A widget to check internet connection and provide onNoInternet callback
CustomBackButton A custom back button with title (header)
FutureHandler A FutureBuilder with less boilerplate code
JinAccordian A customizable ExpansionTile
JinExpandable A widget that can be toggle with top and bottom widget
JinConfirmationDialog A dialog with cancel and confirm action
JinMediaCard A customizable Card with media
JinLoadingButton A Loading button without using ValueNotifier
JinLoadingDialog A Class for showing dialog
JinPlatformChecker Provide a widget base on Android or iOS platform
JinSimpleDialog A simple alert dialog
MiniListTile An easy customizable ListTile
PaginatedListView A Listview.separated with pagination support
PaginatedGridView A Gridview.builder with pagination support
SmallIconButton A small alternative to Flutter's IconButton
SmallFlatButton A small alternative to Flutter's FlatButton
SpaceX SizedBox with only width
SpaceY SizedBox with only height
StreamHandler A Streambuilder with less boilerplate code
ValueObserver A ValueListenableBuilder with lest boilerplate code

Mixin #

AfterBuildMixin #

class _HomePageState extends State<NewPage> with AfterBuildMixin {

  //this method will call after widget has been build
  void afterBuild(BuildContext context) {


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container();

FormMixin #

field and attribute

  • formKey: a key for form
  • loadingNotifier: a bool ValueNotifier
  • passwordObsecureNotifier: a bool ValueNotitifer for toggling password obsecure field
  • isFormValidated: a bool return by validate formKey


  • toggleLoading: toggle loadingNotifier
  • togglePasswordObsecure: toggle passwordObsecureNotifier
class _HomePageState extends State<NewPage> with FormMixin {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container();

Widget's Extension #

padding, margin #

Text("Hello Flutter").padding(EdgeInsets.all(16.0)) // defaulat value is EdgeInsets.all(8.0)
Text("Hello Flutter").margin(EdgeInsets.all(16.0)) // defaulat value is EdgeInsets.all(8.0)
///As a value
Text("Hello Flutter").marginValue(all: 12)
Text("Hello Flutter").paddingValue(horizontal: 12, vertical: 8)

cssSpacing #

Text("Hello Flutter").cssSpacing(margin: [10,10], padding:[16])
//css margin and padding rule

rotate (in degree) #

Text("Hello Flutter").rotate(45)

flexible, expanded, clipOval, opacity #

Text("Hello Flutter").flexible
Text("Hello Flutter").expanded
Text("Hello Flutter").clipOval
Text("Hello Flutter").opacity(0.5)

TextStyle Extention #

Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().normal)
Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().medium)
Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().bold)
Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().applyColor(Colors.white))
Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().applFontSize(24))

Other Extension #

BuildContext extension #

  Size screenSize = context.screenSize;
  Color primaryColor = context.primaryColor;
  Color accentColor = context.accentColor;
  TextTheme textTheme = context.textTheme;

DateTime extension #

DateTime.now().format("dd mmm yyyy")
DateTime.now().formatToLocalDate("dd mmm yyyy")

String extension #

String name = "chunlee".capitalize() // => Chunlee

Object extension #

var count = 1.obs<int>();
//equivalent to: ValueNotifier count = ValueNotifier<int>(1);

Utility Class #

DotTabIndicator #

      indicator: DotTabIndicator(
        color: Colors.blue,
        dotAlignment: DotAlignment.Bottom,

ColorUtils #

Color green = ColorUtils.getColorFromCode("42f545")
Color newColor = ColorUtils.fromRGB(8, 182, 155)
MaterilColor newMaterialColor = ColorUtils.hexColorToMaterialColor(0xFF869CF4)

JinUtils #

Future<Uint8List> imageByte = await JinUtils.getBytesFromAsset("image asset path", 200); //200 is imagewidth
String carUrlImage =  JinUtils.randomCategoryStringImage(dimension: 200, category: "car"); //get image url with given dimension and category
String randomUrlImage = JinUtils.randomStringImage(200); //get random image url with given dimension

FormValidator #

validator: (value) => JinFormValidator.validateEmail(value),
// check JinValidator class for more field validator

PageNavigator support push, pushReplacement and pushAndRemove method

PageNavigator.push(context, DetailPage());
PageNavigator.pushReplacement(context, HomePage());
PageNavigator.pushAndRemove(context, RootPage());

JinNavigator also support push, pushReplacement, pushAndRemove without providing a context but you need to add JinNavigator.navigatorKey to MaterialApp

    navigatorKey: JinNavigator.navigatorKey,
    home: MyHomePage(),

JinNavigator also can show dialog without providing a context

var result = await JinNavigator.dialog(MyDialog());

JinWidget #

RoundedRectangleBorder roundRectangle = JinWidget.roundRect(12);
BorderRadius radius = JinWidget.radius(12); //default value is 8
pub points


unverified uploader

A package that contain many custom Widget and utility that help decrease your development time on creating custom Widget.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


connectivity, flutter, intl


Packages that depend on jin_widget_helper