jh_services 0.0.1 copy "jh_services: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
jh_services: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

Flutter package that provides a collection of services.

jh_services 0.0.1 #

jh_services is a Flutter package that provides a collection of services for handling common tasks in your Flutter applications, such as shared preferences, network requests, image and file picking, and checking internet connectivity.

Features #

  • Shared Preferences Service: Manage local storage using shared preferences.
  • Network Service: Handle network requests with customizable configurations.
  • Image Picker Service: Pick images from the device's gallery or camera.
  • File Picker Service: Select files from the device's file system.
  • Connectivity Service: Check internet connectivity status and listen for changes.

Installation #

Add jh_services to your pubspec.yaml file:

  jh_services: ^0.0.1

Usage #

1. Setup Service Locator #

Before using any of the services, you need to set up the service locator in your Flutter application. You can do this in your main.dart file:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:jh_services/jh_services.dart';

void main() {
    sharedPrefsConfig:SharedPrefsConfig() ,
    connectivityConfig: ConnectivityConfig(),
    networkConfig: NetworkConfig(baseUrl: 'https://api.example.com',
     defaultHeaders:  {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      // Other headers if necessary

2. Initialize Services #

You should initialize the services before using them. This is typically done in your main.dart file after setting up the service locator:

Future<void> main() async {

    sharedPrefsConfig:SharedPrefsConfig() ,
    connectivityConfig: ConnectivityConfig(),
    networkConfig: NetworkConfig(baseUrl: 'https://api.example.com',
     defaultHeaders:  {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      // Other headers if necessary

3. Using the Services #

Shared Preferences Service

import 'package:jh_services/jh_services.dart';

final sharedPrefsService = serviceLocator<SharedPrefsService>();

// Example of saving a value
await sharedPrefsService.saveString('key', 'value');

// Example of retrieving a value
String? value = await sharedPrefsService.getString('key');

Network Service

import 'package:jh_services/jh_services.dart';

final networkService = serviceLocator<NetworkService>();

// Example of making a GET request
final response = await networkService.get('/endpoint');

// Example of making a POST request
final postResponse = await networkService.post('/endpoint', data: {'key': 'value'});

// Making a POST request with FormData
final formDataResponse = await networkService.post(
  data: {
    'file': await convertImageToMultipartFile(image), // Example of using FormData
  isFormData: true,

Exception Handling in jh_services #

The jh_services package provides a robust error-handling mechanism when making network requests using Dio. Each type of network error throws a ServerException, which contains details such as an error message, the specific error type, and a status code.

Error Handling #

The following table outlines the status codes returned for each DioExceptionType in case of an error:

Dio Exception Type Status Code Description
DioExceptionType.connectionTimeout 408 The request timed out while connecting to the server.
DioExceptionType.sendTimeout 504 The request timed out while sending data to the server.
DioExceptionType.receiveTimeout 504 The request timed out while receiving data from the server.
DioExceptionType.badCertificate 495 The SSL certificate is invalid.
DioExceptionType.cancel 499 The client canceled the request.
DioExceptionType.connectionError 503 There was a network connection error.
DioExceptionType.unknown 520 An unknown error occurred.
DioExceptionType.badResponse Varies Depends on the status code from the server (e.g., 400, 401, 403, 404, 409, 422, 504).

Example of Handling Exceptions #

When you make a network request and an error occurs, a ServerException is thrown, which you can catch and process as follows:

try {
  final response = await networkService.get('/endpoint');
} on ServerException catch (e) {
  // Handle the exception
  print('Error: ${e.errorModel.message}');
  print('Status Code: ${e.errorModel.statusCode}');

Image Picker Service

import 'package:jh_services/jh_services.dart';

final imagePickerService = serviceLocator<ImagePickerService>();

// Example of picking an image
final imagePath = await imagePickerService.pickImage();

File Picker Service

import 'package:jh_services/jh_services.dart';

final filePickerService = serviceLocator<FilePickerService>();

// Example of picking a single file
final filePath = await filePickerService.pickSingleFile(allowedExtensions: ['pdf', 'docx']);

// Example of picking multiple files
final filePaths = await filePickerService.pickMultipleFiles();

Connectivity Service

import 'package:jh_services/jh_services.dart';

final connectivityService = serviceLocator<ConnectivityService>();

// Example of checking current connectivity status
final isConnected = await connectivityService.isConnected();

// Listening to connectivity changes
connectivityService.connectionStream.listen((isConnected) {
  print('Connected: $isConnected');

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.