isolates_helper 0.0.3 isolates_helper: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard
An easy way to create multiple long live isolates for computation, support try-catch block.
Isolates Helper #
An easy way to create multiple long live isolates for computation.
This package is based on the power of isolate_manager (which is also written by me) but can be used with mutiple functions.
Usage #
Define the number of isolates you want to live with concurrent
void main() async {
// Create 3 isolates to solve the problems
final isolates = IsolatesHelper(concurrent: 3); {
if (result is double) {
print('Stream get addFuture: $result');
} else {
print('Stream get add: $result');
for (double i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
isolates(addFuture, [i, i]).then((value) {
print('addFuture: $i + $i = $value');
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
isolates(add, [i, i]).then((value) async {
print('add: $i + $i = $value');
// Stop the usolate after 5 seconds
Timer(Duration(seconds: 5), () {
Future<double> addFuture(dynamic values) async {
return values[0] + values[1];
int add(dynamic values) {
return values[0] + values[1];
Use @pragma('vm:entry-point')
notation to avoid the function being trimmed when building in release mode.
Here is the ways to use try-catch
// Catch the error from the stream {
print('Stream get add: $result');
}).onError((e) {
print('Error from stream: $e');
// Catch the error from the try-catch block
try {
await isolates.compute(addException, [1, 1]);
} catch (e) {
print('Error from try-catch: $e');
You can restart all the isolates with:
Remember to stop the isolates when you don't need it:
Additional #
- This package also provides the way to implement Worker for Web platform. To keeps this package simple to use, you can read here for more details when you need it.
Contributions #
If you encounter any problems or feel the library is missing a feature, feel free to open an issue. Pull requests are also welcome.
Donations #
If you like my work or the free stuff on this channel and want to say thanks, or encourage me to do more, you can buy me a coffee. Thank you so much!